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To Hate Adam Connor

That wiped the smile off her face, and I was fascinated with the small scowl that replaced it.

I held her hips in place and asked, “Ready for your third orgasm?”


“Lucy.” I nodded toward the wet spot. “You almost squirted for me. You came for the second time before the first one was done. That’s two.”

She pursed her lips and stayed quiet.

I rested my hips against her ass and pulled at her hair until her back was resting against my front.

“I asked if you are ready.”

Her small hand found my cock, and she squeezed the head. My body shuddered with pleasure, and I bit her neck, drinking up her moans.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

I pushed her front down, grabbed my cock, and after a few hard strokes, slowly pushed into her in one slow movement, not stopping until she had every inch of me inside her.

Hearing her exhale in one big rush and seeing her widen her legs stiffened my cock even farther inside her, so when she tried to move forward and away, I squeezed one ass cheek in my palm as a silent order for her to stay still and took a step closer to her.

“Shit,” she groaned when I gave her the last bit again. “You’re so deep,” she muttered almost to herself, her head hanging.

“Look at your ass,” I whispered huskily, my voice sounding too thick to my own ears. I massaged her flesh, stroking, admiring. “Look at that beautiful ass.”

As my cock was throbbing inside her, I was unable to stop myself from gently massaging her tight little hole. Would she let me in?

My fingers still slick with her wetness, I gently pushed in a finger, and she groaned, her head falling, her body trying to pull away from the intrusion. “Maybe not today,” I said, yet still pushed in farther until she looked at me over her shoulder.

“You’re not that lucky, Connor.”

I pulled out and pushed in again, making sure I was moving my cock in and out of her slick heat too. Her head lolled down again, and she released another groan.

“Maybe not today,” I relented. I grabbed her hips and let her have it for a full minute. Shallow thrusts mixed in with deep, hard ones.

“Yes, yes, Adam, fuck, right there, right there.”

Her cries of pleasure fueled me to give her more as my hands tightened on her hips. Pulling her, pushing her…pounding her with everything in me.

I let one of my hands slide up her back, caressing the hot skin between her shoulder blades. She looked so beautiful, so open at that moment. To my cock. To me. But she was too far away, her lips, her skin…I wanted her eyes holding mine.

I rounded my hand on her throat and pulled her back up against my chest again. I saw goose bumps on her arms, the pulse on her neck erratic, her breathing shaky.

I could have her like this every day, I thought to myself. I could have her like this every day and it still wouldn’t be enough.

“Look at you,” I whispered next to her ear, my hand still around her throat, my cock still moving in and out of her.

She pushed her ass back, and I closed my eyes.

“So beautiful,” I said reverently. “So fucking beautiful. Does my cock feel good, Lucy?” I asked and felt her body tremble.

I pulled back and drove into her. Hard.

She gasped, her hand coming up to rest on my hand that was on her throat, fingers curling around my wrist.

“So fucking good,” she whispered huskily. “Will you pound into me? Make it hurt?”

I let my other hand move up from her hips and palmed her breast. “You want me to hurt you?”

“It hurts so good when you’re—”

Opening my legs wider behind her, I thrust up and groaned when her muscles clenched around me. Her breath hitched, her lips lazily stretching into a smile.

I could see my sweat dripping onto her skin as she creamed around my cock.

Roughly gripping her chin, I turned her head so she could meet my eyes, nothing but raw pleasure and deep hunger in those stormy eyes.

“You want me to go deep on you.” It wasn’t a question. “Did it feel good when you came all over my cock, Lucy? You liked how that felt, huh?”

Biting her lip, she nodded.

Holding her body flush against mine, I started pumping into her, our skin slapping.

She closed her eyes and that little frown appeared again.

“Kiss me,” I ordered. “Kiss me and I’ll give it to you again.”

To my surprise her eyes looked bewildered when she opened them. Didn’t she see what was going on with me?

“Kiss me, Lucy,” I said, gentler this time. I grabbed her arms and placed them around my neck. I nibbled on her chin, my hips moving too slow for either one of us to lose it and come. “Kiss me, baby, so I can make you come all over my cock again. Don’t you want that, Lucy? I really need to feel this sweet pussy tighten around me. Will you give that to me? Will you let me come inside you?” I found her clit with my fingertips and tenderly stroked her, causing her muscles to ripple around me.

She moaned and let me have her lips. Holding her chin in one hand and her hips in the other, I worked my cock into her with steady, fast thrusts. For a second her mouth parted from mine, and she moaned deep from her throat as her head dropped back against my chest.

I kissed her and swallowed every sound she made as I picked up my pace. Her hands tightened around my neck, her fingers grabbing my hair, pulling and pulling and pulling until I had to close my eyes and focus on anything other than how she was pushing me into complete madness. I groaned into her mouth, sucking her sweet tongue.

She broke apart from my lips and bent over the couch, letting me watch her ass pushing back to take more of me inside her.

“Oh, God, Adam. Oh, God.”

I wiped away the sweat from my forehead and grabbed her hips so I could pound harder into her.

“Yes. Yes. Harder. Right there, Adam. Yes!”

“Widen your legs, Lucy.”

I could see her legs shaking, her arms barely holding on, but she still opened them wider.

“You’re so thick. So deep. I love that,” she murmured, and it was all I could do not to puff out my chest as I listened to her moan in pleasure. “Please, don’t stop. So close, Adam. So close.”

My hands holding on to her small waist, I drove into her with everything I had. I’d never felt so big in my entire life as I watched her pussy take my cock, my balls slapping against her skin. I’d never felt so full and complete and right.

So fucking right.

A perfect pair.

“Talk to me, Adam. I’m so close, please talk to me.”

I sucked in a breath, barely holding onto my sanity. She was right on the edge, seconds away from taking me down with her.

She was a ball of pleasure waiting to burst wide open right under my hands, right around my cock.

“Come on, Lucy,” I whispered breathlessly, splaying my hand on her back and stroking softly. “Squeeze me. Do you feel how hard I am for you?” I leaned over her body, slightly changing my angle, and it hit her. “That’s it, Lucy. That’s it. Come on my cock, sweetheart.”

She sucked in her breath and silently broke apart right in front of my eyes. Her whole back erupted with goose bumps, her pussy squeezing my cock to death, her body shivering. Not wanting to hurt her by being too rough—rougher than I’d already been—I ground into her, barely holding my own release back.

When she pushed back against my cock and let out a loud moan, it was my undoing. I ground deeper into her and let myself go as she kept shaking under me. Her arms gave up and she rested her face against the couch, letting me push deep into her as I came with hard throbs inside her.
