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Tryst (Take It Off #8)(29)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He leaned back against the railing and looked at me. “I’m not available emotionally. I live here for solitude, to be alone. I don’t have room in my life for someone. I can’t hang out. I can’t talk about my life. I just… I can’t.”

The veiled pain behind his words caused my heart to constrict. What happened to him?

“But you can have sex?” I said. Gavin might have had a rough time, but he wasn’t the only one. And he wasn’t getting off the hook that easily.

“I’m a guy,” he said, as if that explained everything.

I guess it sort of did. He had urges, needs. Wasn’t it the same with me? Hadn’t I been starving for human contact, for a body-ripping orgasm? I couldn’t judge him for something I was guilty of as well.

“I’m not available either,” I said. “Emotionally.”

He nodded like he already figured that out. “I shouldn’t have been a jerk to you.”

“It’s okay,” I said, meaning it.

He studied me for long moments as a strong gust of wind came up off the sea. I shivered and tucked the blanket just a little bit closer. Gavin moved, crouching down in front of my chair, reaching out to grasp the ends of the blanket.

From this close, I could see the intensity of his eyes. I could see the vulnerability he felt from coming here… I also could see desire.

“I can’t offer you anything,” he whispered. “But I’m asking you for something.”

“What?” His closeness was driving me wild. Want burned through my veins as I studied the way the T-shirt stretched over his broad shoulders. Need eclipsed my thoughts as his hand tightened around the blanket and carefully drew me a little bit closer.

“I want you. I want to spend the next week burying my dick inside your body. I want to hear those little sounds of pleasure that you make just before you surrender to orgasm. I want uninhibited access to you until you leave.”

My breath caught in my throat. He was totally propositioning me for sex.

“I won’t answer your questions about my life. I won’t ask you anything about yours. We aren’t going to date. Emotions will be left at the door. This is sex—raw, physical, real. I can’t give you anything, but I will promise you it will be good.”

My underwear dampened. Clearly, I wasn’t offended by his no-strings-attached proposal. In fact, nothing sounded better. I didn’t need complications in my life, but sex with him would be nothing but pure pleasure.

We stared at each other for several moments. The heat from his hands soaked through my blanket and warmed my skin. When I moved, he released me and sat back. I stood and let the blanket trail behind me as I went to the sliding doors on the house.

He watched me walk away without saying a word. Once I was inside, the glow of the nearby lamp spilling out across the deck floor, I turned. Our eyes collided.

I opened the door as wide as it would go and then I stepped back, silently giving him my answer. Gavin pushed off the railing and prowled toward me across the deck with slow, unhurried steps.



He was insatiable. We had sex three times after he came inside. Once on the floor, once against the wall, and once across the kitchen counter.

Aunt Ruth would likely be appalled.

I had never been so satisfied.

After that third time, he carried me to the couch, where we both collapsed, sweaty and exhausted, and at some point I fell asleep. I woke with the sun streaming through the doors, and Gavin was gone.

My body ached in places that it hadn’t ached in years as I wandered into the bathroom for a long, hot shower. Languid wasn’t quite the word I would use to describe how I felt. I was definitely relaxed, but I also hadn’t felt better.

God, the things he did to my body were brilliant. He knew exactly where to touch, where to stroke, and when to go hard at me. Frankly, I was glad he wasn’t here. I might be embarrassed over all the noise I made last night. I wouldn’t be surprised if my voice was hoarse.

The hot spray of the shower was like heaven raining down. I stood beneath the falling water, letting it coat my body, letting it wash away the remnants of last night. It didn’t make me sad because I knew he’d be back. I didn’t know when, but I knew I hadn’t seen the last of Gavin.

I couldn’t stand the heat of the water against my sunburn for very long, so I backed out and adjusted the temperature. I washed my hair first, noticing the way the bubbles slid down over my body on their way to the drain. I was so aware of myself, of my body… of how every single thing felt.

It was as if Gavin somehow flipped a switch within me and every little thing I missed before was now felt tenfold.

I turned after rinsing away the suds and let the spray caress my face, giving a sigh of appreciation.

Cold air from the bathroom washed over my backside when the shower door opened. I spun, blinking the water from my lashes.

Gavin stood there completely naked, his blue eyes glittering. I gave him a small smile, surprised to see him again so soon. New tendrils of desire curled up from within, coating the insides of my body. Oh, I wanted him. I didn’t think I would ever not want him.

But I was a little nervous if my body would be able to accept him. The folds of my vagina were tender and swollen from last night’s sex marathon.

He didn’t say anything but picked up the bar of soap and lathered his hands. I turned around, giving him my back, and the feel of his large, soapy palms sliding over my skin was heaven. He kneaded my muscles, working the tension out of them, truly giving me that languid feeling.

His hands worked downward, each palm gripping my butt as he gave it a squeeze.

“Fuck, I love your body,” he murmured, nuzzling his lips against the side of my neck. I felt the tip of his tongue sweep over my skin to catch some of the water. “Your curves are perfect. It gives me something to hold on to when I drive myself inside you.”

I shuddered. He was a talker. He liked to tell me what he was going to do to me and when. It was freaking erotic. He shifted, bending at the knees, and his hardness brushed against my backside. After stroking himself against me for a few blissful minutes, his hands went back to washing, down the backs of my legs and flirting with the insides of my thighs.

His brazen hands slid upward, cupping around my front, delving into the short, textured curls of my sex, and he slipped a single finger along my folds. He growled a little at the slick heat that was waiting for him and nipped at my shoulder with his teeth.

On up he continued until both his hands were full with my breasts, and he pulled me back against him, my back against his front as he caressed the full, swollen globes. One hand came up to roughly grab my chin, and he turned my head to the side so he could cover my lips with his.
