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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(2)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Imagine if you will, having to strip down to your underwear and shake your ass in front of a group of drunken ladies who think that because they’ve paid for you to dance for them, they can touch you in places that would otherwise be frowned upon in public. My balls are fondled nightly which I know sounds like a guy’s wet dream, but I’ve actually had a work related injury caused by a forty year old lady, her fake fingernails, and a fondle and twist gone wrong. My balls were black and blue for a week after that.

Another Friday night and I’ve just finished my second bachelorette party for the night. I’ve called in to 42nd Street bar on my way home to catch up with my roommate Zach who tends bar there on the weekends. A cold Bud after a gig is the perfect way to wind down, and this particular brew is going down very well tonight. Usually, I’d be all up for burying myself balls deep inside a willing female, but since my friend Mac met her boyfriend, I haven’t felt like going out on the prowl. It’s not as if I’m heartbroken; Mac and I were friends who just happened to go off in the sack together. And don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I don’t get my fair share of phone numbers and offers from clients, but I have a rule about that. You don’t screw on the job. No clients, no friends of clients, and no female colleagues. The only exception to that rule was Mac, but the chemistry between us was scorching. I mean, we could barely control ourselves when we first met. I banged her up against the side of her friend’s house half an hour after meeting her.

It was so f**king hot.

A few months ago, I thought that something might happen with her best friend Kate. Having saved her from a drunken ass**le who wouldn’t take no for an answer, and getting her home safely, she kissed me with those perfect plump lips of hers, and it took all of my self-restraint to stop it from going further, but I didn’t want her to regret it in the morning even though I know I wouldn’t have regretted a damn thing about being with her.

Kate. My fantasy girl personified. From her fiery red hair to her five foot nothing body with curves for miles. She’s a good girl; a take home to mom kind of girl. Definitely not a one night stand type of girl who you’d subject to the walk of shame the next morning. Unfortunately, there is also the whole sloppy seconds issue which doesn’t bother me one bit, but I know it would bother her.

She’d be a good friend though, and I don’t have many female friends. Mainly because women only seem to want me on their arm, making them look good, but as soon as I catch on to that fact, I’m out the door. I work hard to stay in shape; I have to keep up with it to stay stripping, but that doesn’t make me a juice head. Not only does a woman have to like me as a person and not just arm candy, she needs to be as adventurous as I am, in and out of the bedroom. I have this thing for sex in public places. The thrill of getting caught with my pants down, and the excitement of someone possibly watching seems to get me harder than nothing else. Having someone as equally into exhibitionism as I am would be a sure fire winner in my book.

What I really need is a good girl with a naughty side; a girl who I can take home to mom and who I can introduce to my baby sisters, but who is also a firecracker behind closed doors. A girl who has the perfect mix of sugar and spice. THAT would be my perfect girl.

About three weeks ago, Zach and I got drunk one night after work. We pulled out his laptop and started surfing the net. It was going well, lots of laughs over viral videos of idiots doing stupid shit until Zach saw an ad for Chicago Singles. It was all downhill from there.

“Dude, you got to do it! I know, I dare you to go on Chicago Singles for a month and go out on at least one blind date,” Zach slurred before cracking up laughing like he’d just said the funniest thing ever.

“Fuck that. Do you know what kind of girls are on that? Cougars who are looking for arm candy, or ugly broads who can’t get a man any other way. It’s desperate, dude. No. Fucking. Way.”

“I’ll make it interesting for you,” he’d said, and it was suddenly a done deal. Two months free rent if I completed the dare. If I didn’t, I’d have to work one shift a week at the bar for Zach for a whole month.

I’m just downing the last of my bottle when I see a flash of red hair out of the corner of my eye. Turning my head, my eyes follow the short redhead to a booth where she sits down with a man who looks old enough to be her father, let alone her date. She turns her face toward the bar and her bright blue eyes widen when she sees me. My smile disappears when I see her shake her head at me before looking back toward her dad…I mean, date.

I turn back to the bar and hold my arm up to signal Zach to bring me another beer. A quick nod, a flick of his wrist and another ice-cold bottle of Bud is sliding along the bar toward me. Spinning around on my stool, I lean back against the bar and set myself up to watch the show that Kate and her dad date are about to provide.

Before she sits down, she removes her black cropped jacket and exposes her porcelain skinned shoulders. She sits up higher in her chair when she sees me staring at her, pushing her shoulders back in a defiant pose, and making it obvious that she’s trying hard not to let my presence affect her. I love the fact that I’m getting to her. I don’t know why, but I like seeing her being as affected by me as I am. I’m about to get up to go say a friendly hello and make this night a hell of a lot more interesting when Zach comes around the bar and sits next to me.

“How was your gig, bro?” he asks, taking a drink of his own beer.

“Same old story. Mother-in-law to be had too much wine and went all grabby hands on me. Managed to escape with my junk uninjured and intact.” I smile, but don’t take my eyes off Kate.

Beautiful, feisty Kate looks hot as hell right now. She’s wearing a bright red dress with a plunging v neckline which dips halfway down her stomach, giving every man in the room an awesome view of her cle**age. And God, those tits look like they’d be the perfect handful. I can just imagine pushing my hard body against hers and wrapping my arms around her, cupping them as she leans back into me. Then spinning her around and taking her rose red ni**les into my mouth as she moans sexily. Holy shit, down boy! I only hope that dress of hers is stuck to her like glue or else she’s going to give her sugar daddy a heart attack. If that’s the plan, someone needs to tell her that you’re supposed to wait until after the wedding for that.

“Bro, you’re being obvious,” Zach says, bumping my shoulder.

“I know, and she knows I’m looking.” I look over at him and wink.

“She’s with a date, man. That’s not your usual style.” I frown when I realize he’s right, I don’t go after the unavailable or unattainable, but Kate…well, I’m not sure what she is. Definitely not unavailable; that night a few months ago proved that. Unattainable? To me, she’s a perfect ten. I’d definitely be punching above my weight with her. I’d be the one walking around like a cocky S.O.B if Kate were mine.
