Read Books Novel


Tryst (Take It Off #8)(30)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Rivulets of water slid between us as we kissed, some of the water entering my mouth and some entering his. He hunched around me so the spray didn’t get me in the eyes, but bounced off his shoulder, like he was my personal umbrella.

The next thing I knew, he was turning us so I was out of the spray and it cascaded over his back as he knelt down in front of me. “Open for me,” he rasped.

I braced one of my feet on the edge of the tub and the other against the far wall.

He looked up at me with water drops in his lashes, framing out the concentrated cobalt of his eyes. Water rushed over his cheeks and traced his lips. His fingers parted my folds. “Are you sore?” he asked, taking in the swollen yet still ready flesh.

“A little,” I admitted.

Gavin brought his mouth up and covered my clit. He was gentle, carefully licking and suckling at the entire area until my legs shook so badly I couldn’t stand.

He released me to stand up, lifting me off my feet and laying me across the bottom of the shower. The spray turned slightly cooler, but it was only hitting against my feet. Gavin pushed my legs apart and lowered onto his knees between them. He looked like some kind of model with water slicing over his cut, tanned body.

His hair was wet, darker than normal, and hung over his forehead, dripping even more water into his face. He still hadn’t shaved and drops of water clung to the stubble like it did his lashes.

He came back down to lick me again, and I made a slight sound of protest yet also of pleasure. He lifted his head, gazing up across my body.

“Tell me what you want.”

“No.” I refused.

He lifted his brows. “No?”

I shook my head. “I want you to know. I want you to give me exactly what I want without having to ask.”

A secret smile curved his lips. He came over me, his wet, stiff cock sliding right against my slit.

I moaned.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at him. I know I wasn’t supposed to know about him, that who he was didn’t factor into this. But these kinds of situations taught you a lot about a person.

He could have pounded into me. He could have claimed me roughly like he did before. But he didn’t. He knew I was sore. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he cared how I felt. At least physically.

“You won’t,” I whispered, reaching up to touch his face.

He closed his eyes, cutting of the blue that had truly become my favorite color, and slid into me oh so carefully.

This wasn’t the like the other times. This wasn’t fast and hard. Gavin took his time. Slipping in and out of me with ease. It didn’t hurt at all. My body knew him now. It accepted him… It trusted him.

As he moved, I trailed my fingers over his body, fingered the cuts of his abs, and gripped the strong hips at his waist. I’d never felt like this before. I’d never felt so utterly caught up in someone. He was all I saw, all I wanted to see.

I didn’t know him, not at all. But I felt him. It was like we connected on a completely different level, one that went beyond knowing each other’s favorite color and what led us here.

I felt the familiar tightening of my lower abs, and I knew that release was near. It was almost sad. I would miss having him inside me.

I glanced up. He was watching me. His eyes were eating up my face like he’d never really looked at me before. Our eyes connected and held. Chemistry bound us together, emotion welled up, and I knew he could feel it swirling between us.

It was too strong to deny.

“I’m going to need you to come, sweetheart,” he said, unable to look away. His neck strained as he held back his own release.

I sucked the water off my bottom lip and nodded. He surged a little bit deeper and rocked upward, his length scraping the inner wall of my vagina.

Pleasure bloomed, like a flower under the warm, nourishing rays of the sun. It spread out through my limbs, making me weak. I held his gaze, even after my vision had gone blurry. I wanted him to see the way he affected me, the way he made my body sing.

I felt his seed spill into me. I welcomed it. He shuddered his release as the shower water continued to pour over our bodies.

Neither of us moved, even when the water turned frigidly cold. I couldn’t feel it anyway. The only thing I could feel was him.

Gavin shifted his weight and reached down, pushing the wet strands of hair off my face. Our eyes met once more and something passed between us. Something more than physical attraction.

I turned my face into his hand without thinking. He stroked my lips with the pad of his thumb. Lowering himself, he grazed the side of my mouth with his, tenderly brushing a kiss against my flesh.

I looked up at him and smiled.

The moment was shattered.

It was almost like I could see reality creeping up on him. The chains of whatever bound him yanked him away just as he was beginning to open up.

He swallowed thickly, panic crossing his features. He pushed up away from me, putting space between us.

Then he left me there in the bottom of the shower, cold spray raining down upon me.



Gavin came to me twice more during the next three days. Both times were in the middle of the night. He would enter my room in the dark of the night and slip between the sheets to bring his body flush against mine.

Both times I was asleep, and he would bring me awake slowly, using his mouth and hands. In the morning, I would wake and he wouldn’t be there, leaving me to wonder if it had only been a dream.

I knew it wasn’t for two reasons:

1. My inner thighs were sticky from his release


2. Dreams couldn’t be that good.

Both mornings I would sit out on the deck with a mug full of coffee and pretend to look at the view. But I wasn’t seeing the view. I was reliving the way he made my body tingle; I was remembering the sound of his soft sighs in the dark.

I knew why he was showing up at night. It was because of the feelings. The feelings that kept bubbling to the surface whenever he looked into my eyes or entered my body. He thought coming when I was asleep would change it. He thought the darkness would make what lay between us harder to see.

It wasn’t.

I could be blind and I would still see the way he made me feel.

What started out as intense chemistry was slowly morphing into more.

He was scared. So was I.

Blake hurt me. He hurt me more than I ever even realized. He’d been hurting me long before I caught him cheating. He hurt me when he acted like I was less than him, like I was privileged to be selected by him. He belittled me in ways I never saw until I took a very large step back and really looked. I know that Blake likely loved me, but I didn’t like his version of love.
