Read Books Novel


Trashy (Take It Off #10)(39)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Rox,” he mumbled, trying once more to get me to release him.

I sucked harder and gripped his hips in my hands.

His shout bounced off the bathroom walls, and he pumped into my mouth as his semen slid across my tongue. It was salty and warm, kind of like the beach.

I swallowed it without thinking twice. When I pulled back, I wrapped my hand around him and stroked him carefully a few more times. I loved the way his body shuddered, like he just couldn’t get enough.

Then he was shutting off the water and pulling me up. The softest, biggest towel I’d ever seen was wrapped around my body, and he began to dry my limbs.

Once I was mostly dry, he grabbed another towel and hastily rubbed over himself. Adam swept me off my feet and carried me out to the bed, where he laid me across the center and pulled the towel away from my body.

“What are you doing?” I asked, even though I already knew.

“Reciprocating,” he replied, spreading my thighs.

We didn’t leave the bedroom until much, much later.



For the first time in a long time, I wasn’t chomping at the bit to get to work. In fact, I was kind of pissed we had to go. Being alone with Roxie was the only place I wanted to be right now.

Even still, I had a business to run, and since I missed last night, I had shit to make up for.

Although I knew I needed to get my ass in gear, it didn’t stop me from sitting back and enjoying the sight of Roxie wiggling her tight ass into the fitted skirt she had on last night.

I couldn’t help but notice the way she moved a little stiffly, and I felt guilty because I knew I’d overdone it with the sex. It was just so damn hard to keep my hands off her.

I pushed away from the closet where I was pulling out clothes and snagged her around the waist, towing her against me. She didn’t have a shirt on yet, only her bra, and just touching the smooth skin of her waist was enough to turn me on. “You’re sore.”

She leaned against me, the back of her head resting against my shoulder. “It was worth it.”

“Stay here with me tonight.”

She laughed. “I don’t think that will help with my soreness.”

“I just want you here. I want you close. We don’t have to have sex.”

She turned in the circle of my arms. “No?” Her eyebrow arched. “But what if I want to?”

“I wouldn’t turn you down.” I smiled.

She stretched up on her tiptoes and kissed me. “‘Kay.”

“I’ll show you a couple more things at the club and make sure everything’s straight from last night, but then I gotta head over to Mad Hatter II. I need to check in on the progress and make sure the stock arrived.”

“Tonight’s my first official night as manager,” she said and stepped out of my arms to pick up her tank and pull it on.

“You can call me if you have any problems.”

“I’ll be fine,” she said, picking up her black lace top. She wrinkled her nose at it and tossed it on the bed. Her shapely ass sashayed past me as she went into the bathroom. A few seconds later, she came out wearing the white dress shirt she had on earlier.

I grinned. “What is it with you and my clothes?”

She paused in buttoning it up. “Does it bother you?” she asked, suddenly looking a little shy.

“Hell no,” I drawled, moving to help her finish buttoning it. “My closet is your closet. I can’t say I like the idea of all the men at the club looking at you in my shirt. It’s too fucking sexy.”

She laughed. “I have to go home and change. I can’t wear the same outfit two days in a row.”

I grunted. Women. “Get something for tomorrow, then, too so you don’t have to go home again.”

A funny look crossed her face and her cheeks seemed to pale.

“Are you sick?” I asked, going to her side.

She shook her head and then gave me a smile. “I’m okay. I think I just need some coffee.”

“Woman, you know me and coffee is a fire hazard.”

That earned me a grin. “I can make it.”

“I, uh, don’t have a coffee pot.”

She gasped. “I cannot stay where there is no access to coffee.” The horror on her face was amusing as hell.

“I’ll buy you a coffee machine, sweetheart, the best one there is.”

“Hmmm.” She pretended to consider.

I kissed her silly, making her forget all about the coffee. She swayed when I released her. I smiled smugly. “C’mon, get your stuff. We’ll get your coffee on the way to the club.”

We took the Roadster this morning because it was hot as hades outside and sitting on the bike was not appealing. Plus, it would make it hard to drink coffee. The little noises she made when her first, second, and third sips passed through her lips gave me an instant hard-on.

Her Mazda was still sitting in the same spot she parked it in the night before, and I had a flashback of her flushed cheeks from her broken A/C. Instead of taking the spot next to her, I pulled the car in front of hers and left the engine to idle.

“What are you doing?” Roxie asked, glancing at me.

“Take my car.”

“What? No.” She refused, just like I knew she would. She was stubborn with a capital S.

“I will not have you driving around in this heat without A/C,” I told her. “You’re gonna get sick.”

“My place isn’t that far from here. I’ll be fine,” she insisted.

“Yes,” I said. “You will be because you’ll be in this car with the air going.”

“Adam.” She said my name like it was a threat.

It turned me on.

I pinned her with a hard stare. “I won’t have it. What the hell kind of man would I be if I let you drive around like that?”

“The kind I’m used to,” she muttered, looking away.

The words pierced me like an arrow to the chest. It wasn’t anything to do with me, it wasn’t a slam on me, but on every other guy she’d ever known.

“Fuck,” I muttered and climbed out of the driver’s seat, letting the car idle.

This woman was going to drive me insane.

I stalked around the front end of the BMW and around to the passenger side and wrenched open the door. Roxie was looking at me warily, like she wasn’t sure what was going on.

“I shouldn’t have said that.” She apologized. “You’re nothing like any other man I’ve known.”
