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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(40)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I look back up to meet her eyes, and they have gone soft.

“Zan, it’s okay. I want this. I need this.”


With my legs still wrapped around his hips, and my hands woven through his hair, we just stare at each other. His eyes are full of hunger, reflecting everything he’s seeing in mine.

“But you said…”

“You wanted the third date.”

“Screw the third date,” he says before he slams his mouth hard against mine again and reaches behind me, fumbling for the zipper of my dress before pulling it down and watching as I pull my dress away from my shoulders.

“Screw me instead,” I say, whimpering as he unclasps my bra, throwing it over his shoulder before taking one of my aching ni**les into his mouth, sucking hard and making me wetter than I thought possible from foreplay. Hell, this is pre-foreplay, and I’m already prepared to beg for his c**k to be inside me.

“Babe, I’m yours. Have been for a while now.” He puts a hand on my shoulders and pushes me down so that my bare back is touching the cold countertop. He runs his hands over my br**sts, stroking and tugging on my hard ni**les before grabbing my dress and shimmying it down my body until I’m lying there in nothing but a red lace thong.

“God, I wish I could take my time with you,” he hums as he hooks his fingers into my panties and pulls them down my legs, baring my naked pu**y to him for the first time. “Fucking perfect,” he mutters before leaning down and covering my clit with his mouth and sucking hard, flicking the hard nub with his tongue over and over until I’m writhing around him. My thighs clench his shoulders, and my hands go to the back of his head as my body struggles to hold back. He’s even better than in my dreams.

He adds one finger, then two, pushing them inside me and easing them in and out, creating a devastating rhythm with his tongue. This is better than anything I could have imagined. Real life Zander, his mouth between my legs, his fingers thrusting inside my pu**y. I feel my climax building far too soon. Way too fast.

Without warning, he lightly scrapes his teeth against my clit and adds a third finger, and I come hard around him, arching my back and crying out his name. I even think I called him God a few times too, but in that moment, he was a god.

He grabs my hands, which may have pulled some of his hair out and pulls me up so that we’re chest to chest again. I reach between us and palm his hard length through his shorts. “Babe, you keep that up and it’ll be over before it begins.”

“I need more. You need more.” I slip my hand under the waistband and wrap my hand around his cock, my fingers not able to touch around him. My eyes widen and he grins at me before kissing me again, his lips meshing with mine as his tongue invades my mouth in a sweet, welcome assault.

I squeal when he leans over and reaches beside me, grabbing his wallet and pulling out a condom, then handing it to me before snaking his hands around my back and pulling me hard into his body.

Grabbing my ass, I squeal as he lifts me from the counter with apparent ease and carries me to the couch.

Kneeling on the floor, he sits me on the edge of the couch while he stands to pull his shorts off, giving me my first unadulterated view of every inch of his G.O.G body.

“Like what you see, babe?”

“Always have,” I say, looking up at him. He growls and kneels in front of me again. I wrap my fingers around him again, stroking his cock, skin on skin for the first time. He feels so damn good in my hands.

“God, you’re beautiful. I’m the luckiest guy in the f**king world right now.” His voice is low and husky, and my pu**y clenches instinctually.

“Need you, Zan,” I whisper, kissing his lips and speeding up my hand on his cock. His breathing becomes labored, and I can see sweat beading on his forehead. He reaches down and stills my hand, giving me a cheeky grin which turns heated when I rip the condom wrapper and reach down, rolling the latex over his swollen head and down his length, gently cupping his balls before shifting my hips in line with his, wrapping my legs around him and positioning the tip of his pulsating c**k inside of me.

I lift my hand back to his neck and pull him in for a slow, teasing kiss. I move my mouth to his ear. “Take me, Zan. I know you want to.”

He pulls his hips back and thrusts deep inside me, his hands gripping my hips to hold me flush against him as he holds still, buried to the hilt. Nipping my neck with his teeth, he growls as my body accommodates him. He leans up, and we stare at each other. I look down to where we are joined and flex my kegels, making him groan. “Fuck!”

He thrusts deep again, making my head fall back as the pleasure of every lunge forward he makes threatens to overcome me. My nails dig into his back, holding on for dear life as he proceeds to f**k the living daylights out of me.

Why the hell did we wait so long?

Reaching down, he moves his thumb hard and fast against my clit, and I buck wildly against him as I start panting. “Babe, I can feel you. You’re close again, aren’t you?” he asks. I nod my head profusely as I seek out his mouth, whimpering as I kiss him deeply, moving my hips fast to meet his. With one last deep thrust, I’m thrown head first over the edge, catapulted into an orgasm that wracks my entire body as a tidal wave of pleasure sweeps through me. Zander’s body goes rigid as he finds his own climax. Our bodies stick together as we slump on the couch, and I welcome the weight of his body on mine as we wait for our heart rates to subside.

He lifts his head and gives me a slow, languid kiss. I love that he can be so soft and gentle after losing control like that.

So much for three dates.


This time it isn’t going to be rushed. My tongue rubs against hers in slow, languorous strokes as I carry her in my arms into her room. I walk into her room and use my foot to slam the door closed behind me. Walking to the bed, I put my knee down and gently lay her underneath me. She loops her arms around my neck and stares up at me. Her bright blue eyes bore into my soul, branding this moment onto my very being. Her sex mussed hair and flushed cheeks give away exactly how good our kitchen encounter was for her.

Hell, I’m still coming down from the high myself.

“Hey you,” I say, bending down and kissing her nose before rubbing mine softly against hers, moving down until my lips are gently pressed against hers.


I’m savoring the taste of her, the taste of us together. Relishing every single second of this moment. Kate, my firebird, finally with me in every way possible. I brace my arms on either side of her body, holding my weight off her as I continue to stare down at her.
