Read Books Novel


Tricks (Take It Off #6)(33)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Tucker sat back, towering over me like some kind of master to stare down at me through the darkness. Watching my face, he lowered the zipper on the side of my skirt, slipping his hands in the waistband, pulling it down over my hips and legs. I couldn’t control the way my legs were shaking. I tried to still them, but it was no use. It was almost as if I was no longer in control of my own body, but he was.

He didn’t say a word when he removed my panties, dragging them over my body until they were completely gone and I was totally exposed.

A sound echoed from the back of his throat and his fingers delved into the short, groomed curls just above the entrance to my body. Lightly he stroked the skin there, like he was studying some sort of map.

I reached for the belt on his trousers, wanting to see what was creating such a tent in the front of his pants. He snatched my hand away and brought it up, pressing a kiss to my fingertips and shaking his head no.

Tucker guided my hand away from him and brazenly placed it on the folds of my vagina. My skin immediately became slick with the juices from my body.

“I want to see you touch yourself.”

He wanted me to touch myself.

I never touched myself. It was something I just never had done. Maybe he understood that, or maybe he just wanted to be involved, but he took my pointer finger and began sliding it up and down my folds. I cried out.

“You’re soaking wet,” he purred, and I felt a flash of satisfaction that my body pleased him.

He drew back his hands and grabbed my hips and lifted, gently flipping me over. My stomach fluttered with nervous energy because I had no idea what he was planning to do.

But I trusted him.

I trusted him completely.

His weight came over me again, pressing me into the blankets and brushing the hair off my neck. His tongue teased along the back of my hairline, licking and then blowing over the moistened area.

I wiggled a little under the attention, my body seeking something more. His hips settled against my bottom, stilling the action but creating even more yearning inside me. He raked his hands over my back, down the curve of my spine. Then he sat back to knead my buttocks, and I moaned his name.

The next thing I knew he was settling back over me, his chest against my back with his elbows resting on either side of me, surrounding me totally.

He was no longer wearing his pants. The unmistakable hardness of his bare erection and the rough texture of the hair nestled between his thighs brushed against my bare ass and caused me to moan.

He kissed my cheek, the corner of my eye. His tongue delved into my ear and he drew the lobe into his mouth.

“I want to feel you from the inside,” he whispered in my ear.

I whimpered. God, I had never in my entire life wanted anything as much as I wanted him inside me.

One of his hands slid down my body and reached between the mattress and my pelvis. He lifted so my hips were tilted upward and his fingers probed into the nest of my curls. Holding me in that position, I felt the swollen crest of him tease my opening. My hands twisted in the blankets as his finger brushed over my swollen clit making it throb even more with sweet anticipation.

He pushed inside me with a single stroke. I moaned and buried my face in the blankets, trying to stifle the amount of noise I was making. I couldn’t help it.

So. Damn. Good.

His penis was rock hard and it strained against the walls of my vagina, stretching me out and filling me up.

In my ear, his breath was ragged as he slowly began to move. In and out, in and out. He kept his body against mine so we experienced full body contact along with his amazing thrusts. He kissed across my shoulder blades; he kissed the back of my neck.

My juices coated his cock with ease and he slid back and forth, creating friction and causing a build-up of epic proportions.

It was entirely erotic that I could feel him, that I knew how large and how hard he was… but I had yet to lay eyes on the member that delivered such sweetness.

Then he pulled away and I was left with this aching sadness that almost made me weep. “Turn for me, darlin’,” he said.

I did so eagerly, flipping over and fastening my gaze on his magnificent naked body. He was thick and lengthy, the hardened flesh jutted out from his body like a warrior primed for battle.

Before I could look my fill, he settled between my thighs and pushed inside me once more. Little chills of ecstasy raced across my skin. I wrapped my arms around his back, digging my nails into the smooth skin stretched over muscle as he pounded inside me.

The muscles inside me began to contract and he balanced himself on his hands, looking down at me as he continued to move.

“I want you to cum now,” he commanded.

It was like he flipped a switch inside my body. An orgasm exploded through me, causing me to cry out over and over again as wave after wave of bliss rocked me.

I felt him stiffen, his body going rigid as he shoved his arm beneath me, lifting my languid body off the mattress and gathering me close. I felt his release pump inside of me. My body welcomed it; my body craved it. His stifled moan was like a symphony to my ears.

And then he collapsed on top of me. I could feel the erratic beating of his heart as satisfaction filled my every cell.

I’d never known.

I’d never imagined.

This was the stuff movies were written about. This was the stuff that I thought only lived in books.

It wasn’t just a fairytale.

It was real.



Best. Sex. Ever.

And I’ve had a lot of sex in my life, so for me to be lying here (still on top of the woman even) and be instantly craving more is saying something.

Damn, she made the perfect partner. She let me take the lead, she let me ravish her body, and the sounds she made… the sounds about drove me wild. Her body was tight and my cock fit inside her like a sports car in a custom garage. Like she was made just for me.

Just replaying what happened between us had me stirring to life with renewed energy. My arms were still wound around her body. I was likely crushing her, but she didn’t complain. I slid out of her moist heat, my dick hating me for it, and I started to pull away.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up, giving me a relaxed smile. It was the most relaxed I’d ever seen her. God, she was beautiful. I dipped my head, connecting our mouths to press a full, gentle kiss to those heart-shaped lips.

I rolled off her, taking up residence on the empty side of the bed.

I just kissed her… willingly. The thought had my stiffening cock softening and my mind wondering what the hell was wrong with me.

I never kissed women after we did the deed.
