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Beautiful Disaster

Not a question but she obediently inclines her head, although she remains silent, seeing as we’re no longer among people. Her skin is hot under my fingers as I trail them up one thigh to her ass, then down the other, letting my fingernails rake her skin slightly.

My first, hard slap finds her mostly unprepared, making her rock away from the impact on her right ass cheek, but she’s fast to correct the instinctive motion. Barely a groan escapes her when I spank her again, and again, the sound of my hand hitting her ass loud in the night – or at least loud to us.

I really don’t hold back, a fact that I soon feel in my palm. After about thirty or forty hard slaps, in her left leg starts shaking from the strain of holding the position. I love that she still hasn’t made a sound or tried to shy away from me – in fact when I pause for a moment she wriggles her ass and pushes it towards me a little, making my pants rather uncomfortable.

I decide that she’s had as much indirect stimulation as she needs for tonight and shut the vibe off for good, then push the straps that hold it in place down her legs, incidentally stroking her muscles along the way. She’s shaking slightly by the time I get up again, but keeps taking the spanking in silence.

I’m too lazy to count, but I guess I must be somewhere around two hundred or so when I stop and rub her ass, digging my fingers into her hot butt cheeks. She utters the softest of moans when I accidentally push against the plug still firmly lodged inside of her. Always one to exploit her weaknesses, I do it again, this time deliberately, but all I get from her in return is a loud intake of breath.

Leaning over her until I can grip the rail right next to her hand, I kiss her jaw, then lightly nudge the side of her neck with my nose while my fingers keep drumming on the plug.

"Do you want me to f**k your ass, right here, out in the open, where anyone could just walk in on us at any moment?"

Her head jerks up so fast that she almost hits me with the back of it. When I slap her hard once, she answers verbally, too.

"Yes, Master, please!"

"I’m not doing this for your benefit," I tell her, then laugh when she keeps pushing her ass into the hand that still rests on it. "I’m only using you to get off, cum-hungry slut that you are."

Bella remains silent but I’m sure that the shiver running through her isn’t just from the goose bumps marching over her skin.

"Do you want to be used?" I continue, whispering into her ear. "Do you like being f**ked just for my amusement?"

Her answer comes immediately, her voice high and breathless.

"Yes, Master!"

Chuckling darkly I reach back and grip the base of the plug, pulling it out just enough for her anus to slowly relinquish the largest part of it, before I push it back in. Even in the dark I can see the muscles in her arms stand out more clearly as she grips the rail harder, bracing herself against the pleasurable sensation.

When I pull it out completely I straighten, then hold it to her mouth.

"Lick it clean, then suck on it as much as you can."

Bella obediently extends her tongue to obey me, not hesitating for a moment. Once she has gotten most of the lube off the toy I push it into her mouth, letting her suck on it for a little while. The downside of using a large plug is that its diameter is too large to fit between her teeth, but I think we can both deal with that disadvantage. When I grow tired of watching her suck obediently on the plug, I switch it around and insert the base in her mouth.

"Keep it in. While I f**k your ass I want you to keep licking and sucking on it as much as you can."

Seeing the business end of the plug protrude from her mouth as it softly bobs up and down with the motions of her mouth makes my hard-on almost painful, and I decide I’ve fooled around long enough.

A few hard slaps on her ass later, I unzip my pants and free my cock, and after slathering on some more lube I push directly into her ass. Bella moans softly while her hips rock back towards me, the gag muffling most of the sound coming from her throat, but of course doing nothing to dim the squelch of the lube.

Without further ado I grab her hips and start f**king her hard, her heels lending her just the right height so that the position isn’t uncomfortable for me and I can thrust into her as fast and deep as I want. Which I do, while my fingers keep digging into her flesh.

I’m ready to come much too quickly so I slow down, slapping her ass some more while I set a more leisurely pace. She’s panting loudly but otherwise tries to keep from making any sounds, while her legs are shaking from both the strain of the position and from trying to keep from reaching her orgasm .

If I were really evil I would just reach around and rub her clit. I’m sure she would be unable to hold back then, but I don’t feel like it right now. Simply letting her take what I dish out is enough, and feels great.

With a few hard thrusts I finally come inside of her, making sure I push my c**k in as deep as possible. Her legs tremble a lot when I pull back out, and I quickly grab the plug from between her teeth. Rolling it in the trickle of sperm coming from her ass, I push it back into her, making sure that the mess making her thighs sticky doesn’t increase any further.

"Stand straight."

She complies immediately, nearly losing her footing for a moment, then turns to face me when I pull on her elbow softly. Even in the dim light I can see how wild her eyes are, but once I’ve wiped the drool off her chin she looks remarkably composed – for someone standing naked from the waist down on a rooftop in April.

Reaching for the side of her neck, I gently cradle her head while I stroke her cheek, then pull her close to kiss her with a lot of heat and need, which soon simmers down to languid lust. My free hand finds her ass and I grab it, pushing my knee between her still spread legs so I can rub my thigh against her exposed sex. Bella stays passive for a while before I give an affirmative grunt when she slowly strokes my side. Then her arms are around my shoulders and she’s melting against me, deepening the kiss even further.

The sound of the door opening somewhere behind us makes me still, but as all they could possibly see is my back, I don’t really mind. Still, I grab the hem of her dress and slide it down over her exposed ass, just to be sure.

The sound of conversations spilling out cuts off quickly as the door closes again, and a look over my shoulder reveals that we’re still alone.

When I turn back to her I find Bella grinning up at me, her fingers idly playing with the short hairs at the nape of my neck. I return her smile, then gently extract myself from her. Keeping one hand splayed over the small of her back, I lead her towards the door, this time to leave for good.

Thankfully we encounter very few people on the way to the coat check and down to the car, and none of them look at us too closely. I can’t help feeling like it must be obvious to everyone that we’ve just f**ked on the roof, but it’s a feeling of exhilaration, not one of concern. The smile playing around the corners of Bella’s mouth tells me that she’s thinking along the same lines.

All gentleman, I hold the door of the car for her again before I get in myself.

She relaxes into the seat, about to re-arrange her legs in a lady-like manner, but I keep her from it by placing one hand on her knee.

"Keep your legs spread."

I can feel the muscles in her thighs relax before she obediently opens them further, suddenly no longer as much at ease as before. I give her a slightly wry grin as I turn away and ease into traffic, dividing my attention between her and the road.

Minutes pass by and I watch her lose that slightly guarded look again.

Stopping at a red light I check my watch, then take a left turn that brings us into the dark parking lot of a store that has closed down for the night already. Bella looks slightly bewildered but I can clearly see anticipation light up her gaze.
