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Beautiful Disaster

Crouching down between her legs I get a better grip on the plug’s base, then ease it into her before I pull it back out. She slowly relaxes further as I keep going, even when I increase the diameter of the plug again with a few pumps. A loud moan leaves her when I lick languidly over her clit, then start tonguing it in turn with f**king her ass with the plug.

Before long I have her writhing underneath me again, this time not from pain, although I’m sure that the dark lines the whip and cane have left on her ass and thighs must still hurt. I can tell that she’s close to coming soon, but I don’t stop when I feel her legs go rigid. She orgasms soon after that, huffing and groaning into the gag, followed by a yelp when I pull the plug out completely and drop it on the floor.

Armed with a generous amount of lube on my fingers, I push three of them into her ass, quickly adding a fourth when I feel that she can take it without needing any further stretching. Her eyes look up at me but I’m not sure she’s really able to focus on me anymore, and I resume f**king her while stroking her clit with two fingers now.

While I would love to get my whole fist inside of her, it’s obvious that I will need to spend a lot more time stretching her. As it is, I’m rather happy with how much she seems to enjoy the added attention today. Yet eventually my own need grows too strong and I stop, then lube up my c**k before I thrust into her ass, my fingers continuing to rub her clit. Relaxed as she is I don’t need to waste any time going slow now, and the closer she gets to climaxing again, the tighter her ass grips my cock.

"Don’t f**king come before me!" I tell her seconds before I can’t hold back anymore. She follows moments later, bearing down hard on my c**k that is now buried deep inside of her ass. Slumping onto her, I keep my head pressed against her breast for a moment before I pinch her nipple, then pull back, leaving her spread on the bench with my come slowly leaking out of her ass.

Even after my own ragged breathing has leveled out I can hear her panting loudly, and she has that blissed out, high smile on her face that I love so much. Leaning over her again I kiss her roughly, then a little gentler as she joins in with fervor. Bella is still grinning when I move back just enough to look down at her, obviously satisfied and quite the worse for wear, her hair sticking to her sweat-soaked face and arms.

"I think we’re off to a good start to the day, wouldn’t you say?"

Her answer is a cut-off throaty laugh, speaking of exhilaration as much as of exhaustion.

"Shit, I don’t think I’ll survive until tomorrow if you keep going like this!"

"Let’s see about that, shall we?" I offer, then start to undo the restraints one by one. One thing I agree with, if we keep on like this, neither of us will be able to stand by evening, but I don’t think that will be much of a problem if things go even roughly according to plan. For now I’m happy that we’ve had a good start to what is going to be a very long day for both of us.

Chapter 36

After a long shower and some restful time spent cuddling together in bed, we while away a good part of the day the way we do any other free time together. A long brunch included, we spend hours talking, reading, laughing, and on two occasions f**king, but nothing out of the ordinary. I’m still a little tempted to make her kneel on the floor or fetch me something, but in the end doing either of those would just leave me feeling stupid, so I refrain. By five in the afternoon we’re both somewhat tired and sore, and I can tell that Bella is getting a little antsy again with excitement. She obviously expects me to have planned something to rival this morning’s scene, and who am I to disappoint her?

"Why don’t you go upstairs and take a shower? We’ll be heading out in an hour," I say, finally putting an end to our lazing around. Bella looks surprised at first, seeing as she hasn’t really worked up that much of a sweat since our last, somewhat extensive time hours ago in the bathroom, but then her face lights up.

"Heading out as in a dinner date?"

I shrug and leave it at a wry grin.

"Are you going to start questioning me now?"

Naturally she picks up on the sharp tone of my voice, her expression a weird cross between a meek smile and a raunchy leer.

"Of course not."

"Then off you go. I expect you ready and waiting for me at six o’clock in the bedroom. Naked."

While she’s busy doing whatever women do when they think they need to prep themselves, I spend most of my time on the phone, making sure that everything works according to plan. When I go upstairs to dress myself I can still hear the blow dryer from the adjacent bathroom, mingled with some terribly off-key singing – it’s one thing Bella is really bad at, but she would be insufferable if she were perfect.

I’m shrugging into my jacket when I hear her pad into the room behind me.

When I turn, she’s already kneeling by the foot of the bed, head bent meekly, her hair flowing free in soft waves around her shoulders. She has put on some make-up, tasteful yet understated, as she usually does when she prepares for a special night out. I almost smirk at her addition of deep red lipstick. Bella never wears lipstick, as she claims she’s not a dainty enough girl to only sip champagne and not leave stains everywhere.

Considering that I prefer her in jeans drinking a bottle of beer anyway, that has never even caused a raised eyebrow from me, but I certainly appreciate the thought.

Time to start the fun.

"You remember what I told you this morning before I changed plans?"

She nods, her eyes still fixed on the floor in front of her.

"Repeat it to me."

"I’m not to look at you or speak unless spoken to, and you expect me to be on my best behavior as your slave, Master."

It still sounds weird to me, but for what I’ve planned this should actually work. I hope.

"Good. Once we are around people you are allowed to look at me, but I still expect you to behave in a composed and polite manner, without any senseless chatting. Tonight I don’t want to see any hesitation on your part to follow my instructions."

She remains kneeling, motionless, in silent acquiescence, until I tell her to get up.

"Choose a dress that is elegant but shows off your body."

Bella is quick to pick a short, black dress, holding it out for me to inspect.

"Do you need a bra with that?"

She looks pensive for a moment, then shakes her head.

"Good. Put that on with stay-up stockings and heels. Make sure you can walk in them."

In no time she is dressed, looking fabulous as expected. The sleek dress hugs her curves perfectly, leaving one shoulder completely free, the other barely covered due to its asymmetrical cut. At my direction she turns around, showing the dress off from all sides, and doesn’t hesitate when I tell her to spread her legs and bend over. The skirt of the dress is short enough to ride up and expose her ass and pu**y. I leave her standing like that while I fetch a few things from the playroom.

I’m not surprised when I find her just as I’ve left her, and she doesn’t move much when I start to lube up her ass and spread her open with my fingers.

A low moan escapes her as I ease in the new plug she’s not yet familiar with – it’s larger than the medium-sized one we usually use, but I know that after taking in four of my fingers, she’ll manage just fine. Lastly, I have her step into the straps affixed to a small butterfly vibrator, nestling it securely between her labia so that the toy can easily stimulate her clit and everything down to her vaginal opening. I felt somewhat stupid buying it, but even simple things like that can have their uses – even more so with the remote control safely stored away in my pocket.
