Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(4)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I like Daniel. He’s like my new big brother, and he’s made Mac the happiest I’ve ever seen her in our whole fifteen-year friendship.

Okay, back to my current date with Roger.

When we meet, he sheepishly apologizes for lying about his age, explaining that he didn’t think I’d give him a chance if I knew he was twenty years older than me. Too f**king right I wouldn’t have! But because we are both here now anyway, I agree to have a quick drink with him.

What a mistake that is!

Once we get inside and find a table, he sits down opposite me, not stopping to pull out my chair, or offering to take my coat when I slip it off. Then he proceeds to order a glass of cider. Freaking cider! Unfortunately that wasn’t my first sign that this date is going to be a one-time deal.

Then, with a niggling feeling I’m being watched, I scan the room to find a set of familiar dark blue eyes staring at me. Knowing that I’m looking good, and not wanting to show how embarrassed I am, I push my shoulders back and keep my attention on my date, and not on the sexy, brooding, simply perfect specimen of a man across the bar who won’t take his eyes off me.

But as much as I try, I can’t concentrate. Five minutes of listening to Roger tell me about himself and I know that this date is a lost cause.

What I’ve found out about the aging Roger is that not only is he old enough to be my father, he’s also an accountant who works for City Hall, a job he’s had since he left college in the 80’s. He’s also never been out of the country, still lives down the road from his parents, and likes to play chess in his spare time. He’s never had a speeding ticket, never been arrested, and his hair looks like a toupee on crack. I’m a hairdresser, so I always check out people’s hair, and this monstrosity on his head…he’s swished it to the left side of his face, and has so much product in it…I’m scared to strike a match near him for fear of setting him alight.

When he starts to discuss the merits of chess with me, I decide to chance a look toward Zander, my cheeks flaming as he catches me looking at him. Damn, he’s looking hot. He’s wearing a pair of black slacks that hug him in all the right places, and a white wife beater underneath an open dark blue dress shirt that makes his eyes look like the bluest of oceans that you just want to dive naked into.

I haven’t seen or talked to him since the night I was drunk and tried to seduce him. He’d saved me from a guy I’d been dancing with in this very bar. The guy started to come on very strong, very quickly, and when he wouldn’t take no for an answer, getting forceful with his hand pushing under my skirt, Zander stepped in, punched him in the face, then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bar.

As soon as he’d hailed a cab and ushered me inside, he gave the driver my address and wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his shirt. My body shook violently as the reality of the moment suddenly hit home. He’d rubbed his hand up and down my arm, kissing my head and murmuring words that to this day I can’t remember, but I do know he calmed me down and made me feel safe. It was exactly what I’d needed in that moment, a moment that has forever been etched into my brain.

But me, being drunk, stupid, and totally enamored with my knight in shining armor, pushed my luck as soon as we were inside my apartment and went to kiss him. He’d met my lips with enthusiasm, and the kiss was like one of those that you read about in romance novels. Our tongues tangled together, and our lips meshed as if we were made for each other. Fireworks were exploding around us, the world stopped, and it felt like all of my dreams had come true in that one kiss. But when I pulled back and asked him if he wanted to spend the night with me, he froze. He’d stared at me for what seemed like forever before shaking his head and leading me down the hallway to find my bedroom, telling me to get into bed. He’d returned with a large glass of water and two Advil, kissed me goodbye on the forehead, then turned to leave before I could conjure up a response. Minutes later, I’d blacked out.

Tonight is the first time I’ve seen him since that night, and as the memory of my embarrassing behavior comes flooding back to me, I have to look away as a blush takes over my face. It’s still just as mortifying now as it was the morning after. I haven’t even told Mac about what happened. That was the night she freaked out and ended up at Daniel’s apartment before running out on him again in the middle of the night.

“Ah, Kate, I think I better go. It’s getting close to 10 p.m., and I need to get home to feed my cat, Mr. Buttons.”

And there it is. The final nail in the date’s coffin.

“Absolutely Roger, thanks for having a drink with me. I’ll be okay getting home, you just worry about getting home to Mr. Buttons,” I say, masking the huge relief I’m feeling at not having to explain how I won’t be seeing Roger the Accountant again.

He stands up and takes a step toward me, holding his hand out to shake it. Who the hell shakes their date’s hand?

“Have a good night, Roger. I’ve just got to go to the ladies. See you around.”

I shake his hand awkwardly before standing up and walking toward the bar, stopping when I realize that Zander is no longer at the bar.

I catch the eye of the barman. “Hi. Sorry, but is the man who was sitting here still around?”

“Nope,” he says with a sly grin. “But since I live with the guy, I’m sure I can pass on a message for you.”

“Oh shit. Um…no. Don’t do that. Thanks anyway,” I reply, flustered as I rush out the door and jump into the first cab I find.

Shit! Now Zander will know I asked about him, god knows what he’ll make of that. Looks like my Friday night is a total disaster all round.

Chapter 2: “Girlfriend”


I come home to an empty house and a note from Mac saying that she’s spending the weekend at Daniel’s apartment but to call if I need her.

I grab my phone as I’m kicking my gorgeous black heels off my feet, stepping into my plush pink slippers that make me feel like I’m walking on clouds.

Kate: You better be having a better night than me. Boring Roger the accountant who likes to play chess, was a bust. Date from hell #1 out of the way.

Mac: Aww hon, sorry you had a bad night. If I was there, I’d put a Channing Tatum movie on and eat ice-cream with you while you finish off that bottle of white in the fridge.

Kate: You know me so well! Give Superman a hug from me, and tell him he’d better be looking after my girl and little superhero.

Mac: He has. Twice, in fact ?

Kate: Enough you horny bitch! See you tomorrow.

Proving that my best friend knows me oh so well, I grab a wine glass and the half empty bottle of pinot that’s in my fridge, and pad my way across to the couch, curling myself up into the corner and murmuring sighs of contentment as the first mouthful makes it’s way down my throat.
