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True Bliss

True Bliss (Bliss #2)(8)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Dani, put Mom on, will ya?”

“Moooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmm!”she yells down the phone.

“Hello?” my mom says when she reaches the phone.

“Hey, Mom. Just calling to check in with my favorite girls”

“Oh, Zander. You’re always thinking of me and your sisters, but you don’t need to worry, we’re fine. Work is going well, the new house is perfect, and Mia and Danika are fitting in well at school.”

“And Zoe?”

“Well, you know Zoe, one bad boy after another. She’s currently dating a tattoo artist from Brownsburg. I wish she’d find a nice boy for once, someone more like you, but she’ll learn one day. And what about you, my boy? How’s training going?” she asks.

“I’m good. Training is good. The physical side of it is okay, I’m fine with that, but it’s all the stuff I have to learn and remember that is hard. Couldn’t ask for a better job though.”

“Glad to hear that, Zan. And what about dating? Have you met a nice girl yet? Maybe a country girl who’ll cook good meals and look after you. You deserve to be looked after, Zander.”

“You know I don’t have time to date, Mom, but there is one girl that I want to get to know better. She intrigues me and I can’t seem to get her out of my head.”

“Well, that just means that there might be something there. You need to talk to her.”

“She’s kind of avoiding me. She’s embarrassed about something that happened between us even though she shouldn’t be.”

“You need to talk to her. Tell her not to be embarrassed, then you need to woo her, Zander. If you like her, you need to woo. Women like to be listened to, you know that from living with me and your three sisters, so you listen, you ask questions, and you woo. Understand, son?”

How do mothers always know the right answer to any of life’s questions? I remember asking her once, ‘how do you know that, Mommy?’ and without missing a beat, she turned to me and said, “It’s because I passed the mommy test.”

I smile. “Yes, Mom. I might try that out.” I hear the dryer beep. “Okay, Mom, I have to get going. I’ll ring you next week, alright?”

“Of course, son. Love you. And remember to ask, listen, then woo.”

“Yes, Mom. Love you too. Bye.”

Ask, listen, woo.

My new plan:

1) Get Kate to open up.

2) Let her get to know me.

3) Reveal my identity when I’m sure she’s comfortable around me. Then she might want to meet with me in person.

Sounds logical to me.

Chapter 4: “Hello”


After going to the bar for a quick bite to eat with Mac and Daniel and my workmate Nathan-my g*y boyfriend for all intents and purposes-we return to our place and watch a DVD of some action movie that Daniel chose.

I’m sitting on the opposite couch with a half-filled glass of wine and the laptop on my lap, scrolling through potential new dates on the Chicago Singles site. Mac gets a text, and suddenly has a big grin on her face. She giggles a few times as a few new messages come in, and even shows Daniel over her shoulder as she snuggles into his lap, his arm around her hips with his hand cradling her bump protectively.

“What are you laughing at, Mac Attack?” It must be something good for her to be giggling like a school girl.

“Oh nothing. Just uh, a friend from work sending me joke texts,” she says suspiciously.

“Mmm hmm,” I reply, taking another big gulp of wine and scrolling through the never-ending list of new ‘singles ready to mingle’ on the website.

Suddenly, I have a new private message from someone called nightdancer23. Interesting name, definitely grabs my attention. Worth a look I suppose.

No profile photo, aged twenty-three, dirty blond hair, likes working out, 6 ft. 2. Shit, that’s a hell of a lot taller than me, but I’ve always been a sucker for a tall man towering over me. It must be the whole ‘protector’ fantasy. You know, the cop, the fire fighter, the soldier…the tall brooding man in uniform who makes you squirm with one piercing look.

Yep, total sucker right here.

Okay, so he’s sounding good so far. Twenty-three is the lower limit of my age range, but I’m only twenty-four, so a year isn’t much in the scheme of things as long as he’s mature and not just looking to get laid. And going by my date with Roger, who was almost old enough to be my dad, a younger guy might be worth a shot.

I open the message, emptying the remainder of the bottle into my glass.

Nightdancer23: Hi. You sound like a fun chick. How’s your night going?

Okay. Nothing too pushy or probing. Just a simple, friendly message. And no c**k pic; definitely a better start than the last five messages I’ve received. I think about my reply for a while before sending.

Fireinthesky24: Hey. I like to think I’m fun. You obviously have a great sense of humor if your username is anything to go by. Night dancer? Does that mean you’re the next Channing Tatum?

There we go. Fun, mildly flirty, not desperate. Great start Kate. I’m proud of myself.

Straight away, I get a reply.

Nightdancer23: Definitely not Channing Tatum, but I’ve been told I dance like him. Shouldn’t a gorgeous woman like you be out having fun tonight?

Fireinthesky24: Had a dating disaster last weekend and then dinner with friends tonight. Enjoying a nice glass of wine to drown my sorrows.

Nightdancer23: Must’ve been bad if you’re still drinking from last week’s bad date. It’s not just internet dating that can be disastrous. Everyday dating can be just as bad. I was groped in a café today at a coffee date. Don’t be disheartened.

Fireinthesky24: Aww, thanks. So why are you at home tonight then? On a dating site no less ?

Nightdancer23: Finished work, so came home to relax. I’m pretty busy during the week, so I like to relax at home occasionally. Can’t be partying all the time ?

I look at the clock and realize that its 11 p.m. I might as well call it a night since Mac and Daniel are now spooning on the couch watching another movie about zombies. As much as I’d like to stay talking on the internet, my confidence in this website being the answer to my love life woes has taken a hit, so I don’t want to get my hopes up again. Friendly, but non-committal. That is the key.

Fireinthesky24: I’m with you there. Well, I’m going to love and leave you. My cold, empty bed is calling me. Hope the rest of your night is relaxing. Talk again soon.

Nightdancer23: I’d like that. It’s hard meeting new friends in the big city, especially without any expectations. And don’t be disheartened by your dating disaster; your prince charming will be out there somewhere, I promise.

This guy does seem to be one of the nice ones. Either that or he is a smooth as they come.
