Until the End (Page 26)

Until the End (Sea Breeze #9)(26)
Author: Abbi Glines

My face flushed and Willow laughed. “Girl, it is too late for blushing now.” She turned and got my dress, which I had taken off after pictures so I could use the restroom and touch up my makeup. “Time to get this back on you. It’s almost time for you to marry Sea Breeze’s very own reformed playboy.”

Oh, he was still a playboy. He was just my playboy.

I lifted my arms and let Willow drop the dress over my body.

“Sadie, Eva, Trisha, and Jess are all ready to go line up. I made sure before I left them to come back and check on you.

“Thank you.” I wasn’t sure how I would have done all this without Willow. My mother had her hands full with my little sister, Larissa. The idea of that just made me happy.

Willow had stepped up and been the best matron of honor on the planet. My maid of honor was Sadie, but Willow had left Sadie to take care of the bridesmaids while she took care of me.

“You’re welcome. I loved being a part of this,” she said, smiling at me in the mirror. “Let’s go do this thing.”

Larissa met me in a dress full of white tulle as I opened the door. “You look like a princess,” I told her as she spun around for me.

“Daisy May has a dress just like mine. Just like you said.” She beamed at me.

“I’m sure you both will be the prettiest princesses these people have ever seen.”

Larissa held up her basket. “It’s empty. Daisy May is keeping my petals until it’s time. I kept spilling ’em on accident. She didn’t want me to lose them, so she said she’d keep ’em for me.”

“Come with me. I’ll get you and Daisy May ready to walk down the aisle, and you can toss those petals all you want then. Just wait until it’s time,” Willow said, grinning at me as she moved Larissa back to the lineup.

The bridesmaids had already started to head inside as the music played. Sadie smiled at me. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Her eyes flashed with humor and she leaned close to me. “Is it true you had a little pre-wedding activity?”

I blushed again. Apparently, they all knew what had happened.

“Figured it was. You are marrying Preston Drake, after all,” she said, then turned to walk through the doors.

“Girls, you two go once you see me get to the front,” Willow told them, and they both nodded.

“I got this,” Daisy May informed her.

I bit back a laugh. She really did know what she was doing. She’d done this a few times already.

Daisy May nudged Larissa. “Your turn. I’ll be behind you.”

Larissa shot me a toothless grin and headed down the aisle too fast, and she tossed all her flowers out before she got halfway there. But she was happy and adorable.

My dad walked up beside me and held out his arm.

“He makes you happy, right?” he said, staring down at me.

“Yes, Daddy. More than anything in the world.”

He nodded. “Then it’s time I gave you away.”

I patted his arm and held on as we walked toward the man of my dreams waiting on me.

Jason and Jess from Misbehaving


I stood in the mirror and looked at my stomach. It was at that point where I looked fat but not yet pregnant. I was not liking this phase of pregnancy. My boobs were bigger, and Jason loved that. Until today I hadn’t minded. I loved knowing I was carrying Jason Stone’s baby.

He had classes all day, and I wanted to surprise him at lunch. But when I texted him, he said he had to go to the library and get some research pulled from some blah, blah, blah stuff I didn’t understand.

By the time he had responded to my text, I was already on the Harvard campus and had to turn back home. Girls my age in tight tops and cute little skirts were all over the place. They were all smart and brilliant like Jason.

They looked like everything I wasn’t, and I hated them. I hated that he was there every day with girls like this. I was at home, pregnant, taking online college courses because my nausea had kept me from actually attending college in person.

While I’m at home, he’s here living this life of a college guy, seeing everything I took away from him. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stared at my own image in the mirror in front of me. I was ruining his life. I was nothing like what he deserved. I had my body and looks before, but now I was losing that. And what did I have to even compete with those girls?

I had nothing. I was exactly what his mother said: a weight around his neck.

“Jess, baby, are you crying?”

I jerked my head up to see Jason coming in the bedroom door, moving directly toward me with a purposeful stride. Seeing him dressed in his white oxford shirt and slacks, looking like one of those elite people I will never be, sent my tears into a full-blown sob.

I hadn’t made friends here because no one liked me. I wasn’t like them. I was different. Jason had even distanced himself from his friends at school, and I knew why. They didn’t like me. I wasn’t classy and rich.

Jason’s arms wrapped around me and pulled me against his chest. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” His voice was so gentle and patient. Which only made me cry harder.

“You’re scaring me, Jess,” he said in a concerned tone as he ran his hand over my head and then cupped my face. “Tell me what’s wrong. I hate it when you cry.”

I tried to control my sobbing and wiped at my tear-streaked face, now worried because I was going to be all red and blotchy. Not exactly something a man wants to come home to.

“Did someone say something to you? I swear to God, if they did I’ll kill someone. . . .”

He had been forced to defend me a lot in this world. Now that we didn’t do much with the crowd he used to spend time with, it happened less. I shook my head so he would calm down. I sniffed, swallowing the newest onslaught of tears that were threatening to break free.

“I’m a . . . weight . . . around your neck,” I choked out, my words followed by a sob.

“Has my mother been here?” he asked angrily.

I shook my head. “No, it’s just . . . just the tr-truth,” I hiccupped. “I don’t fit into your wo-orld. I just hinder your life,” I finished, then buried my face in his neck.

His arms tightened around me. “You put color in my life, Jess. You make me laugh and you give me a reason to smile even when things are shit. You’re my world. I don’t know where you’re getting this bullshit. Baby, you never have been and will never be a weight around my neck. Ever.”

I kissed his neck and sniffled. His words always helped steady me. The past month, my emotions had been a roller coaster. My usually tough exterior had crashed and burned somewhere around twelve weeks of pregnancy. And everything hurt my feelings.

Jason ran his hands over my widening h*ps and cupped my butt. “No panties. Fucking hot,” he said, smiling. “I missed you today. I hate being away from you. Wish I could put you in my pocket and take you to all my classes with me.”

Smiling through my tears, I kissed him under his chin. “I’m too fat to fit in your pocket.”

His hands squeezed my bottom. “Nothing about you is fat. You’re all curvy and soft and carrying my baby. Most perfect woman on earth.”

He finished that sweet little statement, then covered my mouth with his. Hungry for him, I groaned and opened for him. The gentle thrust of his tongue as it swirled around mine before moving out and back in made me think of where else I’d like him to thrust into my body. I wiggled against him, feeling his erection pressing against my stomach.

“I forgot to mention: always so hot and horny, too,” Jason said with a growl, reaching for my nightgown and taking it off me with one hand. I was completely na**d underneath.

“What do you need, baby? What will make you feel good? It’s time I take care of my girl, and I’m all yours.”

When a man like Jason Stone offers to take care of you, it’s hard to put thoughts together.

Anything he did would make me happy. But I knew exactly what to do to make him crazy. He had always loved my butt, but now that it was fuller he was positively obsessed with it. I turned around and put my palms on the dresser, sticking my bottom out to him and spreading my legs. “I need to be f**ked,” I said sweetly, glancing back over my shoulder at him and batting my eyelashes teasingly.

His eyes were hot and glued to my ass. He lifted his gaze from what I was asking for to look at me. I made the pouty lips that drove him nuts. “Hurry, I’m all achy.”

“Holy f**k, Jess,” he groaned, jerking his shirt off without even unbuttoning it, then ripping his pants off faster. “I love this ass. And the naughty girl it’s attached to. She f**king owns me.”

He grabbed my butt cheeks with his hands and squeezed, then slapped my ass, watching it jiggle. With another growl he soothed the skin pink from his hands, and then bent down to kiss each spot he’d slapped.

I jiggled my bottom myself this time. “It’s tingling. Please,” I begged, and bit my lip. His eye swung back to my face, and he bent over me and kissed my lips, then pulled the one I had been biting into his mouth and sucked.

“You want me to f**k you? That’s what will make my girl happy?” he asked me in a husky voice that made me shiver.

“Mmm-hmmm,” I replied, and pressed back against him.

His hands grabbed my h*ps and he entered me, sliding inside me slow. The muscles in his neck stood out as he threw his head back and closed his eyes. He was beautiful. And when he did that, he was so f**king hot.

“Best pu**y in the world,” he panted, and then his eyes opened and found me looking back at him. “My pu**y. My tight, hot little pu**y,” he said as he rocked back and forth into me.

“Yes,” I agreed, letting my head fall forward. Each time he was fully inside me, he hit the spot that made me cry out. “All yours.”

“Fuck yeah, it is,” he agreed. “Love you, Jess. Love you so much. But I also love this pu**y.”

Smiling, I looked up and found him watching me in the mirror. His eyes were smoldering with need and lust. I loved knowing I made him this out of control. I liked testing my good boy. Making him act like the bad boy he only was when he was in bed with me. “Harder,” I said, then licked my bottom lip. His eyes flashed and his grip on my h*ps tightened.

“Jess,” he panted as our gazes stayed locked. He wanted me to say more.

“Today I needed you so bad I had to play with my pu**y. I wanted your big, hard c**k so bad,” I said, pouting. “I got so wet.”

He shuddered. Hearing me talk dirty to him was going to send him blowing before he was ready. But he wanted it anyway.

“You touched my pu**y. . . . If I’d known you needed me, baby, I’d have skipped the class to come home and f**k my girl.”

“I wanted your dick down my throat,” I told him, watching his face morph as he fought off his release. His hand slipped down until he was rubbing my cl*t in rhythm to his thrust. “Making me gag on it while you pull my hair,” I said through my panting.

“JESS, f**k, baby.” His voice was strangled as he pounded into me harder.

My orgasm slammed over me, and I grabbed the dresser before I screamed his name and pushed back against him.

“Fuuuuuck!! GAAAHH, FUCK YES, Jess,” Jason cried out as he jerked behind me, filling me with his release.

I fell forward and rested my head on my arms. He was still buried deep inside me. I could feel his c**k jerking with each shot of come.

He began caressing my back, then moved around to rub my br**sts, then my stomach. “You are incredible. I swear to God, I don’t know how I manage to leave this bedroom.” He chuckled, then slowly pulled out of me. “Stay,” he said in a whisper. “Let me see my come run out of you and down your legs.”

I trembled and stayed still. Jason could be extremely naughty when he wanted to be. Tonight he was definitely being a bad boy.

“There it is. Right down those creamy, smooth thighs. Damn, that’s pretty,” he breathed, dropping to his haunches and putting a hand on each of my butt cheeks and spreading them so he could see better.

“You going to let me move anytime soon?” I asked.

He ran his finger over the folds now coated with his release. “This makes me want to f**k you again. Damn, Jess, I will never get enough of you.”

“Then let me move and we’ll go take a very long shower,” I suggested.

Jason stood up. “Deal.”


Jess stood in the kitchen with a frown on her face as she stared at the recipe in front of her. Lately she had started cooking meals every night. I tried to tell her she didn’t have to, but she really wanted to. So I was letting her. Times like this, when she looked adorable while trying to figure something out, made it worth it. However, sometimes actually swallowing the food she made was difficult.

I walked up behind her and grabbed her expanding waist. “Need help?” I asked, and she yelped.