Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(41)
Author: B.J. Harvey

I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to be this connected to someone.

My mother told me that she knew my father was the one within a few weeks of meeting him. I didn’t believe her because my memories of my father are still so clouded by his behavior in the years leading up to his death. But she said that she felt something deep within her soul when she looked at him, touched him, kissed him…she said she felt claimed.

Kate has me, all of me. I feel claimed.

I’m totally caught. Hook, line and sinker.

Chapter 21: “The Grind”


A month later

I’m happy. I’m actually happy. Over the moon, deliriously jubilant, feeling as if I’m on top of the freaking world. It’s been a month of togetherness. Proper, no holds barred, sexed up togetherness, and every time we’re together it just keeps getting better.

I’ve never felt like this with someone. When I was with Liam, I thought I was in love, but that was naïve, young puppy love. Compared to what I’m feeling now, it was nothing. It was barely a pinprick in the soul.

It may be too soon; I may get hurt. But I could also cross the street tomorrow and get hit by a truck. Life’s too short to worry about how long you’ve been with someone, and whether it’s too soon to fall in love. I think a part of me fell in love with Zan the night he told me I was worth a lifetime of making love to. Most guys would have gone for the night of hot drunken sex. But not him.

And as you might have guessed, Zander never moved back to his apartment with Zach. When Zach finally called to say the apartment was ready, we talked about it, and I asked him if he’d like to stay living together. I took his tackle hug to the floor, and the subsequent three orgasms he bestowed on me as acceptance enough.

We’ve talked about fantasies. Things I’ve never had a chance to do with a man because I’ve never been in a relationship like this. We can both be ourselves. We don’t have to hide or pretend. I don’t want to jinx it, but I’m definitely considering the possibility that I’ve finally found what I’ve been searching for.

I’ve come home from work early to an apartment filled with the sounds of The Grind by Aerosmith. Intrigued, I follow the sounds to our room and stand at the doorway as my boyfriend dances his way seductively around a dining room chair that he’s placed in the middle of the room.

I stand there watching him, his bare chest moving seamlessly as he rolls his delicious eight-pack. It’s enough to short circuit my brain. I’m mesmerized. The only time I’ve seen him dance was at Sophie’s party a year ago, and then that night at the bar.

His hips move in time to the music, his face full of concentration as he tries to move from one step to another sequence. Shaking his head, he starts again, repeating it over and over until it smoothly transitions into the next. I can’t tear my eyes away from him, and when I catch his back muscles flexing as he stops to take a drink of water, I decide I’ve had enough watching; now I need to touch him. Actually, my legs have already started moving toward him, and my body is simply forced to follow.

He turns as I put my hand on his shoulder, his face breaking into a sexy grin. “Hey fire… babe. How long have you been home?” I look at him with a puzzled expression. It’s not the first time he’s almost called me something else.

I brush it off, winking at him as I reply, “Long enough to get hot and bothered watching you.”

“Well, in that case, instead of picturing me dancing for you, I think it’s time I gave you your first lap dance.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, and I melt. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lean up and kiss him, easing my eager tongue into his mouth. His hands gravitate to my ass as they always do and squeeze as he meets my tongue stroke for stroke. It’s as if he’s f**king my mouth and it’s freaking divine. Too soon for my liking, he ends our kiss.

“How was your day?”

“Better now.”

“I’d hope so.” He leans down and gives me a hard wet kiss. “Now, sit.” I sit down on the chair and lean down to pull my heels off. “No, leave them on. I’ll take care of those.”

I look down and realize my black skirt has ridden up and is barely covering the goods. I look up at Zan whose eyes are glued to my newly exposed lace top stockings.

“Damn,” he growls. “You’ve had these on all day?”

I nod, biting my lip. “What are you going to do about it?”

“You’re about to find out, babe. Prepare to have your world rocked.”

“Just my world?” I ask with a smirk.

He growls. “You’re going to get it now, babe.” He walks over to his iPod dock and changes the song, the room suddenly filled with the sound of Talk Dirty by Jason Derulo.

He saunters toward me, throwing his hips out slightly as he takes long sweeping side to side steps until he’s standing in front of me. He bends at the waist and leans into my space, dragging his tongue lightly around my mouth. I gasp, and he takes the opportunity to swipe his tongue inside my mouth, withdrawing just as I try to reach for him.

“Uh, uh,” he scolds me playfully, shaking his head. “No touching, or management reserves the right to spank you.” Well, f**k! That just sounds hot, making me question whether I should behave myself or not.

He grabs my hands and reaches around the back of the chair until they’re touching. “Leave them there, naughty girl,” he says into my ear, nipping my earlobe before standing up and putting his hands on his hips. I’m almost panting; he’s got me so turned on already, and he hasn’t even started dancing for me yet. My heart is beating out of my chest, and all I can think about is bypassing the stripping and moving straight to the horizontal dancing festivities that I know are going to follow.

“What are you thinking about, dirty girl? I can see your brain is working overtime.” He stands and starts moving his hips in time with the music. His pants are sitting low on his hips, drawing my eyes to the muscular V lining his pelvis. I’m tempted to lean in and trace it with my tongue, but he’s out of reach now.

With every twist and turn of his body, he moves his hips closer, bracing his arms on the back of the chair on either side of my body as he gyrates and thrusts his hips against me. I can see the silhouette of his erection, and I’m itching to grab it, but with a slight twitch of my arm he moves away again. “No touching, ma’am, or else I can’t be held accountable for my actions.”

“Maybe that’s exactly what I want.” I look up at his knowing face and can tell he’s just as desperate as I am.

“Is this how you dance for everyone?” I ask with a raised brow. He’s watching my chest as it rises and falls, my low, cle**age-baring V-neck top taunting him.
