Read Books Novel

True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(45)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Ah,” I cry out as he lifts me by my hips, my body sliding up and down like a rag doll as I ride him reverse cowgirl style. With every thrust down, he bucks me back up.

“Look at me, babe,” he growls. Locking my eyes with his in the mirror, I feel my pu**y clench tightly around him as I take in the erotic picture before me, moaning wantonly as he continues to pound into me.

I reach my hand down between my legs, not able to look away from the ravenous expression on his face. “Oh f**k, yeah. Play with yourself. I want to see you make yourself come all over my cock, baby.”

I’m getting good at matching his dirty talk since he told me it makes him hard as a rock when I cuss during sex. Apparently the word ‘freaking’ is not sexy enough. “Fuck me harder!” seems to be a favorite along with, “I want your c**k in my mouth.” That’s actually a favorite of mine too. It makes his eyes light up as if it’s the Fourth of f**king July. Oh, and me playing with myself while he’s buried deep inside me never fails to impress either.

“Fuck me harder, Zan.”

“I’m close, baby, move those fingers faster. Play with your clit. I want to feel your pu**y grab me like a vice.”

“Zander, I’m coming!” I manage to cry out as I climax around him.

One more thrust and a guttural moan escapes his mouth as he comes deep inside me. The look of pure ecstasy on his face as he climaxes sets me off once more as I ride out a second orgasm.

“Holy shit, babe. Fucking hot as sin. I f**king knew it.”

I turn around and look at him over my shoulder as he leans forward and gives me a slow, sweeping tongue kiss. “Knew what?”

“Knew you’d go off like a rocket.” He grins at me like a cat that got the cream.

Three orgasms later-two for me and one for Zander-I finally finish trimming his hair.

My life is bliss.

Too bad it isn’t going to last.

Chapter 23: “Baby Love”


A month has passed since Zander’s graduation. He looked so freaking hot walking on stage in full dress uniform, and I could tell how pleased he was that his family was there to watch him graduate. His mom and sisters were so proud; it was written all over their faces. They were all crying…well, except for Danika who yelled “Whoop!” when Zander’s name was called out. Afterwards, we all went out for dinner, and I truly felt embraced by the Roberts family.

Which brings me to now. It’s baby shower day. We’ve decided that it should serve double duty as a birthday party since Mac is turning the big twenty-five.

I’ve been waiting a long time for this baby shower. Seven months, in fact, ever since I first found out Mac was pregnant. Of course, now we know that there are two babies coming which just means twice the presents, twice the guests, twice the fun. We’ve decided to hold the shower when Mac is seven month’s pregnant so that if the babies decide to arrive early, she won’t miss out.

Mac has no idea what I’ve planned, but Mrs. Lewis has been calling me non-stop for the past month with ideas and updates and checking the details. It’s also going to be the first time Daniel’s mom and Mac’s mom meet. The men will all be down at a local bar having a few beers, but they’ll come back in time for presents. Zander made plans with Zach before I could talk to him about it. It just shows how thoughtful he really is. He knows today is about Mac and Daniel and doesn’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. I’m still hopeful that in time, we’ll all be one big group of friends and any history between Mac and Zander will be forgotten.

Since the baby shower doesn’t start until 2 p.m. and Mac’s parents aren’t arriving until 1 p.m., Zander and I decide we have just enough time for a quickie before he leaves for the afternoon. That is why Mac finds us not twenty minutes later with Zander’s jeans around his ankles and my legs wrapped around his hips as he holds me up against the wall and f**ks my brains out.

Embarrassment level ten! I scream, Zander starts laughing, and Mac had a look of horror on her face. Good times all ’round, not!

“Oh my f**king god!” she shrieks as she opens the front door to have her eyes assaulted by the two of us going at it. “Seriously! My parents are going to be in this room in an hour, and you guys are stinking up the place with your sexing.”

After Zander let me down, and I rearrange my clothes while giving him time to think of dead puppies or naked grandmas, I turn to look at her and say the first thing that comes to mind. “Really?”

“Really what?” she asks with an annoyed look on her face as she moves into the kitchen.

“You don’t remember a similar situation, oh maybe four months ago, where I walked and found Daniel plowing you on the coffee table?”

“This is classic, babe. Hey, Mac.” Zander says, giving me a kiss before whispering, “I better leave you to it.”

Mac watches Zander go before turning her attention back to me. “Wow, these decorations are awesome.”

“Nice subject change. What are you doing here anyway? Apart from clam jamming me.”

She smirks. “Well, I think it’s only fair given the number of times you’ve clam jammed me over the years?”

“The last time I walked in on you and Superman you kept f**king going. Does. Not. Count.”

“True. Although there have been other times that Daniel and I were getting busy and you’d go into the bathroom or come home, and it would totally ruin the mood. That could be classed as clam jamming. Daniel’s parking the car, so imagine if it had been him walking in on you two going at it like two teenagers in heat at a drive thru.”

“I would’ve called him a clam jammer too. You’re a bunch of box blockers, the lot of you.” I turn and stamp down the hallway to find my penis- I mean, Zander.

Half an hour later, I’m showered, relaxed-thanks to my handy helper Zander and his magic tongue-and in the kitchen surrounded by Daniel and Mac’s mothers who are bickering over everything. I’m busy playing referee while Daniel and Mac sit on the couch and watch the show.

Zander walks out of our bedroom into the living area and goes over to the couch, shaking Daniel’s hand and giving Mac a kiss on the cheek before coming to see me in the kitchen. “I’m out of here, babe. Text me when the coast is clear, and I’ll be straight back.”

“Are you sure? You don’t have to go, Zan. This is your home too now.”

“I know, but today is about Mac and Daniel. And if it were one of your ex-lovers, I wouldn’t want him here either. We’ll get past this awkward stage…maybe in a year, or five, but right now I’m going to hang out with Zach since he’s feeling a little neglected. I’ll see you later, love you.”
