Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(44)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Okay, maybe it’s too late, and I’m already thinking that. Maybe I’ve found my soul mate, and he was just in front of me the whole time.

“Kate? You still with me?” he asks.

I shake my head when I realize that I’ve zoned out. “Yeah. I just kind of got lost in my head.”

“I gathered that. Everything okay?” He turns around and looks at me.

“Just perfect.” I lean forward and kiss him briefly before washing out the shampoo from his hair. I grab some conditioner and repeat the process again, washing it out a few minutes later.

As soon as I shut the water off, I feel a change in the air. I walk around and wrap a towel around his head, drying his hair as I rub my fingers through the towel. I hear a chuckle, and I look down, realizing that my boobs are right in his face.

“Follow me, young man,” I say turning and walking away, deliberately swinging my hips. I look over my shoulder to find exactly what I expected, his eyes glued to my ass.

“Why haven’t I gotten you to cut my hair before now? I bet you have a ton of male clients.”

“I get my fair share. Why’s that?” He sits down in the seat and I stand back, looking down at him expectantly.

“Babe, have you looked in the mirror lately? Those gorgeous tits in their face, that ass to watch the rest of the time when they’re not staring at your tits…I’m surprised they’re not lining up at the door.”

There he goes, complimenting me and making me blush again. As much as I try to ignore it, the heat between us increases. I get an idea and scan the room, taking in the half-frosted windows lining the front of the salon, the solid wood and very locked front door, and the muted lighting which just makes Zander’s face appear darker, the heat in his eyes unmistakable.

“I feel a little overdressed.” I reach behind me and lower the zip of my skirt, shaking my hips as it slowly falls down.

“Really?” His voice is strained. His eyes follow the path of my skirt as it pools at my feet. His gaze travels back up my legs, feeling like a soft caress and causing me to shudder when his eyes reach mine. “I’d hate for you to be overdressed. Would be a shame.” He licks his lips, and I see him swallow hard as he tries to control himself.

“Such a shame,” I reply, slowly unbuttoning my shirt, watching his face as my shirt slowly falls open, exposing my purple silk bra. His eyes darken, the hard outline in his lap letting me know he appreciates my latest purchase. I feel so sexy as if I’m unwrapping myself as a present just for him. I can barely think past kneeling in front of him and taking his c**k in my mouth.

“Ah, the haircut, babe.” His voice is tight. His fingers are gripping the arms of the chair, his eyes glued to my body as I slip my shirt off and throw it onto the floor.

“The hair cut can wait. I think I need to show you my deluxe service.” His eyes widen, and he licks his lips.

“The one you show all your male clients?” he asks with a raised brow.

“No.” I take a step toward him and kneel down in front of him. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he swallows again, the lines of his throat tightening in anticipation as he realizes my intentions. I know he wants the same thing because his ‘want’ is on display hard and proud in the front of his jeans. I run my palms up his legs, laying my hand on his length through his jeans and stroking a few times. I see his body shudder as he growls, missing my touch immediately.

“Babe, I…” he stutters as I undo the button and pull down the zipper, reaching in to pull out his hard cock.

“I want your c**k in my mouth, Zan.”

“It’s all yours baby,” he replies, his voice so low I feel it deep inside me.

I wrap my hands around him, lowering my mouth to swirl my tongue around the swollen head. His hand cups the back of my neck, his fingers tightening in my hair as I trail my tongue down the shaft to his tight scrotum. I run my tongue over him before moving my mouth back to his shaft and taking him deep in my mouth, right down to the base.

“Fuck, babe,” he moans. His hips buck up as I move up and down his shaft. I use one hand to fondle his balls while reaching up under his shirt with the other to play with his ni**les the way he likes.

His legs tighten around my body, his frenetic breathing telling me he’s getting close. “Uh uh, baby girl. I want to finish inside you.”

I wriggle the point of my tongue under the head of his c**k one more time before standing up. “I want that too, Mr. Roberts.” I bite my lip, the heat in his eyes making me squirm. I lean forward and kiss him, nibbling on his bottom lip before our tongues meet. His hands grab my hips, his fingers gripping just enough for me to feel the bite of his desperation. I feel his lips move down my neck, licking a trail to my aching br**sts. The cool air touches where his mouth has been, sending a delicious shiver through me. Leaning over him, I reach down and slip my breast out of my bra. Suddenly his mouth is on me, sucking hard as he catches my hard nipple between his teeth and tongue, forcing my knees to buckle.

“Love the taste of your skin, babe,” he murmurs appreciatively. His other hand releases my other breast and he moves his head over to repeat the action.

“God, that feels good.” I squeeze my legs together, trying to ease the throbbing ache between my legs.

“I know what will feel better,” he says with a grin.

I look down at him, and the gleam in his eye is almost my undoing. He pulls my thong down my legs, kicking it away with his foot when I step out of it. “This bra needs to go too.” He reaches around my back and unclasps my bra with one hand. I shrug it off and toss it in the direction of my other clothes.

“You next.” I raise an eyebrow and giggle when he reaches up and tears his T-shirt off. I take a step back and pull his jeans down, stopping to pull a condom out of his back pocket.

Now we’re standing in front of each other naked as the day we were born. He grabs my neck and pulls me hard against his body for a spine tingling kiss, making my legs weak. He spins my body around and grins at me in the mirror across the room from us as he kisses my neck and sucks hard on my collarbone, leaving a red oval mark.

“Mine,” he growls. All I can do is nod, speechless and turned on beyond belief as I watch our reflection. “Now, I want to watch you come all over my cock.”

He sits down on the edge of the chair and pulls me in close. Still facing away from him, he reaches around my hip, stroking my clit in a perfect rhythm before reaching down and sliding his fingers through my wet slit. “You’re so wet for me. Sit down on my cock, babe,” he rasps before guiding me down onto his lap, impaling me in one well aimed thrust.
