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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(9)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Nightdancer23: Is it wrong that I’m thinking that you, going to sleep in a cold bed, is a crime?

Fireinthesky24: Not wrong. A bit forward maybe, but I can deal with forward from a distance.

Nightdancer23: Good to hear, Firebird. Till next time *wink*

Fireinthesky24: Firebird?

Nightdancer23: Sorry, it’s just a name that came to me when I saw your photo.

Fireinthesky24: I like it ?

Well, color me pink and call me candy floss. Forward and flirty. Dammit, why can’t Mac help me decipher this? She’s the queen of reading into things. I’ll have to ask her in the morning when she’s not so busy with Superman over there.

Time for bed and a romance novel to drown my sorrows in. I shuffle into my bedroom, snuggling deep under the covers with my kindle, waiting for sleep to come. Ten pages-and one sex scene later-my kindle hits me in the face as I fall asleep holding it.

Kate the dork for the win!

He stands at the end of the bed, his eyes full of hunger as he roams my naked body. From the tips of my toes, he slowly rakes his eyes over me…the curve of my hips, the dip of my waist, my heavy aching br**sts as they rise and fall quickly…the eroticism of the moment engulfing me. I’m panting with need, biting my lip to stop me from begging him to take me.

“God, you’re beautiful. You’re every man’s wet dream. I’ve dreamed of you like this, naked and waiting for me, wanting me.”

“Fuck,” I moan, lifting my hands up to cup my br**sts, my thumbs on each hand rubbing across my hard ni**les sending delicious tingles straight down to my wet pu**y.

“I plan to, and I’m gonna take my time because you deserve the world, Kate. You deserve everything I have to give you and more.”

“Touch me, I need you to touch me.” I’m begging, but I don’t care. My entire body is on fire, and he’s the spark that is burning me.

“Try and stop me, Firebird.”

Wait, what?

I shake my head, not wanting to lose the moment.

His large rough hands are all over me. He puts a knee on the bed between my feet as he skims the inside of my calves, gently easing my legs further apart as he moves up my body.

As he dips his head to rain kisses up my thighs, he looks up at me, his eyes ravenous. “You’re so f**king beautiful. What did I do to deserve you?”

“So close…” I moan, increasing the pressure on my aching ni**les.

“You’re so hot. I have to taste you. I have to be inside you.”

“Yes!” I cry out as his tongue swipes my core, stopping at my throbbing clit which is begging for attention.

As if he can read my mind, he moves his fingers up, slowly pushing one, then two inside of me. My pu**y is so wet that he easily slips back and forth as his tongue circles my clit before he wraps his lips around it and sucks hard, flicking back and forth. My hips buck up, forcing his fingers deeper into me as I moan loudly, relishing in the growing pressure deep within me dying to be released.

Ring Ring

FUCK! So not the time for the phone to ring. He looks up at me, his eyes all-knowing as he lightly scrapes his teeth over my clit and inserts a third finger deep inside me as my climax takes hold. I buck my hips wildly against him as I come hard and loud. I knew it would be good, but this is beyond any of my wildest fantasies.

Ring Ring

I sit bolt upright in bed. Holy shitballs, Batman! What the hell was that all about?

A sheen of sweat covers my whole body as I struggle to catch my breath. That was, without a doubt, the most erotic dream I’ve ever had, and with Zander of all people? What the hell!

And he called me firebird? We haven’t spent enough time together for him to call me a nickname. And firebird…why does that seem so familiar?

Ring Ring

Fuck, I knew I woke up for a reason.

“Hello,” I answer breathlessly.

“Katelyn Marie. Have you been running?” my mother’s warm voice replies soothingly.

“Hey, Mom. Running? No, sorry. I…uh, I just ran to answer the phone, that’s all. How are you?” I look over at the clock and see its 8 a.m. Only Mom would ring at the butt crack of dawn on a Sunday morning.

“I’m good. Your father and I are leaving for church soon, but I wanted to call my baby girl first. How is your weekend?”

“It’s okay. I worked yesterday morning. Stayed in last night.”

“Oh, darling, I do wish you’d meet a good man soon. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

Great one, Mom. State the f**king obvious.

“I’m not over the hill yet, Mom,” I say deadpan.

“I know, sweetheart, but you need someone that can look after you.”

“I’m fine, Mom,” I reply with a sigh.

“Sweetheart, there is a man for you somewhere. You never know, you may have already met him and not realized it yet. By the way, has Mark called you this week?” Mark is my eldest brother. Joseph is the middle child, and I’m the baby.

“No, why’s that?”

“Him and Felicity are expecting again. Isn’t it wonderful?” she exclaims. I can hear the pride beaming down the phone. Yet again, one of my brothers is procreating while I can’t even find a man to date more than once. Fantastic. Just what I needed to hear.

“That’s awesome, Mom. I’ll give them a call later today. I can’t believe I’m going to have another niece or nephew,” I answer her, my voice full of fake enthusiasm.

“And by the time you have kids, they’ll be able to babysit yours.”

“Mom!” I shake my head, but I can tell by her tone that she’s teasing me.

“Alright, well your father says hi, but I have to go. He’s walking out the door. I’ll talk to you next week, okay?”

“Talk to you then. Bye.” I hang up the phone. She may have just disturbed the hottest dream I’ve ever had but she’s my mom, what can I do.

Last night turned into a one person pity party, but at least there was one small ray of sunshine. Whoever nightdancer23 is, he made me feel a little better about my first internet dating failure.

I lie back down in bed and hug my pillow as I look at the sun streaming in the window.

Maybe I need to be a bit more picky about who I go on dates with from now on, and definitely ask for a recent photo, verified, with a newspaper or something. There is no way that photo Roger sent me was recent. God, he was way out of my age range, and totally not my type.

Why lie on an internet dating site? Surely you realize you’re going to get found out, especially if you’re going to meet up with someone. And isn’t that why you go on a site like Chicago Singles? Well, actually, going by the number of messages I have had with photos of various male appendages-and I mean various-it seems that men have no shame. Big, small, bent, it doesn’t matter. If it’s a cock, and it’s erect, it seems to be open season for selfies. It’s like they get a boner and think “Hmm, I should take a photo of this,” Then, while jacking off at their computer-probably to some f**ked up, free  p**n  channel-they decide to send said photo to whichever female happens to be online at that time.
