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“All the guys have their own room. The sweet-butts usually share, but when the family is in, they’re sent to a section of the house away from the men. They do mingle when needed.” Zero closed the door behind them. The temptation to lock the door was there, but he ignored it and watched her look around his room. She tugged the pants up, wriggling her ass. His gaze landed on her rounded curves.

“I can’t believe you handed it to Tate. She’s a bitch and puts a lot of people through their paces.”

She moved toward the picture of the two of them with Trevor on top of his drawer. “She’s used to being the alpha. I bet she’s pissed at being in lockdown and all because of me. She doesn’t know what’s going on?”

“It’s up to Tiny and Murphy to make her aware of what’s going on.”

Prue shrugged. “I would have whooped her ass if she didn’t back down. I’m not going to have a bitch in my face. I didn’t take it in school, and I’m not taking it now.”

“You earned a lot of respect down there.”

“Tate’s a woman. I imagine Tiny won’t let any guy hurt his little girl even if she does need it.” She sat down on the edge of his bed. “This is a nice room. Don’t you have a house or anything?”

“No, this is my home. I’ve never needed a house.”

“Where will I sleep?” she asked.

Moving to sit beside her, Zero enjoyed the heat of her closeness. “We’ve shared a bed before. I really need to hold you right now, Prue. I need to know you’re going to be okay.”

“You presume too much. I’m not that easy.” She nudged his shoulder, chuckling. “Of course I’m fine with it.”

He followed the direction of her gaze. She was looking at the picture of the three of them.

“I really do miss him,” she said.

“I do as well. It’s not the same without him.” Zero rubbed his hands together wanting more than anything to hold her close.

“What do you think he’d say to us now?” she asked, leaning back on the bed to look up at the ceiling. The way she lay exposed a strip of her stomach. Why did that strip of skin seem more tempting than anything else he had the pleasure of seeing?

“He’d be pissed at putting you in danger. Trevor was a lot of things, but he loved you, Prue. He did everything he could to protect you.”

He heard her sigh. Leaning back beside her, he was shocked when a few seconds passed and she curled up against him. “I wish he was here.”

At that moment, Zero was really pleased he wasn’t.


Later that night Prue sat around with the women of The Skulls, eating one of the nicest pies she’d ever tasted in her life. It was a meat filled pie, and she’d piled her plate high with mashed potatoes, vegetables, and drowned the plate with gravy. After the crap food at the hospital, she was starving.

She dove in as the men ate and drank, playing pool or shooting darts. Every time she looked toward Zero he was staring back at her. Each time she caught his gaze she felt an answering pulse between her thighs. What was going on?

“Zero keeps staring at you as if he wants to eat you,” Sandy said, leaning in close to whisper against her ear.

“What?” She jerked away from the other woman. Zero wanted to eat her?

Looking toward him, he was talking with Steven. No, he didn’t want to eat her. He was putting up with her because of Trevor.

“I’ve seen that look on Zero’s face before. He’s wondering what you look like naked.”

“We’re friends.” Tucking some hair behind her ear, Prue continued to eat her food. Her appetite wasn’t so ravenous anymore.

“He wants more.”

She shook her head turning to Sandy. “No, he doesn’t. We’ve been friends all of our lives. It’s not going to change overnight.”

“Maybe not tonight, but I bet you, you snuggle up close and you’ll feel his need nestled against your ass.” Sandy stood, going to the bar.

Prue watched the other woman pour herself a drink while talking with Stink. She saw the way the other man looked at Sandy.

“Sandy used to be a sweet-butt,” Eva said, leaning in close.


“She’s f**ked half of the club. Something happened a year ago, and she’s now the club doctor and she doesn’t need to put out for the men.” Eva was eating from her own plate. Tiny took a seat beside her, wrapping his arm around his wife. “I’m eating here.”

“Keep eating, baby. I’m not doing anything to stop you.”

Eva rolled her eyes and finished off her plateful of food.

For the next hour Prue listened to the women talk. Kelsey was expecting her first child with Killer. It was early days, and the woman was nervous. Angel wanted another child, but Lash refused to put her through another birth yet. Tate remained silent throughout it all.

When she finished her dinner, Prue made her way into the kitchen. She wanted the silence and started washing the dishes.

“I want to know what’s going on,” Tate said, moving into the kitchen.

Letting out a sigh, Prue took her time cleaning the plates. Grabbing a towel, she dried her hands and turned toward Tate. When was this bitch going to learn to back the f**k down? “Why don’t you ask your dad or even your man?”

“They’re not telling me anything. I want to know what’s going on.”

“You’re used to getting what you want?” She knew their friendship was going to be stretched to the limit. Tate was a strong woman, but so was she. Their personalities were going to clash. Prue wondered how they were both going to get along. The other women clearly gave into Tate. She wasn’t going to do it. Tate was going to learn the hard way.

“Yes.” Tate pushed the word out through gritted teeth.

“I’m not part of the club, and I’m not going to piss men off because you want the truth. Ask them. Don’t come to me.” Prue folded her arms underneath her br**sts, waiting for Tate to make the next move. It was like being back in the playground.

Murphy entered the room. “Go to our room, Tate,” he said.

“You’re keeping me in the dark.” Tate turned to her man looking hurt.

“For once, realize I’m doing you a favor. Get to our room now.”

She watched Tate hesitate. Finally, she turned away and left the room.

“If she caught Kelsey or Angel on their own she would know everything that’s going on,” Murphy said, shaking his head.
