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He went straight to Prue’s room. A doctor was talking to her about her medications. Leaning against the wall he watched her nod, tuck some hair behind her ear, and concentrate on everything the good doctor had to say.

When they were done, he passed the doctor going to her bedside. She wore a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt.

“Hey, you. I was worried you’d forget about me,” she said, smiling.

Her bags were all packed, and she was no longer hooked up to several machines. She had pulled her red hair back in a ponytail leaving some wisps of hair to fall around her face. The clothes were a little large on her, but it all worked. She looked revitalized and fresh.

“How could I forget you? You nag me enough.” He walked into the room, grabbing the bag from the bed. “Are you good to walk, or do you want me to grab a wheelchair?”

“Nah, I’m going to walk out of this hospital.” She linked her arm through his, and together they made their way toward the car. Nurses stared at him, but Zero only had eyes for the woman by his side. He was going to make sure she walked out of the hospital the way she wanted.

Alan wasn’t darkening their days here, and he wasn’t going to let the other man’s presence spoil this moment. He had Prue in his town and about to be inside his club. Zero knew once the men got to know her, they would fall for her. She was easy to like.

He kept her away all these years to protect her. Trevor always wanted her to finish school and have everything her heart desired.

“Oh, you brought the car to collect me?” she asked.

Steven was waiting with the door open. Blaine was in the passenger side, and Zero would be sitting beside her.

“This is such a bummer. I was hoping to have a ride on your bike.” She smiled at him, shrugging her shoulders.

“Come on, stop trying to push your luck. You’ll be riding a bike in no time. I know what you’re like.” Zero helped her inside the car, taking extra care to secure the seatbelt across her lap. He brushed across her br**sts, and he pulled away before he was tempted to do something else.

Moving around to the other side, he climbed in, and Steven was driving away.

He grabbed her hand, locking their fingers together.

“Wow, you’re all so morbid. Come on, we’re all alive still. We’ll get there. I know we will,” Prue said.

The men slowly relaxed and were talking about football. Zero wasn’t ready to start talking to the others. He wanted Prue all to himself. When they got to the clubhouse he’d have to fight to get her to himself. Eva liked her, and so did Angel and Kelsey. Prue hadn’t met Tate yet.

Zero inwardly groaned thinking about the other woman. Tate was one of those women you either loved or hated. He was still on the fence of loving and hating her. She was Tiny’s daughter, but apart from that, there was nothing special about her.

He hoped Tate didn’t piss Prue off. She had grown up with him and Trevor, and not once did she learn how to keep her opinion to herself.

The drive went by quietly in the back with Blaine and Steve talking between themselves. The gate to the compound was being manned by Butch and Tiny, who opened the gate when they came into view.

“This is the security?” she asked.

“Yeah, everything is locked up. Alan will not be getting inside, and we also have plenty of security cameras in place.” The car came to a stop, and he climbed out, going around to Prue to help her out.

She looked tired, and he wanted to make sure she got plenty of rest.

“Welcome to the clubhouse,” Tiny said, pulling her in for a cuddle. She chuckled, wrapping her arms around the large man. Zero felt jealousy hit him square in the gut. What the hell was wrong with him? Tiny was taken and wouldn’t want Prue.

The jealousy didn’t stop as the men greeted her, either hugging her or kissing her hand. She was tugged into the main house where Eva took over, leading her around the group of women. Kids were running around, and babies were being held. The clubhouse was in total disarray. The sweet-butts were on their best behavior being forced to wear clothes that covered every inch of flesh. The men knew not to push their luck in trying to get them na**d as well. Any kind of sex would be done behind closed doors, away from kids and family.

“So, you’re Prue,” Tate said, standing in front of his woman.

Zero fisted his hand at his side.

“And you are?” Prue asked.

“Tate, I’m Tiny’s daughter, and Murphy’s old lady.”

Prue nodded. “Okay.”

“What are your intentions?” Tate asked, stopping Prue from moving away.

“Excuse me?”

“We’re all in lockdown because of you. I want to know what your game is.” Tate was glaring at his woman.

Glancing around he saw Eva looked annoyed while Tiny was making his way toward them.

“Tate, baby, not here,” Murphy said.

He saw her hesitate, but Prue finally spoke up.

“First of all, you’re Tiny’s daughter. Eva is his woman. She knows why I’m here. Both of them know why I’m here. You got a problem then take it up with them. If you still want to be a bitch, I’ll show what it’s like to take an ass whooping because I learned from the best.” Prue took a step closer getting up close to Tate.

“Who did you learn from? I’m Tiny’s daughter. He’s the best.”

“He’s a leader, but I learned from an experienced fighter. You want to f**k with me let’s do this, but lose the kid. I don’t fight mothers with kids on their hip.” Prue wasn’t backing down.

This was the first time a woman had stood up to Tate.

Tiny looked impressed. “Tate, honey, your ass has been handed to you. Back down, and her presence here has nothing to do with you. You’re going to get along just fine.” He tapped Prue on the back, and Tate backed down.

The two women stared at each other a long time.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Tate said.

“And you. I hope we can be friends.” Prue shook Tate’s hand before moving around. Zero introduced her to Rose and Hardy then to Blaine and his woman and kid. They were at the clubhouse over three hours before he finally got her to his room.

“Wow, you’ve inherited a lot of family.”

“It’s the club,” he said, opening his door.

“They’re your family. They all care about you. I think they’re a little pissed at you for taking matters into your own hands.” She shrugged, entering his bedroom behind him. “This is your room?”
