Read Books Novel


Trashy (Take It Off #10)(38)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He certainly never left me a note.

One time I found a gold necklace in his car… It wasn’t mine. He never gave me jewelry. I found out later it was something he had given one of his conquests.

This hand-drawn note wasn’t gold. It didn’t cost any money, and it would likely fade away in several days…

But it was the best gift I’d ever received.

Adam probably only thought it was a cute way of telling me where he was. And it definitely was that.

But this was a gift. A sign. Proof that he thought of me, that he knew I might wonder where he was when I woke to an empty bed. It was his way of telling me he was coming back, that I would be in his head while he was away.

This was everything.

I needed to see him. I wanted to feel his arms around me. With one last smile at the note on my skin, I raced out of the bathroom and grabbed his white dress shirt off the floor where it fell last night.

Hastily, I yanked it on and went outside to find the access to the beach.

Going outside to meet him in nothing but his shirt earned me a sweaty kiss and a dunk in the sand. I’d have to remember that for the future because I wanted more of sweaty Adam.

He carried me the entire way up to his condo. I worried about his back, his knees, and his biceps. He rolled his eyes every time I asked him if I was too heavy.

See, this was the kind of stuff I never knew I missed.

I never knew someone could make me feel wanted—small yet strong, weak but brave.

I screeched as we trailed sand through his house and into the bathroom. Once there, I thought he would set me on my feet, but he didn’t. He set me on the countertop and then walked to the glass-enclosed shower and turned on the faucet. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and his sun-kissed chest glistened with sweat. I had this incredible urge to lick him, to taste him and the salty air all in one.

Without a second thought, he stripped off his running shorts and boxers in one swoop. Since he already discarded his socks and shoes outside, he was totally naked.

Heat simmered in my core and spread, like a flame catching on a puddle of gasoline. He was already hard, and I enjoyed the full view as he prowled across the tile at me. Adam’s dark eyes smoldered as he fitted himself between my legs.

He began to unbutton my shirt, exposing my skin inch by inch.

“I know I already told you, but I love your note,” I told him, watching as he concentrated so fully on the buttons.

The corner of his mouth curved up and his dark eyes flashed to mine. “Yeah?”

I nodded and put my hands over his, stilling his movement. He looked up. “Thank you, Adam.”

He seemed a little taken aback by the sincerity, the true gratitude behind my words. “I thought about writing ‘I was here,’ but I didn’t think you’d think that was very funny.”

I grinned. “Have you ever left a note on a girl before?”

“Nope. You’re my first.” His eyes twinkled.

I liked being someone’s first at something.

“What about you, sweetheart?” he asked playfully.

I pushed my palm beneath the open shirt and laid my hand over the drawing. “It’s the best thing I’ve ever been given.”

Sorrow passed behind his eyes and the muscles in his jaw ticked. I worried that maybe I’d made too big of a deal out of something he didn’t see as such. But then it was gone and he smiled.

I shrugged out of the shirt and let it pool around my waist on the counter. Adam picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his middle. His palms cupped my ass, and I couldn’t resist rocking my core against him.

He stepped into the shower. My back was to the water and it rained down over my shoulders and saturated the back of my hair.

“You wash my back, I’ll wash yours?” he asked, letting me slide down his body. Just the feel of his hard-on pushing against me was exciting.

“Just don’t wash this off, okay? I wanna keep it,” I said, pointing at his drawing.

“I’ll draw you another one, sweetheart,” he said, dropping a kiss to my lips.

“But I want this one.”

“Whatever you want,” he said and reached up to lean my head back and saturate it with water.

We washed each other under the warm, gentle spray. I got to see and learn his body in ways I hadn’t last night.

It was the first time I was able to really touch him freely without him trying to stop me. Once I was clean and rinsed, I slipped around him so he faced the spray. I grabbed the soap and began to wash his broad back, enjoying the way his muscles felt beneath his skin.

When I’d washed everything in sight, I put the soap down and slipped my hands around his waist. I enjoyed the rippled feeling of his abs beneath my fingertips, and I explored him for a long time. Eventually, my hands began to roam south, to the nest of short, neat curls just above his package.

Adam groaned and leaned back a little, closer to my body. Feeling brave, I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, reveling in the wide thickness. I was right. When I wrapped my thumb and forefinger around him, they didn’t touch.

I began to stroke him, to explore him, and the way his body reacted was amazing. It was like he turned to putty in my hands.

But I wanted more. I didn’t want to just touch and stroke him. I wanted to taste him as well.

I moved back in front of his body and sank onto my knees before him. I cupped his balls in my hand, testing their weight and fullness. I glanced up from beneath lowered lashes, and the shower water ran down my face and hair.

Our eyes connected and held.

Adam reached out and braced his hands on either side of the shower walls. I held his chocolate gaze as I pulled his cock out toward me, keeping one hand wrapped around the base. Slowly, I took him into my mouth, inch by delicious inch, until I could feel him at the back of my throat.

His hand slid around the back of my head and his fingers delved into the wet strands of hair. I began to move, and his eyes slid closed. Then so did mine.

He was so incredibly smooth and hard, and the feel of him against my tongue, even nudging the back of my throat, was heady. Desire rose up inside me, and I felt my core liquefy, my body readying itself for him.

But I didn’t want to stop.

I wanted to suck him until he let go and filled my mouth.

I kept sucking and licking, changing up my pace and occasionally gently scraping my teeth over his shaft.

When his hips started pumping softly into my mouth, I smiled. I knew he was enjoying this.

When his body went rigid and his cock started to jerk, he tried to pull me back, but I refused to let go.
