What I've Done (Page 36)

“Watch your language in front of the lady.” Sharp turned to Morgan. “Did you get a look at him?”

She nodded. “He was far away, but it looked like Noah Carter’s younger brother, Adam.”

Sharp raised his brows. “The guy who tried to douse you with the homemade pepper spray?”

“The same,” Morgan said. “He was wearing jeans and a black jacket.”

“His parents must have bailed him out.” Lance propped his hands on his hips and stared down the driveway. “We need proof that it was him.”

A sheriff’s department vehicle came through the front gate and parked. The deputy climbed out. “Sorry for the delay.” He sized up the two young men on the ground.

“There were three trespassers.” Sharp summed up the incident. He pointed to Mr. Pipe. “He tried to break the window. His buddy had the baseball bat. I didn’t see any weapons on number three, who Ms. Dane thinks was Adam Carter.”

Another sheriff’s vehicle drove through the gate.

“We’ll take care of it.” The deputy reached for the radio mic on his shoulder.

Leaving the young men with the deputies, Lance, Morgan, and Sharp headed for the house.

A burly man dressed in khaki pants and a polo shirt bearing a security firm logo opened the door for them. A Glock was holstered at his hip. “I’m Eric.”

“Where are Eliza and Haley?” Sharp asked.

“In the basement.” Eric gestured toward the door that led downstairs. “I wanted Mrs. Powell and Haley out of sight.”

“Do we have a picture of the man with the bullhorn?” Morgan asked Eric.

“I’m sure the surveillance system captured the whole incident, but I took a video of him. The images on my phone should be clearer.” Eric angled his phone so they could view the screen, and they gathered around it. “Do you know him?”

Lance leaned in. “Adam Carter.”

The deputy knocked on the door. Eric let him in. They showed him the video.

“The two men outside are Brandon Webster and Kyle Dixon. They are both twenty-one years old and attend the local university with Adam.”

“Are they friends?” Sharp asked.

The deputy hooked a thumb in his duty belt. “They won’t say. They’re already demanding lawyers.”

Occasionally, Sharp longed for the good old days before everyone and his mother was an expert on crime.

The deputy handed Eric a business card. “On my way back to the station, I’ll stop at the Carters’ house and see if Adam is home. Please forward the video to me.”

The deputy took statements from each of them. “I’d like to speak with Mrs. Powell.”

“This way.” Sharp led him through the basement door. “Eliza?” He didn’t want to spook her.

She appeared at the bottom of the staircase. “Is something wrong?”

“No. Everything is being handled.” Sharp descended, stepping off the last stair onto a concrete floor. The basement was large and unfinished. Boxes filled a row of utility shelves against one wall. In the middle of the space, an open box sat on a long worktable.

Eliza hugged her arms, as if her heavy sweater and fleece boots weren’t enough to keep her warm. In the middle of the room, Haley stood in front of an easel. Dressed in black yoga pants and a thick hoodie, she swirled a paintbrush in frantic circles on a canvas.

“Two of the three trespassers are on their way to the sheriff’s station.” The deputy gave their names and showed the women their photos on his cell phone. “Do you know either of these men?”

Eliza and Haley shook their heads.

“The third man was Adam Carter, Noah’s brother. Don’t worry. We’ll find him,” the deputy assured them. Then he took statements from Eliza and Haley and left.

Sharp scanned Eliza’s face, then Haley’s. Eliza’s face was strained. Fresh lines fanned out from the corners of her eyes. The overhead fluorescent lights didn’t help, but Haley was gray. Her eyes were haunted and dark, and the purple circles under them weren’t from this afternoon’s incident. She clearly hadn’t slept in some time.

“Are you both all right?” he asked them.

“Eric assured us we weren’t in any danger.” Eliza shivered. “But I admit, the incident was disconcerting.” She glanced back at Haley, whose paintbrush trembled. “I’m glad he was here, and tonight at six a new bodyguard will take his place.”

Sharp wanted to hug them both but felt too awkward. Guilt flooded him. He’d let Ted down. He’d promised to take care of his family, and he didn’t even know them well enough to comfort them when they needed it.

“I didn’t know you were an artist.” He crossed the concrete floor and stood behind Haley. He nearly flinched when he saw her painting. The entire canvas was covered in shades of red.

“I haven’t painted in a long time.” Haley mixed thick red and black paint on a square of white glass.

“The psychiatrist suggested art therapy.” Eliza slid off her stool and joined Sharp. “I dug out Haley’s box of art supplies. It hadn’t been opened since we moved into this house.” Her eyes widened as she took in Haley’s artwork. Sharp and Eliza shared a concerned look. Then she glanced away.

“Sounds like a great idea.” Sharp stood back a few feet, trying to make sense of the chaotic painting. He could sense there was a bigger picture in all the shadows and subtle differences in color, but he couldn’t see it. To him, the painting looked like smeared blood.

Like the crime scene.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Morgan stood in the foyer of Eliza’s house. Through a tall window next to the front door, she could see activity at the bottom of the driveway. Cameramen were packing up equipment as reporters climbed into vans. It seemed as if one or two news vans had already left.

“Is something going on?” she asked the deputy zipping his jacket at the front door.

“Yes, ma’am.” He settled his hat on his head. “The sheriff just announced that the female body found this morning has been officially identified as the missing woman, Shannon Yates.”

The media would want to jump on the new story. Maybe they’d leave Haley alone for a while.

“You’ll let us know if you have news about Adam?” Morgan asked.

“Yes, ma’am.” The deputy let himself out.

Morgan locked the door behind him.

Lance and the bodyguard were conferring down the hall. Morgan headed for the basement door. She wanted to check in with Haley and see how her appointment with the psychiatrist had gone. The basement was chilly, and the smell of sawdust made her sneeze. Haley was painting at an easel. Eliza and Sharp were standing behind her, looking over her shoulder with worried eyes.

Haley looked battered. Her eyes were sunken, her face ghostly.

“Art therapy?” Morgan walked closer, her heart clenching. The poor girl.

“Yes.” Haley didn’t look at her. Her painting held all her attention. “I’d forgotten how much I like to paint.”

Morgan drew up as she took in the red on red of the canvas. At first glance, the swirls seemed chaotic, but the shape of two hands, palms up, soon took shape. Two immediate associations came to mind. First, the literal interpretation of Haley seeing her hands covered in blood. But a second, more metaphorical, meaning nagged at Morgan. Had Haley been caught red-handed?

She touched Eliza’s forearm. “I’d like to speak to Haley alone for a few minutes.”

“I need to speak with Eric before he leaves anyway.” Eliza turned toward the stairs. Sharp went with her.

Morgan stepped up next to Haley.

Silver glittered on the girl’s arm as she put her paintbrush to the canvas. An ID bracelet.

“You found your medical alert bracelet?” Morgan turned her head to read the inscription.

Haley shook her head. “Mom bought me a new one.”

“Have you remembered anything else?” Disturbed, Morgan watched the brush push and blend the thick red paint on the canvas.

“No,” Haley said too quickly. With shaking hands, she set the glass palette and brush on the worktable. She drew in a hitching breath, clearly battling for control.

“What’s wrong?”

“I try not to cry in front of my mom, but I can’t hold it inside.” Haley covered her face with both hands and sobbed.

Morgan rubbed her shoulder. “What is it? You can tell me.”

She inhaled sharply, lowered her hands, and hiccupped. “I had a dream last night.” Haley’s voice dropped. “It happened the other night too.”

Morgan had to lean closer to hear the soft words.

Haley’s eyes filled with tears and lost focus, as if she were looking inward—and seeing something horrific. “There was blood all over me. Noah was on the floor. Dying. He whispered that I killed him.” Her brows lowered. “Or at least I think it was him. His lips weren’t moving, but he seemed to say, ‘You killed me.’”

Sharp had theorized that someone else was in Noah’s house Friday night. That the unknown visitor had killed Noah and very carefully framed Haley for the crime. Given the amount of blood, it wouldn’t have been easy. But then, he had all night to do it. And if the physical evidence against Haley was strong enough, the police were unlikely to look for other suspects.