Read Books Novel

Beautiful Disaster

After making sure that everything stays in place I tell Bella to straighten, and off we go. Always the gentleman, I of course help her into her coat and hold both the condo and car door for her, grinning to myself at her utter lack of verbal response. I can’t count the number of times she has accidentally bumped into me when I’ve tried similar moves, seeing as she’s always been a ‘do it yourself’ kind of woman who doesn’t need gallantry to get through her day, but the change is nice for an evening or two.

We don’t talk on the car ride over to the restaurant on the other side of town where I’ve made our reservation. I keep glancing stealthily at her as she sits, her knees together and to the side, so much at ease that it’s hard to believe she rarely wears dresses and heels. After parking the car I hold the door for her again and offer her my arm, which she takes with a small, polite smile. I’m sure that if I were to look into her eyes I’d see the same mirth flashing there that I feel, but as she sticks to my rules I’m forced to rely on her body language alone for an indication of her mood.

After a short trip in the elevator we exit on the top floor into the lavish sprawl of the restaurant. We are led to a table over by a window looking out over the city, where I deliberately steer her towards the seat that will leave her back towards the room, keeping her oblivious to anyone looking over at us. It’s still relatively early, with only about half of the tables taken, the area around us mostly deserted.

A waiter appears by our side and I order red wine without asking Bella first

– not in a weird display of control, but simply because she doesn’t drink white wine, and this isn’t really an occasion for beer. She still glances at me somewhat uncertainly as she peruses the menu, and I wonder what she expects me to do next.

Mostly to increase her anticipation, I take my time scanning the menu myself, until I turn to her, trying to sound as neutral as possible.

"Found something you’d like, my dear?"

A frown appears on her forehead, without a doubt because of the term of endearment, but she quickly hides it again. Glancing from me back to the menu several times, she finally looks me in the eyes for the first time since I sent her for her shower hours ago.

"Everything sounds delicious, really. Anything you’d suggest?"

It gets harder by the minute to keep myself composed and not crack a huge smile, but I leave it at a shrug.

"Not particularly, no."

It only gets worse for me when she seems almost disappointed, but I’m sure that will change soon. The waiter returns with the wine and a bottle of water, and we place our order. Once he is out of earshot I aim for the most benign smile I can manage.

"How did you like our day so far?"

She tenses and I can see her try to stealthily glance over her shoulder to check if anyone is within earshot, and that’s something that just won’t do.

"Eyes remain on me. You don’t really think I let you sit down there without a good reason."

Bella looks almost chagrined but her gaze remains fixed on my face. I watch her force herself to relax again as she slowly exhales.

"I enjoyed our day a lot."

Her tone is neutral but it’s obvious that she thinks that goes without saying.

Feeling only somewhat evil, I absentmindedly slide my hand into my pocket to where the remote control is hidden, and push the ‘on’ switch with my subsequent order.


She utters a small yelp and straightens, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks. I know she must be thinking that everyone around us must be aware of what is going on, and it’s a testament to her blind faith that it only takes her a moment to comply.

"I liked that at first you made me just kneel there, waiting for you to want to use me."

Her tone is breathy and she licks her lips after that sentence, and I reward her quick answer by hitting the button for the stronger vibration setting. Her eyes go wide and her left hand briefly grabs the tablecloth, but she shows a lot of control over her reactions and sounds almost normal when she goes on, her fingers relaxing once more.

"Yet as much as I enjoyed the anticipation, I’m glad you changed your mind about the scene. It was great suddenly not knowing at all how to react or what was to come. And it was fun to just let go and lose myself in the moment instead of having to hold back as I had been anticipating."

I nod, then switch off the vibrator again. Her shoulders sag a little with relief, and her hand is shaky when she takes a sip of wine, but she’s unable to hide a wide smile.

"So you are not disappointed we didn’t stick to our initial plan?"

"Not at all," she agrees.

Behind her I see the waiter get ready to bring some garlic bread and salad.

Trying hard not to let Bella see that my attention is split, I nod again, acknowledging her words.

"Which part of it did you enjoy the most?"

Just as she opens her mouth to reply, I switch the vibrator back on to the strongest setting, making her stutter to a halt before she even gets a word out. The waiter puts her salad down on the table in front of her and Bella’s blush deepens to real mortification. She remains silent until she is sure we’re alone again, even without checking over her shoulder. That won’t do.

Keeping the vibe on, my eyes never leaving hers, I spear a slice of tomato with my fork and bite down succinctly on it.

"You should be aware that you only keep adding to your punishment if you keep defying me."

Confusion is obvious on her face for a second before she realizes that she hasn’t yet answered me. This time she doesn’t hesitate with her reply.

"When you f**ked my ass, the plug, your fingers and cock."

Her voice is just a little breathy, betraying her state of arousal, and I keep the vibe on while I watch her push the lettuce around on her plate. When I finally switch it off again she sighs, and I have to grin at the somewhat reluctant quality of the sound escaping her. The temptation is strong to just keep it on until she can’t hold back anymore, but I decide against that, as it would be too soon.

Throughout the entire meal I keep tormenting her like that, until I can tell that even with the vibrator switched off she’s horny as hell and could come at any moment. While the food is fantastic, it’s really me teasing her like this that makes it the meal perfect for me, and I don’t think she has anything to complain about, either.

Bella only looks slightly surprised when I don’t lead her to the elevator when we leave but instead steer her towards the terrace of the restaurant.

It’s still too early in the season for anyone to want to eat outside. The lights are all out, leaving only scant illumination from the restaurant behind us once I close the glass door.

The city is a glittering sea of lights in front of us. I take her arm with a little more pressure than strictly necessary, and pull her along towards the farthest corner from the door. I’m sure that no one will come looking for us, but theoretically someone else could venture outside at any moment to take a smoke.

"Bend over at the waist, hands on the rail, and spread your legs."

She follows my command, and while it’s too dark to get a good look at her face, I’m sure her cheeks must be burning brightly. The motion makes her dress hike up, and I only need to tug a little more on the hem to fully expose her ass, making the fabric pool at her lower back.

It’s cold enough that I feel the slight sting of cool air on my hands and face, and I can only imagine how it must feel on her naked, exposed pu**y. Her whole body jerks when I switch on the vibrator again, but at least she keeps silent and in position.

"You know that I’m going to punish you now."
