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Tricks (Take It Off #6)(32)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Slowly, he pulled, dragging out my anticipation and creating an agonizing ache between my thighs. When the bow was no more, he abandoned the strips of silk, parting them and sliding his fingers around to deftly open the buttons at the base of my neck.

Everywhere he touched I felt the kiss of longing. The only thought in my head in that moment was, Don’t stop.

When he reached for the hem of my shirt and glanced at me for permission, I could do nothing but nod my head.

He didn’t have to be told twice. The silk was lifted up and away, disappearing where I couldn’t see it. His hands curved around my hips as his eyes drank me in.

“Holy fuck, Charlie. You’re gorgeous.” He said it like a prayer, like he somehow stumbled across something sacred.

My knees began to tremble. The need within me was so great my body was having a hard time keeping it in.

Tucker released my sides and drew his hands upward, toward my gray-and-white satin pushup bra. I knew my chest was amply displayed for him, the tops of my creamy breasts peeking out from the soft fabric.

Both his palms slid over my breasts, covering them, squeezing them lightly. He released a ragged breath and began to knead them, massaging them with his fingers and thumbs. My skin began to tingle and this incredible urge to arch my back to display them even more shamefully filled me.

He dipped his fingers beneath the edges of the fabric and yanked the cups down. It was a lightning fast, abrupt movement. The bra was still hooked around my torso and the material bunched beneath my breasts, pushing them upward toward his touch. The cool air brushed over my already heated skin and I felt my nipples tighten.

The ends of my hair hung loose, tickling the already swollen and sensitive touch, giving me the urge to shake my head just to feel the silky strands heighten my pleasure even further. But Tucker wanted to be the one to deliver my pleasure.

He used the backs of his hands to push my hair back over my shoulders and flicked his thumbs across each of my hard nipples. I jolted with bliss and his mouth curved upward in an all-knowing smile.

It was as if he knew all the secrets to my body and he couldn’t wait to share them all with me.

He continued the exquisite torture tracing a wide circle around my nipples, dragging his nails lightly across the skin and then pinching them both at exactly the same time.

I gasped as warm liquid slicked the inside of my panties. My skirt had ridden up, exposing some of the white cotton of my crotch, and I inhaled, noting the air around us was beginning to smell heady with the scent of desire.

He bent his dark head to take my breast into his mouth.

I stopped thinking.

He suckled at the delicate flesh, pulling it into his mouth and rubbing over it with his tongue. Then he would release it to lick at my nipple like it was some kind of delicious dessert. Just when I thought he would move to the next one, he reached around to deftly unhook the material and toss it away, completely baring my torso. My breast filled his hand completely when he palmed it, lifting it up so he could dive down to lick and suck the underside.

I moaned and my head fell back. Giving in, I arched my back, offering up every inch of my chest to his lips.

As his mouth worked my nipple, nipping at its hardness and then lapping at it with his slightly rough tongue, his hands slid around my bottom, where he took handfuls of my butt and squeezed. The motion caused me to rock against him, my slick heated crotch coming into contact with the rigid length of his penis.

Tucker stood abruptly, not letting me go, and started toward the bedroom. I anchored my legs around his waist and hung on for the ride. As he walked, his mouth found my other breast and he sucked it into his mouth and growled. The sound vibrated my flesh and I pushed myself farther against his mouth.

I felt swollen with need. Shaky and desperate for release.

The bedroom was dark, the only light in the room coming from out in the hall. Tucker laid me across the bed, kneeling between my thighs and looking down at my half-naked body.

I practically squirmed under his stare, not because I didn’t like it, but because I did.

Tucker gathered my wrists together and raised them up above my head, anchoring them against the mattress with one of his hands. The weight of his body came over me, his bare chest brushing against mine when he claimed my mouth with his.

He kissed with a passion I had never known. The way his lips seemed to know every single angle, every single pressure point, made me want to beg for more. He kissed me long and deep; he kissed me short and brief. He kissed the corner of my mouth, dragging his lips across my jawline where he buried his face in my neck.

Teeth nipped at my earlobe and his voice whispered naughty phrases that no one had ever whispered to me before.

“I’m going to spread your legs wide and you’re going to feel every inch of me.”

I squirmed beneath him. I tried to free my hands. I yearned to scrape my nails down his back, feel the way his muscles bunched, and hold his face when he kissed me.

But he wouldn’t let me move. He anchored me to the bed and all I could do was endure the sweet torture he bestowed upon my body. His tongue traveled down my neck where his teeth nipped and scraped. I shivered so much that my body settled into a continuous tremble. He drew his tongue downward, tracing a path between my breasts all the way down to my stomach, where his tongue circled my belly button and then slid off to the side.

I tried to squeeze my thighs together, but he wasn’t going to have it. Instead, he pulled his knee up, pushing it right into my wet panties and using the pressure of his thigh to add heat to the fire. His mouth increased pressure as he pulled a mound of flesh from my belly into his mouth and sucked, creating minimal pain that had me gasping for more.

As he sucked that certain spot, he moved his knee around, grinding it against me as my stomach muscles clenched.

I was panting by the time he released me.

Using his hands, he spread my thighs as far as my skirt would allow and pressed gentle kisses to the inside of my legs. He licked along the edge of my panties, in that hollow part where my thigh meets my body, and I called out his name, delving my fingers deep into his dark hair.

He sat back, placing the heel of his hand on my swollen clit, and began rubbing in a circular motion, teasing it, using the wetness of my own panties to further increase my pleasure.

My back arched up off the mattress and his mouth captured my breast once more. I wanted to touch him. My mind kept whispering to reach out and grab a handful of his sexiness.

But I couldn’t.

My desire—my need—was so intense that it made my body heavy. It made my brain sluggish. The only thing I could do was let wave after wave of pleasure roll through me.
