Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(10)
Author: B.J. Harvey

But I’ll keep trying. You never know, I might be one of the few lucky ones who finds her diamond in the rough, or at least an honest man who doesn’t have to show me his penis to get my attention.

Either one.

Chapter 5: “Love On Top”


“KAATTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEE!” Mac calls out from her bedroom where she has been ensconced with Daniel for the past few hours, and yes, I really should have gone out or something. Instead, I turned the volume up on the movie I was watching to block out the giggles and moans.

“What?” I reply, not bothering to move from my nice, comfy spot on the couch.

“Can you come here for a minute.”

“Sure, but you better be decent. I don’t need to see Daniel’s weapon of mass impregnation again.”

Yes, you heard that right. I had the most unfortunate, and embarrassing, honor of walking into the apartment after a busy Saturday to find Mac spread out on the coffee table with a kneeling Superman at full attention, plowing into her. Not one of their finest moments, and I’ve never looked at the coffee table the same way again.

I hear them both laughing. “Don’t lie Kate, you liked it,” Daniel pipes up.

I shake my head and grin. “Dude, you’re my best friend’s baby daddy. I’m not supposed to see your junk.”

“Fair enough. But for your information, you’re safe from any indecent exposure,” he replies.

“Oh, alright then. Saves shouting down the house.” I push myself off the couch and pad down to Mac’s doorway to find them semi dressed but covered up, though there is no mistaking the ‘entertainment’ that has been taking place if Mac’s mussed up hair and flushed cheeks are anything to go by.

“God, you guys are like rabbits!” I say, grinning. In Kate speak, what I really mean is I’m so freaking jealous it’s insane. All I get are sexy dreams with unattainable dream guys.

Daniel flashes a huge shit-eating grin. “It’s not my fault she can’t keep her hands off me.”

“Oh stop it. It’s these crazy pregnancy hormones.”

“That’s not what you said when you stuck your-“

“Anyway…” I say, trying to stop the sex talk.

“Oh yeah,” Mac says, sitting up cross-legged on the tangled sheets after giving Daniel a none too impressed glare. Her cute little baby pot belly clearly poked out from under her tank top now. “Daniel’s parents want to meet us for lunch tomorrow and I need you to come with us.”

“Mac, no. It’s not my place.”

“Whatever. Since when has it not been your place to support your best friend? And I need you there as a distraction.” She pulls out the puppy dog eyes and bats her lashes at me. I look over at Daniel and he’s smirking at the interaction, but seeing my glare, he holds his hands up in mock surrender. “If it’s me you’re worried about, Kate, I’d love for you to come. If it means that Mac chills out and reduces the risk of a bathroom freak-out, I’m all for it,” Daniel butts in, ending with a smirk toward Mac.

She shrugs and looks back at me. “He’s right, you know.”

I giggle. He’s so damn right. Goes to show how perfect Daniel is for Mac.

“Yeah. Damn superhero know-it-alls.” I poke my tongue out at him. “Where and when? I’ll be there.”

“Yay” Mac shrieks, jumping up and tackle hugging me into the hallway wall.

“Whoa, dude, are you crying?”

She quickly wipes her eyes, failing to hide the evidence. “No!”

I pull back and look at her with a ‘you have got to be shitting me’ look.

“Oh alright. Yes. Stupid hormones. I’m like a leaky f**king faucet. All I do is cry. Nobody warns you about this girly shit!”

I quietly laugh while wrapping my arm around her shoulder. “And you’ve still got four months to go too.”

“Oh, shut up. I need bacon. Lots and lots of bacon. You owe me bacon after that comment.”

I hear Daniel chuckle as we walk away.

I’m going to miss these two when they move.

A little while later, I’m checking my online options once again, when I come across a profile that catches my eye.


I’m 27 years old and looking to meet new people, make new friends, and if I’m lucky enough, find my soul mate. I work hard and play harder. I can be somewhat intimidating at times, but really I’m a softie at heart. Would love to talk to you.

My first thought is that he sounds nice and honest. He admitted a fault in his profile which would normally put people off, but I find it kind of endearing. Looking at his photo, he’s got gorgeous wavy brown hair that is longer on top and short on the sides-definitely looks after himself. I bite the bullet and message him.

Fireinthesky24: Hi. I’m Kate and I’m 24. Just wanted to say that I loved your profile and would love to like to chat more if you’d like. To chat that is.

God! How is it that in the salon I can talk my clients’ ears off all day and not sound like a nut, but this internet dating thing suddenly makes me sound like the world’s biggest goof?

I see Nightdancer23 come online, so I sit there for a good five minutes waiting to see if he’s going to message me. Our conversation last night gave me hope that not all men on this site were like Roger-old, wrinkly, and liars.

I smile when I see a new message come in from nightdancer.

Nightdancer23: Hey, Firebird. How’s your Sunday going?

Fireinthesky24: Hi. Sunday has been good to me so far. Just hanging around home with my best friend and her boyfriend. How about you?

Nightdancer23: Just boring stuff. It’s my only day off, so I try to stay on top of things.

Fireinthesky24: How very responsible of you ?

Nightdancer23: Ah yes, a responsible single male in Chicago. See, they do exist!

Fireinthesky24: They do indeed. A rare find, and a treasure to behold.

Nightdancer23: One might say you shouldn’t waste time when you find such a rare gem.

Hot damn! This guy is the biggest flirt I’ve ever met! He makes Zander seem tame!

Fireinthesky24: Ah yeah, maybe ? But one must proceed with caution to make sure the gem is genuine and not a replica.

Nightdancer23: Touche. Indeed.

Fireinthesky24: And how about you? Are you genuine or a replica?

Nightdancer23: I’m as genuine as they come. Tried and tested.

Fireinthesky24: *giggles* Don’t think you should be telling women that you’re well tried ?

Nightdancer23: Probably not. Maybe I need to be put under your close scrutiny then.

Fireinthesky24: The testing process could be rigorous.

Nightdancer23: I think I’m *up* for the challenge.

Fireinthesky24: Maybe we should arrange a meeting so that this testing can begin.

Nightdancer23: I’d like to get to know you a bit better first. Is that ok?
