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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(3)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“I know that, but look at him. He’s old enough to be her dad. It’s like watching a train wreck about to happen.” I chuckle as she looks at me again and starts blushing. Even from across the bar, there is no mistaking the redness creeping up her cheeks. It’s cute as all hell, and my mind wanders, imagining other situations where I could make her blush.

My c**k starts to harden as I blatantly check her out. The dress gathers at her waist before falling into a short, fitted skirt, leaving plenty of flawless skin exposed as my gaze travels down to the sexiest pair of black heels I have ever seen. God, if I were half-mast before, I’m full speed ahead now with images of Kate spread out in front of me, her red hair fanned across my pillow, and wearing nothing but those heels and a sultry smile.

“Zan, you either need to get laid, or go home. Or both. Seriously, getting a boner in the middle of a bar while staring at a total stranger is not a good look” he says with a chuckle.

I groan, turning around to save myself from the torture that is my new favorite redhead’s disaster date.

“You’re telling me.” I down the rest of my beer before standing up from the stool. “Might be best if I leave you to it. See you at home then?”

“Should do, unless I get a better offer of course,” he adds with a wink. That man is never short of offers.

“All good. Keep an eye on her for me,” I ask, tilting my head toward Kate.

“Sure. So you already know her?”

“Yeah, Mac’s best friend.”

“Ah, I see. She the one you told me about?” Zach asks, shooting a glance in Kate’s direction.

“Yeah, man. That’s her.”

“Damn. And you’re sure you aren’t gonna go there? From where I’m standing, she’s smoking hot, and you’re more than well aware of that fact.”

“She was drunk. She’s not the type of girl to have a one night stand,” I explain.

“All good then. I’ll watch out for her. Hell, she’s so hot I’d watch her anyway.”

I growl under my breath, earning a chuckle from Zach. “Thanks. Be good, or if you can’t be good, be as bad as I am.” I pat him on the back as I take one last look at Kate before shaking my head and walking out the door.

I must text Mac and find out what the deal is with Kate. She doesn’t come across as the type of woman who’s looking for a sugar daddy, which makes her date even more of a crack up. And she definitely noticed me; that blush all but gave her away.

As I walk out the door into the warm night air, I find myself wanting to find out more about the enigma who is Kate McGuinness. And I’d also give anything to see her in those heels again, preferably naked.


I knew coming to 42nd Street Bar would be a mistake.

Roger had seemed nice enough on his profile, and the messages we’d exchanged were interesting enough, but the moment I’d met him outside and realized that he was at least ten years older than he said, I knew this would be yet another Kate dating disaster.

I’m starting to think I need to write a book about how not to date in Chicago. Seriously, I like to think I’m a pretty good judge of character, but lately my judgment has been seriously impaired. Scratch that, seriously off f**king kilter.

Mac and Daniel acting like a pair of loved up teenagers has made yearning for my own happily ever after increase tenfold, so last week I took the plunge and decided to sign up to an internet dating website. In fact, when I’d told Mac about it one lazy Sunday afternoon, she was so on board with it that she’d grabbed my laptop and we sat on the couch together, writing and rewriting my dating profile.

First, the “Tell us about yourself” section.

My name is Kate, and I’m a 24 year old hairdresser born and bred in Chicago.

I’m looking for my happily ever after, and after searching the kingdom far and wide, I’ve decided to give internet dating a shot.

I’m a 5 ft. 1 natural redhead with great style and a wicked sense of humor. I like to socialize and meet new people, and I’m always up for new experiences.

I’m looking for a man between 23-30 years of age with a great job, strong family ties, and who likes to have fun and try new things like me.

No photo, No reply.

Then we’d needed to upload a photo. After searching through all of my social media accounts, Mac and I had finally agreed on a photo taken of me a few months ago showing my profile from the back, with my hair blown out in a 50’s pin up girl style. My face was hidden in the photo which is what I’d wanted. I’d be mortified if anyone recognized me on the site.

Internet dating is still a social no-man’s-land, but it’s more acceptable these days, no longer seen as a last ditch attempt to find somebody, anybody to love you. I see it as a new and different way to meet people who you may not have otherwise come into contact with. Your lives may not have been destined to cross paths, so it’s almost a way of bypassing destiny and taking a chance.

And that’s what this is for me, taking a chance at finding my Mr. Perfect. There is someone for everyone, and I’m anxious to find mine. Not because I’m getting old or anything, God, I’m only twenty-four. It’s more about feeling left out, or worse still, feeling like the third wheel with Mac and Daniel. I need my partner, my other half. I know he’s out there somewhere. He has to be.

My mother is frequently reminding me that I need a man to take care of me. “A worthwhile man who treats you like the princess you are.” I kind of wish I hadn’t had the whole ‘happily ever after’ idea drilled into me from a young age. All the stories are the same; the knight in shining armor sweeps the princess off her feet and they ride off into the sunset. My brothers did it with their wives, and my father did it with my mom. That leaves me as the only single person left in my family.

So back to my dating profile, I’d needed to choose a username. Something non personal, not easily identifiable, and of course, something to garner attention….well, the type of attention I’m looking for. Mac had grabbed the laptop from me and giggled as she entered a name and pushed submit before I could even say yes or no.

With a huge gulp of my wine, I’d looked at my profile and choked as I saw my name.

But sure enough, within minutes I’d had my first ‘kiss’ from an anonymous admirer.

An hour later, I’d received four photos of various erect and multi-sized cocks. After giggling like middle schoolers in sex education class, I’d updated my profile.

P.S. No c**k pictures or requests for naked photos from me. I’m sure you’re more than happy with your penis and are excited to show it around to strangers, but I’m looking for a person who doesn’t just think with their trouser snake, pork sword, or purple-headed womb ferret. Thanks all the same.

When Daniel arrived with three pizzas under his arm, Mac had taken great pleasure in pulling him over to the computer and showing him our achievement for the day. Shaking his head, he’d quietly chuckled before turning serious. “Just be careful, and make sure we know where you are and who you’re with.”
