Read Books Novel

To Hate Adam Connor

“Hmmm, so I have to make you come three times now?”

I smiled up at him and a small moan slipped out of my mouth when he changed his angle and hit my sweet spot. He knew all my angles, all my corners now.

“Shhh,” he quieted me as he kept working his cock into me, pushing me toward something I wasn’t quite ready for. “You don’t want Aiden to hear you and come to your rescue, do you?”

I shook my head and grabbed his forearm, whatever I could reach. Those lazy strokes were long gone; now he was on a mission to make me come, and he knew exactly how he could get me there. I loved Aiden with all my heart, but him coming to rescue me from his father was the absolute last thing I wanted. I wanted his father to ruin me, though in reality, he already had.

He took me exactly where he wanted to take me by pushing deep into me and grinding deeper and deeper. Oh, it was everything. I grabbed his hand and pulled it over my mouth as I came around him, and he didn’t stop working me until my leg started to shake, and he had to pull it down to keep it still. Even after that, he gently pushed me onto my stomach and positioned his legs on either side of my hips.

A new angle, a tighter fit, still slow yet deeper thrusts. He gave me his everything that morning, and I took it all.

“You make me crazy for you, Lucy,” he murmured into my ear at some point while I was trying not to pass out from all the sensations. “You make me happy.”

If you think those words didn’t hit the deepest, darkest corner of my heart, think again.

He gave me four orgasms that morning, and I gave him two—because yes, I was that good, too.

With that extra one, I should’ve known something was up.


“Good morning.”

“Arrgggh, nooo.”

“Good morning, Aiden.”

“No. Just a little more, Lucy.”

“But you have to wake up.”

“Why? Why? I’m really sleepy, Lucy. I don’t feel like I have to wake up yet.”

“But I really want some pancakes, Aiden. I asked your dad, but he won’t help me. I thought you would, but…”

He turned over and opened those eyes that looked exactly like his father’s. “He won’t help?”

I shook my head and tried to look very sad.

“You really want pancakes? Like really really want them?”

I nodded. “I’m afraid so. I really really want some pancakes with maple syrup. Lots of maple syrup.”

Aiden released a suffering sigh and hit his bed with his little hand. He had turned six just a month ago, but he was still so little in my eyes. It hadn’t been pleasant having Adeline over when we had his birthday party, but she was Aiden’s mom—at least as far as he knew. Seeing that big, big smile on his face when he saw his friends, all the balloons and toys, and the huge, colorful bounce house in the backyard…his joy made it worth being in the same room as her.

To be fair, after Adam made her release a statement basically apologizing to me, she didn’t do anything that would piss me off too much. Since Adam had bought the sex tape—which I was curious to watch, but I knew he’d already destroyed it—she wasn’t being all that bitchy. She even signed over the papers that gave sole custody to Adam.

Oh, Aiden still spent time with her, still spent some nights at her place, but he was always happier when his dad was around. Just like me.

“Daddy will owe me. Big time,” he muttered as he swung his legs over and got down from the bed.

“You’re gonna help?” I totally knew he was gonna help. He loved pancakes just as much as Olive and I did.

“You already woke me up, so I guess I should so I can eat pancakes. You always eat more than me and Daddy. How come you do that, Lucy? Girls aren’t supposed to eat that much.”

“Ah, excuse me. That happened only once, and I was starving.”

Heading toward his bathroom, he looked at me over his shoulder and smiled brilliantly. “You’re always starving, Lucy.”

The little squirt.

So with my helper on my side, we made pancakes as his dad took a shower and got ready for his day on set. As per Aiden’s request, we also invited the Thorns over for breakfast. Since Adam and Jason were costars, the five of us spent a lot of time together, on set and off. Luckily, their call time for that day was a few hours away.

Olive helped me set the dining table as Aiden and Jason protected the pancakes from us. Trust me, Olive was just as enraged as I’d been when Jason backed up Aiden on the subject of us eating too many pancakes.

Jason was smart enough to slide his arm around her waist and kiss Olive just after that declaration, and he was lucky Olive didn’t see him quietly high five Aiden.

When Adam came out of his shower wearing a sleek black suit, I had to do a double take.

“What’s the occasion?” I asked lightly as he raked his fingers through his damp hair.

“Something special.” He caught me in his arms and gently kissed me on my lips. I put down the fruit plate in my hands and turned to him in surprise.

“What’s that for?”

“It’s been five months today,” he declared.

I knew that one. It had been five months since I’d moved in with him and Aiden. There wasn’t much moving involved because I’d never had the chance to rent that apartment I’d had my eye on. One day all my clothes were at Olive’s place and the next day they weren’t. I didn’t exactly get a say in it, but I wasn’t complaining either. Like I said, sleepy sex had turned out to be my favorite kind of sex.

And Aiden…his reaction to the whole ‘your dad and I are in a serious relationship now, is that okay?’ talk was to give me a part sweet, part sly smile. He was so much like his father.

“Does that mean he will get to kiss you whenever he wants to?” he asked, his smile still in place.

“Yes, I guess that means he’ll get to kiss me whenever he wants to. If I’m angry at him, he doesn’t get to kiss me at all, though.”

He giggled. “What else does it mean?”

It meant a lot of things his little ears couldn’t—shouldn’t hear, but I kept all of them to myself.

“If you are okay with it, it would also mean that I’d get to stay with you guys.”



“Here in this house? You won’t live at Olive’s anymore?”

“No, I’d live here.”

His eyes grew big. “You’ll live with us? Forever?”

“Let’s slow down there, little human. If he pisses me off, I’m not sure how I’d feel about seeing your father’s face forever. Yours, though…” I bumped his chin with my knuckles. “Yours I wouldn’t mind seeing forever.”

Laughter filled the room as he ran off to tell his father I preferred him over Adam.

I had mentioned that he was the perfect little human before, hadn’t I?

Adam laid another kiss on me, this one more forceful, more intense, somehow even more beautiful and pulled me back to the present.

“And this one?” I asked when he let me get in a breath.

“This one was because today is our wedding day.”

The smile that was on my lips slipped away in an instant, and I took a step back from him.


“It’s our wedding day.”

“Again…what? Did I somehow time travel and miss the proposal?”
