Read Books Novel

To Hate Adam Connor

“Wait. Wait.”

He stopped, his breathing already heavy, along with my own.

“I’m rooting for you,” I whispered. “I never wished for a prince to save me, because I can save myself, thank you very much…but I’m wishing for it now, Adam Connor. I hope—and I can hope really really hard—that your kiss will break the curse. I hope it’s you, Adam. I hope you’re the hero of my story, because I deserve to be loved, goddammit. I deserve to have someone dance with me to no music.” I stopped so I could breathe and watched Adam’s eyes darken. “I deserve to have you to myself. I deserve to love you.”

He watched me, just watched for several silent seconds as I tried to quiet my screaming heart. Then without saying a single word, he reached to his back and slipped off his shirt, giving me a view of his ridiculously sexy upper body. Then he reached for my shirt, slowly, as if we had all the time in the world. I helped him by lifting my arms up, then when he went for my jeans, I lifted my hips, too. When it was all gone and I was completely naked in front of him—in more ways than one—he got rid of the rest of his own clothes, settled over me again, and pushed inside me without giving me any flowery words. I didn’t need any; I just needed him.

He was already hard, ready to fill me.

I took a deep breath and widened my legs as he pushed and pulled until he settled deep inside me, bringing us together in the most magical way; every orgasm with Adam had been magical thus far.

This time it was me who cupped his face in my hands and looked into the green depths of his eyes. “Don’t hurt me, Adam. Don’t disappoint me.”

“Never, Lucy.”

He took me with slow, steady thrusts, imprinting his cock on me, making my entire body ache for him, for the release only he was able to give me. Then he made me come around him, with nothing but whispers and promises on my skin and of course that big, beautiful cock of his. When it was his turn, he pushed his face into my neck, his cock as deep as it could go, and let go with a groan. He let me hold him until our heart rates lowered back to normal.

Raising his head, he asked me to say the words again, so I gave them to him.

“I’m so in love with you, Adam.”

Such beautiful words. Being in the same bed as him, looking into his eyes and admitting that I’d fallen for him, I hoped even harder that he’d be the one to break my curse.


Six months later

I believe in sex. Wholeheartedly.

I believe when you’re having sex with the one you love—especially if he is wielding a big one—you experience something out of this world. It’s hard to explain. It’s not quite the same as having sex with someone you’ll only know for one night, even if he happens to be a God in bed. Don’t get me wrong, sex with that guy is good too because orgasms are usually pretty magical things, but what I’m talking about is different.

Hear me out.

Loving someone, having sex with someone who loves you with everything they are, who trusts you more than they trust anyone in the world…it’s beautiful, humbling, earth-shattering, and to be honest, a little crazy.

But yeah, sex with a one-night stand versus sex with Adam…let’s just say Adam hit it out of the park every single time.

Would you like to know what kind of sex I love the most? You know almost everything about me, so it’s only fair that you know that too.

Sleepy sex. I love sleepy sex. I could have sex with sleepy sex, I love it that much.

Specifically, I should say, I love sleepy sex with Adam Connor. To be woken with his mouth on me, to gasp into his hand as he tries to keep me quiet so my moans and gasps won’t be heard by the perfect little human down the hall…to be woken with a magical cock pushing inside me–Adam’s magical cock, just in case you didn’t get that… I approve of that kind of sex each and every time.

So since I love sleepy sex so much, it was the perfect wake-up call on the best day of my life. I woke up with a big hand around my breast, squeezing and pulling my nipple. I groaned, and he shushed me gently. His lips were against my neck, kissing and licking and biting.

“What are you doing?” I asked dazedly, a small shiver running through my body as he softly bit my skin. I was still somewhere in between dream world and the real one.

His hand traveled all the way down from my breast to my thigh, and he pulled my leg up and over his thigh. I smiled, eyes still closed, and helped him by sliding back until my very naked ass rested against his very hard abs.

My leg secured over his thigh, his hand covered my hip, and he pulled me down a little.

“Adam,” I murmured sleepily as I felt his hard cock between my legs. My body was already tingling from the excitement of having that thing so close.

I rolled my hips, as much as I could manage with him behind me, and turned my head back so I could have my morning kiss.

The minute my lips were close enough he took my mouth in a slow, seducing kiss. I moaned and just let my body go soft in his arms when the warmth of him reached deep into my bones. Slowly everything faded away, and I felt nothing but the love between us.

Without his lips ever leaving mine, I felt his hand spread me open, and I could tell he was making sure I was ready to take him. Then he guided himself into me slowly, his hips moving so fucking slowly. When it was all too much to take in, I broke away from his kiss and held my breath. One last inch and he was all in.

Completely mine.

He slid his arm under mine and curled his fingers around my shoulder, holding me still for his lazy thrusts.

“Good morning, Lucy,” he whispered as I let go of my breath as quietly as I could.

I wasn’t quite ready to say anything. “Hmmm,” was all I could manage.

He pulled out, leaving nothing but the thick head inside me, and then pushed it slowly back in as I scrambled to grab his bicep with my right hand.

“Ahhhh,” I murmured, too gone for words.

“I love waking you up like this,” he whispered into my ear, somehow managing to keep his thrusts steady. “You’re so soft, so willing to do everything I say when you first wake up in the morning.” He pressed a kiss on my shoulder and gave me a perfectly timed hard thrust.


“When have I ever not been willing to get in bed with you?” I shot back quietly.

“Never, but there is something different about you when I take you first thing in the morning. I think you love it, too.”

I loved everything with him, period, but yeah, I loved watching him do all the work as he held me in his arms and let me watch him through sleepy eyes. Some mornings I did wake up before him, and if and when that happened, I always made sure he had a good start to his morning…a very good and relaxing start.

“I love your cock, period,” I admitted. “It doesn’t matter what time it is, I love having it in me any time of day.”

I managed to open my legs wider and started to roll my hips downward, urging him to go faster.

“Always so greedy and impatient,” he murmured before sucking my ear lobe into his mouth. “I love you, Lucy.”

With his words, I contracted around him and smiled through his groan.

“I love you, Adam.” There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation anymore. “I especially love when I get to come on you first thing in the morning.”

“You do? You want to come on my cock? Last night wasn’t enough?”

“Last night it was just two times. You were tired, so I didn’t want to press.” I turned my face to him. “It’s your fault,” I whispered, my eyes finally catching his. “I don’t feel satisfied unless you make me come three times in one go. It feels like there is something missing.”
