Read Books Novel

Wild Attraction

Wild Attraction (Wild 0.5)(4)
Author: Emma Hart

Never have I been so exposed, so out in the open for anyone to discover.

“Do you think you can come from my fingers?” His voice cuts through the music and sends tremors through me. “Do you think you’ll come hard enough you’ll scream?”

Dirty talk has never sounded as good as it does with a British accent.

“Well?” he pushes, holding his fingers inside me and curving the tips of them.

My whole pu**y throbs and I grip his cock. “Find out,” I challenge, holding my moan in my throat.

He laughs. It’s a low sound, one that washes over me and does crazy stupid things to my body.

Then he’s pulling my hand from his pants and setting it over his. “Feel how easily I’m about to make you come.”

With my hand over his, he drives his fingers into me quickly. Using only his wrist to control his movements, he teases my pu**y and pushes me closer to the edge.

His movements are short and sharp, hard and heavy, and I drop my head back against his shoulder. I grip his hair tighter and in turn, he fists mine and turns my face to the side.

He kisses me as firmly as his fingers f**k me and in a swath of heat, I cry into his mouth. The orgasm hits and he catches me before my knees buckle.

“That easily.” He withdraws his fingers from me and spins me, still holding me against him as I come down from my high.

He brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks them. His eyes are on mine the whole time, and I stare, still trying to work out what color they are.

Hazel, maybe?


I lean up and seal my mouth over his. The taste of me lingers on his lips, and I purposely lick it off. “Convinced you need to buy me a drink.”

He laughs again and buttons his pants. “You got it.”

We leave the dance floor with his arm securely around my waist. And I’m reeling—my mind is spinning out of control.

I’ve known him ten minutes and he’s already made me come.

More than that, I sense he’s a risk. He’s a f**k you and leave you kind of guy. You don’t get to know him, not even his name. All you’ll know by the time the sun rises is how well he can f**k you.

Fuck you and leave you guys are the kind I should stick with. No obligations or expectations of tomorrow. They’re my favorite. All they want to know is where my condoms are and that’s cool with me.

But this f**k you and leave you guy is different. He’s more confident than I thought, to the point of whispering dirty things into a stranger’s ear. He’s an enigma, a puzzle to be solved, a mystery to unravel.

There’s more to him than meets the eye. Seconds after meeting and he took charge. Demanding I put my hand inside his pants and touch him. Recklessly sliding his own beneath my dress and toying with me until I come over his fingers.

For certain, he’s dangerous. And this is good and bad for me.

Danger is my best friend and my enemy.

This man, this dirty British boy, whoever he may be, is a temptation. One I plan to fully indulge in.

Once I’ve pushed it a little further.

Chapter Two

I take the glass of wine from his hand. Our fingers brush and I meet his eyes. He nods over to a corner and I follow him, keeping on his heels as we weave through the tables and booths.

The table is empty but he pulls me onto his lap. I straddle him, his arm around my waist keeping me steady on top of him.

My pu**y is firm against his cock, and the teasing pressure is begging me to rub against him.

“What do you do?” he asks, swigging from his beer bottle.

“A job,” I answer cryptically. “You?”

“The same.” Lips. Smirk. “Do you enjoy it?”

“Do you?”

“Do you typically answer a question with a question?”

“Do you typically ask a woman you’re planning to f**k about her life?”


I tilt my glass with a triumphant smile and sip. “I didn’t think so.”

He watches me as I drink. Watches as my lips curve around the glass and part to let the wine into my mouth, and he sure as shit watches when my tongue flicks out to lick up the moisture.

“I love your lips,” he murmurs, putting his bottle down and raising his hand to my mouth. “They’re so soft… so sweet… I’m going crazy thinking about all the things you could do with them.”

His thumb ghosts across my bottom lip, the roughness of it burning me almost. I part my lips and flick my tongue against his thumb, watching his eyes flash with renewed desire.

He takes my wine, sets it down, and pulls me closer into him. “Are you here alone?”


“Don’t look,” he says against my jaw. “But there’s a man by the bar whose expression says differently.”

“What does he look like?” I want to look. Fuck, I want to look.

“Light hair. Wearing a white shirt. Six foot two, maybe.”

Jackson. “Don’t worry about him.” I curve my hand around his neck and tilt my face into his.


“Someone who didn’t take his chance when it existed.”

“Aahhhh.” My stranger turns his face to mine and slides a hand up my back. “Looks like he didn’t get the memo, babe.”

“So give him it.”

His lips twitch into a smile just before he kisses me. His kiss is rough, rougher than before. It screams of possession, of a temporary ownership that coils through my body and only winds me tighter.

He bites my bottom lip and tugs it, further showing that dominance, this time to me. It should hurt, it should make me whimper in pain, but it doesn’t. It sends a bolt of desire between my legs and makes me respond to his kiss more vigorously.

My ex-boss is forgotten as thoughts of what this stranger could do to me fill my mind. He’s strong and commanding. He’s already shown me he’s not afraid to tell me what he wants from me or indeed, what he’s going to do to me.

He’s aware of his ability, and maybe even of the raw sexuality that comes off him.

He’s certainly aware that he can kiss like no man’s business.

“Would it be rude of me to grab your hand and pull you out of here right in front of him?” he rasps into my ear. “Because you’re rubbing that tight pu**y against my c**k and I’m five seconds away from unbuttoning my trousers and f**king you right here.”

I take a deep breath. My stomach is tight with need. “Not rude at all.”

“Perfect,” he murmurs, kissing me once more before helping me stand. He digs into his pocket and pulls out a wallet. He opens it, grabs a card, and hands it to me.
