Read Books Novel

Wild Attraction

Wild Attraction (Wild 0.5)(3)
Author: Emma Hart

He stands and walks around the table to me. Taking my hands, he pulls me up to stand. His eyes search mine, and he steps forward, bringing our bodies closer.

“Do you dance?” he asks, his voice low.

I tilt my head back to meet his eyes. “Do you?”

His lips curve enticingly, and he wraps an arm around my waist. His hand on the small of my back, he jerks me against him and lowers his mouth to my ear. “You show me your moves, and I’ll show you mine. How’s that for a deal, babe?”

“Sounds fun.” I hook my finger in one of his belt loops and step back, tugging him with me. “Come on, then.”

We walk up the stairs to the dance floor, my fingers linked around his so we don’t get separated. It’s darker and louder than downstairs and there are bodies everywhere.

Every. Where.

Writhing. Grinding. Shaking. Undulating.

They move in time to the music, and it takes only seconds for the vibrations of the beat to snake their way over my skin and sink in.

I let go of his hand and grab his shirt. One tug and he’s against me. “Show me what you’ve got, handsome.”

That smirk curves his lips again, slowly and sexily. He grabs my hips and pushes me into the mass of hot bodies, following me. His fingers flex against me, and using that as momentum, I sway my hips from side to side.

The movements are flowing and easy, soon taking my whole body with them. Within seconds, he steps closer and curves his hands around to my back and over my ass. He cups it, pulling me closer again.

Our bodies are completely together, mine moving, his still. My hips rub his and my br**sts brush his chest, our proximity and the hardness of his body puckering my ni**les inside my bra.

Hot damn, he’s solid.

I flatten my hands against his chest to feel it properly. There’s nothing but hard muscle beneath my fingertips. Hard, hot muscle.

My breath catches in my throat when he lowers his face close to mine. Heat covers my mouth as his lips hover there, waiting. I slide a hand up to his neck and he takes it as an invitation.

He touches his lips to mine. They’re exactly like I thought—soft and warm. They move with mine with ease and finesse, testing my response to him. I flick my tongue out against his bottom lip and his responding groan buzzes across my mouth.

He sucks lightly on my bottom lip and sweeps his tongue across it. Then he nudges at the seam of my lips, asking me to open for him, and I do.

The gentleness of just moments ago is gone. His tongue meets mine in a flick of forcefulness and I whimper at the unexpected sensation. Gripping his collar with one hand and clasping the back of his neck with the other, I push my body into his, still dancing.

His growing erection is obvious against my stomach. The same attraction is flooding through me, igniting red hot sparks of lust through my veins.

His kiss is strong and hard and I feel it everywhere, buzzing through my bloodstream, tingling the ends of my nerves, shuddering across my skin. His hands massage my ass firmly, thumbs digging in and his fingers teasing the high hem of my dress.

Oh, shit. His fingertips brush the tops of my thighs. I shudder, my pu**y clenching hard at the suggested touch.

“You move well,” he says into my ear. His voice is low and husky and tingling all through me.

“Not so bad yourself,” I murmur, knowing he can’t hear me over the music. “You haven’t convinced me yet,” I say, louder, right into his ear.

He spins me sharply and pulls my back against his front. His erection pushes into my lower back, the bottom of it nudging the top of my ass, and I gasp at the contact.

He flattens one hand against my stomach, effectively trapping me against him. His other hand travels from my hip up to my breast and he cups it boldly. His fingers brush over where my already-taut ni**les are, making them ache almost painfully.

“Let’s see what I can do about that.” He nips my earlobe and drops his mouth to my neck. “Dance for me, beauty,” he demands.

My breathing is faster than before, my chest burning with its speed. I am both thankful and fearful of the darkness. Thankful because we’re invisible… fearful because that gives him freedom to do whatever he wants without anyone knowing.

That fear sends an erratic thrill through my body.

This man behind me, sexy as sin with a voice to match, could do anything to me here in this club, and no one would know. He could slide his fingers inside me. He could lift me against him and f**k me. He could demand I drop to my knees and suck his cock.

The music would swallow my cries. The dancing would meld with our own erotic routine.

The darkness would hide our sins.

Another thrill, stronger and more confident, hits me. I reach behind me and twine my fingers into his dark hair, moving my body against his once more. He moves his hand from my stomach to my other breast and caresses in time with the music.

His lips, hot and intense against me, buzz across my neck slowly. He interrupts them with nips and sucks, soothing with this tongue.

My body reacts to this stranger intensely. I want more. I want his hands beneath my dress and I want nothing between us.

My clit aches insanely, begging for his touch.

He moves his kisses to the other side of my neck and I moan quietly. His c**k is bigger and harder now, digging into my back temptingly. I reach behind us and cover it with my fingers, closing my eyes at the feel of him beneath my palm.

I stroke slowly, running my fingers over him. He strains against his pants and I want even more than just before.

“Undo the button,” he orders into my ear. “Undo the button and touch me properly.”

I don’t hesitate.

I ease my hand behind us and inside his clothing. My thumb finds him first, the tip of his c**k wet with pr**cum. I rub it over him slowly before reaching for more.

My awkward position makes it hard to wrap my hand around him fully, so I simply run my fingers up and down his shaft.

He curses into my neck and drops one of his hands to the apex of my thighs. “Let me show you mine.”

He sneaks his hand beneath my dress and nudges my legs open. I ease them open enough for him to touch me, and he does, running his fingers over my lace briefs.

“Shit. You’re so wet.”

One finger slips beneath my panties and I gasp at the ease he pushes it into me with. I swallow hard as he adds a second and f**ks me slowly with his hand.

“Feel how tight you are? Shit. If you feel this good around my fingers, I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when it’s my c**k inside you.”

Fuck. I clench around his fingers.
