Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(55)
Author: Emma Hart

“Thank you,” she whispers after a while, looking up at me.

My lips curve on one side. “For what?”

“For being here. You were kinda late – okay, six months late – but I seem to remember you never come on time.”

“I’m always on time,” I mutter. “It’s not my fault if you’re always early.”

“Kyle!” she squeals, her lips parting.

“What?” I grin. “You left that wide open for my interpretation.”

“It’s not the only thing I’ve left open for that.”

My jaw drops. “Roxy!”

Her eyes twinkle, and she mock pouts. “What?”

“It’s a damn good job you’re stuck with me, you know that? I’m certain no one else can handle you.”

“It’s not my fault if I’m a handful.”

I creep my hand between us and cup her breast. “And a very nice handful you are too.”

She laughs, the sadness in her eyes now replaced with a sassy spark. “I’m not the only handful here, Daniels.” Her hand goes down and her fingers curl over my dick. It twitches at her touch and gets hard the second I see her lidded eyes staring down at me.

“Handful?” I push her round until she’s lying on her back on her bed. “I think you mean handfuls, Roxanne.”

“One and a half if you’re lucky,” she murmurs.

“Forgotten already, have you?” I run my nose along her jaw and my breath covers her neck.

She shivers. “Forgotten what?”

“That’s my ego you’re bruising.” I touch my lips to her collarbone.

“You have plenty spare.” She slides her hands beneath my shirt and runs them across my back, her fingers dipping just beneath my jeans and circling to the front.

My jaw twitches when they reach the button. “My ego isn’t my fault. There’s this girl I know. She’s amazing, sweet, and she’s damn beautiful. And she’s just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, and she wants me. Can you blame me for having a big ego when I get to be the envy of almost every guy who has ever laid eyes on her?”

My lips hover over hers, and I feel her smile although we’re not touching.

“You’re in the wrong place then. There’s no sweet girl here.”

I laugh. “You’re sweet and spicy, Roxy. Just how I like it.”

“Yeah? I left the sweet in the hall. Just the spicy here.” She unclasps the button deftly and hooks her fingers inside the waistband of my boxers to make her point.

“Good job you did.”

I finally touch my lips to hers. She sighs against my mouth and wriggles beneath me. She tugs me down and snatches her hand from my pants just before my hips hit hers. Her legs go round my waist, holding me to her, and the action presses me against her.

My dick hardens even more when she pushes her hips up. I run my hand down her thigh, and it’s so f**king hard not to rip her clothes off right now. Every movement she’s making beneath me is precise and perfectly executed. She knows exactly what she’s doing – there’s no way she can’t feel the way my c**k is pressing into her through both of our jeans. Every arch, every shift, every wriggle, it’s all deliberate.

She pulls her lips away and kisses along my jaw to my ear. “Looks like I’m open for your interpretation again.”

I smile and dip my hand in the back of her jeans, cupping her ass.

Interpret I f**king shall.


“I can’t even take the blame for that one.” I shake my head. “That was all Cam’s idea.”

“C’mon!” Roxy says in disbelief. “You expect me to believe it was all Cam’s idea to steal everyone’s dressing gown cords and tie them to the top of the bunk beds so you two could bungee jump from them?”

Ah, that was fun.


“I don’t believe it. You had some say in it.”

“He came up with it, and my say was it’d be fun.” I grin at her and squeeze her hand. “Cling filming your door? That was all me, baby.”

“Of course it was. Every stupid f**king prank you two ever played on me was your idea!”

No arguing with the truth. “I told you before. I wanted you to like me.” I wink.

“I actually think I hated you until I was fourteen.”

“Then what? You woke up one day and decided I wasn’t an ass**le?”

Her lips curl. “Who said I’ve decided that?”

“Don’t make me whip out the jackass, Hughes.”

“I happen to like your jackass, Daniels.” She swings our hands between us. “No, I just decided I kinda… liked… you.”

I don’t miss the inflection on the word “liked”. Oh, hello… Maybe I should have stolen her diary like Cam tried to get me to several times.

“Liked, huh?” I spin in front of her and stop. “How much did you like me?”

She purses her lips.

“Roxy…” I smirk and look down at her, glad her black eye has finally faded. “Did you have a crush on me when you were fourteen?”

Her tongue snakes out and across her bottom lip, and the slight flush of her cheeks answers my question.

“No,” she blatantly lies. “You were my brother’s ass**le best friend.”

“You’re a terrible liar.” I start walking again and pull her with me.

“I’m so not lying!”

“You so are.”

She mutters something under her breath. “Fine. I had a crush on you when I was fourteen.”

“And fifteen, and sixteen, and seventeen, and eighteen…” I tease her.

“God, I know. What was I thinking?”

“You were thinking very smartly.”

“Does that make me a genius now?”

I smile and stop, not caring we’re in the middle of a street in Portland. I pull her into me and push some hair from her face.

“Why would you be a genius?”

“You’re just trying to make me say it again, aren’t you?”


“You’re such a girl.”

“Watch it.” I start walking again. “You wouldn’t want anyone here to see how much of a girl I’m not.”

“Promises, promises.” She sighs. “Hey, Kyle?”

“Yes, Roxy?”

She tugs on my hand and stands on her tiptoes so her lips are by my ear. “I love you.”
