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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(21)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Well, that’s lucky. So what are you going to do?” Kate asks, leaning forward toward me. I don’t miss the body language, or the sly full body scan either. Seems my firebird likes what she sees, THANK GOD! It would make things even more awkward if she was pissed at me.

I look over at Mac, waiting for her to say something. “So I was going to talk to you about it tonight, but we kind of got side tracked with ninja sex talk and food comas,” Mac explains. “But I offered Zander my room for the next few weeks while I trial living with Daniel. I didn’t think you’d mind since you know Zan and you know I wouldn’t let just anyone move in. I know I should’ve run it by you first, but it was kind of fortuitous since I was already thinking about my living situation given this.” She circles her rather round pregnant belly with her hand.

“Wow, you’re getting kind of big there, Mac. How many you got in there?” I ask, genuinely interested.

“You did not just call me big, Zan. That’s like the number one rule when dealing with a hormonal pregnant woman. NEVER call them big. Like EVER. You’d better watch out because we’ve been watching ninja wannabes tonight. I’m sure I could kick your hot ass.”

“You’re not allowed to call my ass hot anymore, Mac. And anyway, you’ve got your own personal superhero. No man can compare to Thor, or whatever his name is. What do you call him again?”

“Superman! Anyway, Kate, what do you think?”

I look back to Kate, realizing that Mac and I just slipped straight back into our old playful banter that never fails to make me laugh.

“God, you two are funny. Don’t stop on my account,” Kate says, sitting back and looking at the two of us.

“Oh, stop! It’s because he’s younger than us and so immature,” Mac retorts, poking her tongue out at me.

“Sorry, triplets was it?” I reply with a smirk.

Kate and I crack up laughing at the same time when Mac pouts and whispers sweet nothings to her belly about how mean Uncle Zander is being and not listening to me before standing up.

“I’m just going to grab my bag and call Danny boy to come pick me up. I’ll come back and show you where everything is after that. Zan, is that alright? You okay with this, Kate? I know this is all very sudden,” she asks with a raised brow.

“Yeah. It’s sweet. You need to get over yourself and just move in with Superman already, so this trial will be good for you, and I know it’ll make Daniel happy.”

“See, Zan, this is why I love this girl,” Mac says, bending down to kiss Kate’s cheek before heading down the hallway.

“Anyway, I’m fine with you staying,” Kate says to me in a quiet voice. “I just hope it’s not uncomfortable for you to stay here with me. You know, after that night.” I look at her in shock. I see her knee bouncing ever so slightly, and then my gaze hits her face and I’m taken aback by how nervous she looks. She’s biting her lip, and it’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.

I’m done for.

A thousand cold showers couldn’t stop the party starting in my pants now. All I can think about is lightly scraping my teeth along her bottom lip before soothing the sting with my tongue. Thoughts of holding her in my arms, her naked body flush against mine, fill my head.

I realize that I haven’t responded to her, and dammit, she definitely needs a response if she thinks for one minute that I’m uncomfortable around her. I lean toward her, waiting until I have her attention before clearing things up.

“Babe, there is nothing that has happened that would make me uncomfortable around you. Not one damn thing. If anything, I want to get to know you better, so get that out of your pretty little head, and we’ll be fine. Absolutely fine.”

Her shoulders visibly relax as she lets out a smooth sigh of relief, and I definitely don’t miss the sly smile she shoots my way. This little stay of mine might just be more fun than I thought.

Game well played, Mac. Game well played.


What the hell has Mac done to me?

I could hardly say no to Zander staying in her room, could I? What with him being here in my living room and all, right in front of me, looking hot as sin and giving me the lady boner from hell.

Yes, a lady boner. Mac and I decided late one drunken night a few years ago that lady boners did exist and that although they, unfortunately, were a rare occurrence, they were a fact; definitely not fiction.

But I digress.

He turned up wearing a black police academy issue t-shirt that clung to his body like any hot blooded woman would, and distressed jeans that made him look all man. What the hell was I thinking when I let this man just tuck me into bed and leave? Had I been sober, or at least a little less drunk, I would have pressed the point and tied him to my bed for the night. I’ve never seen a more handsome-no, scratch that-a more beautiful man in my entire life. It’s as if he’s gotten even more attractive in the few months since I saw him last. Now I can’t look at him without calling him the God of Gorgeousness-G.O.G in my head.

When Mac told me the plan, I was a little irritated. I mean, we’re roommates, and both of our names are on the lease, so all decisions about the living arrangements and inhabitants of the house are up to the two of us. Hear that? The TWO of us. So for Mac to offer up her room to a friend without talking it over with me kind of annoyed me at first. But once I’d heard that Zander was temporarily homeless, and thankfully that nobody was hurt in the fire, my annoyance dissolved. Then embarrassment and trepidation crept in. What if he felt uncomfortable because of me? Because of my unwanted advances on him? What if this were his last and only option other than fork out for an expensive stay at a hotel?

But all of that faded away when he floored me. The declaration he made reminded me of all those panty dropping moments you read in romance novels. He rendered me speechless. Firstly, he called me babe. I know he’s always called Mac babe, but straight away, he’s calling me that too. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. I also couldn’t stop looking into those gorgeous blue eyes of his and remembering my sex dream from last week. Okay, so it’s the same sex dream that has been on repeat in a variety of different scenes and forms for the past week. Dream Zander has had me spread out in front of him while he does wickedly good things to my body in bed, in the bath, on the kitchen counter… there was even one where he has me in a park!

When he caught me blushing, I swear I saw a knowing gleam in his eyes.

“Well, I need to um, get into the shower and get an early night, but Mac will show you where everything is, and maybe we’ll catch up tomorrow night after work, yeah?” I stumble across my words. My desire to run far far away from this, whatever this is showing itself in my words. Self-preservation 101.
