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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(20)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Why’s that?” I say, intrigued. Definitely didn’t see the conversation shifting from ninja sex to me. If I were having ninja sex, I’d be a happy camper. Actually, sex of any kind would be happily accepted right now. Anything other than the one handed dialing of the ol’ pink telephone. I should be buying my batteries in bulk with the frequent use my purple, pearl vibrator has been getting this year.

“Hon, what happened with that Spencer dude? And don’t say nothing. You haven’t talked about him, and you came home early on Saturday night and drank yourself into a tequila fueled stupor before crashing out and suffering from the mother of all hangovers on Sunday.”

Ok, she’s got me there. How do I explain this without hearing I told you so? Is it even possible?

“Well, after I sent you the text saying everything was okay, we had a lovely entrée and then the mains arrived. He was sweet and attentive, and was asking all the right questions, and I really thought he wanted to get to know me. It was going really well…”

“So? What happened then?”

“He answered a phone call from his wife during the main course,” I say, biting my lip as I await the expected outburst from my best friend. The outburst that doesn’t come. Her face goes soft, and she looks at me with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, hon. I’m so sorry.” She gets up and sits down on the couch beside me, putting her hand on my leg. “It sounded as if it was going so well. Despite your freak-out early on,” she adds with a slight smile.

I let out the breath I was holding. “It was going okay, but it seems that he was just looking for an extra-curricular activity, or maybe another one. I’m starting to think that the waitress was acting weird because he does this often.”

“He’s a slime ball, and I hope he gets crab infested nuts!”

“Me too. Anyway, I think I might like someone else…”

“Hang on, what? Have I been so self-absorbed that I’ve missed a new man in your life? I’m so sorry, hon. Seriously, I suck!” Mac says, shaking her head.

“No! You’re fine. Great, roundly awesome.”

“Did you just call me ’roundly awesome’?” She looks at me in shock.

“Maybe,” I reply with a giggle.

“Oh no, you didn’t,” she says with a shake of her head.

“Anyway, I’ve met someone online. Well, not met him, but I’ve been talking to him for a few weeks now and he’s pretty cool. Down to earth, easy to talk to, and he’s funny and kind of dirty. Well, in my drunken haze on Saturday night I remember him being dirty, but I freaked out on him and haven’t spoken to him since.”

I expect to get an earful about how I’m setting myself up for a fall, and how I should give this internet dating ruse up, but I don’t. I look over and see an all knowing grin on Mac’s face.

“What? No Makenna lecture about life? No I told you so speech?”

She holds her hands up in surrender. “Nope. I’m not saying anything. This guy sounds pretty cool. Why haven’t you met up with him yet?”

I sigh. “That’s the thing. I suggested on Saturday morning that maybe we should meet up, but he said that he’d like to get to know each other a bit better first. I mean, when did I become the guy in all of this?”

“I dunno, but it’s kind of sweet, don’t you think? He’s not just looking to get laid. Well, if he is, he’s willing to put the leg work in first. You’d gotta give him credit for that.”

“I suppose. I didn’t really think of it like that. To be honest, he’s been pretty laid back and easy going. And when we chat, it is effortless. There’s no pretending, no thinking required. It just comes naturally.”

“Isn’t that what you want in a relationship? Easy, effortless, natural? That’s what Daniel and I have. Well, now we do.” She’s blushing. It’s cute that they miss each other even when they’ve probably only been apart for a few hours.

“That is what I want. I just think I’m a bit impatient. And horny, definitely freaking horny.”

“Well you do have the three date rule for a reason. It worked for me and as much as I resented it at the time, I wouldn’t change a thing about it now. So how about you take your time with this guy? Feel him out before you get to feel him out if you know what I mean.” She winks, then starts to stand when there is a knock at the door.

“Oh, I wonder who that is?” she says, walking toward the door.

I frown in confusion. She opens the door and all I can see is the 6 ft. 2, dirty-blond haired star of my sexy dreams with a satchel across his shoulder and a huge duffel bag in his hand.

Forgive me, God.

I think I’m about to kill my best friend.

Chapter 11: “Funhouse”


When Mac opens the door, my eyes dart from her big smile to Kate who’s sitting on the couch behind her. It hits me that she had no clue that I was coming over, let alone staying for a few weeks.

“Come in,” Mac says cheerfully. I step inside and drop my bags by the door. “Kate, you remember Zander, don’t you?”

“Ah, yeah, of course. Hi, Zander.”

The way she says my name sounds like sex dipped in honey and I can’t take my eyes off her. She’s wearing a hot as hell V-neck red blouse that makes her fiery red hair appear brighter if that’s even possible. She’s more beautiful than I remember; she’s the woman from my fantasies, and she’s sitting right in front of me.

“Hey. The bemused look on your face makes me think you weren’t expecting visitors?” I look at Mac and see a guilty but gleeful spark in her eye. She’s trying to play stealth matchmaker, and Kate is the innocent party who has no clue.

“Not exactly, but I’ve never stopped Mac from inviting her friends over,” Kate says, shrugging her shoulders.

“Come sit down, Zan. Do you want a beer? I have a Millers in the fridge, and I’m sure Daniel won’t mind.” Mac points to the couch while walking toward the fridge.

“Sound goods, babe.” Shit, I’m so used to calling Mac that. I should probably stop.

“So, what are the bags for?” Kate asks with interest as I sit down.

“Well-” I start to explain before Mac jumps in, handing me the beer bottle.

“Zander’s idiot roommate burned their kitchen, so their apartment is smoke damaged as well as kitchen-less.”

“Oh, shit. I hope he’s okay,” Kate says, bringing her hand up to her mouth.

“It’s alright, they’re safe. Zach was entertaining and got sidetracked,” I say with a laugh. At least I can laugh about it now. I was not laughing last night when I got home from the gym to find my building surrounded by fire engines and a sheepish looking Zach and his mortified lady friend standing on the sidewalk. “The smoke alarms went off, and they were able to get dressed and get out. Zach’s just embarrassed about the whole thing now. The firefighters were pretty pissed when they found out the reason for the fire though,” I explain.
