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Beautiful Disaster

"Close your eyes and lean forward a little."

She obeys immediately and I reach across her to get a blindfold out of the glove compartment. On the outside it looks a little like a sleeping mask, but the padding around the eyes and lower rim prevents any light from actually reaching her eyes once I put it on her, so that she’s now cast into complete darkness.

When I pull back into traffic, the sound of her decidedly increased breathing is the only noise that I hear from her, but now all of the previous ease is gone from her posture. The temptation is there to simply ask her what she thinks I’m up to, but I know that my silence is an integral part of pulling her under fast.

We’re nearly at our destination when I speak up, her head turning instinctively toward the sound of my voice.

"Take off the dress, but leave the shoes and stockings on."

As before she doesn’t hesitate, even though her mind must be racing. As I haven’t specified what she should do with the dress, she leaves it discarded on the floor between her legs once she has shimmied out of it.

Just to f**k with her I take a wrong turn, in the unlikely event that she has kept track of our moves and knows where we might be. Not that our destination is that hard to guess.

Just before we reach the last intersection, I tell her to hold out her hand, then give her the clover clamps, connected by a short chain.

"Put these on your ni**les."

By the time I park the car Bella is positively vibrating with tension, her ni**les hard not just because of the clamps now constricting them. She remains sitting motionless when I turn off the engine, then get out of the car. My c**k is hard again and I briefly consider f**king Bella’s mouth to take care of that. Now that we’re alone and out of sight of anyone who might sic the cops on us I could actually enjoy it without second thoughts.

In the end I decide against it because that would likely take her mind off being psyched over what she doesn’t yet know, and I want to keep her out of her usual comfort zone as long as possible.

She doesn’t move until I open the door and take her hand, and her fingers dig almost painfully into the arm that I offer her for support. I inwardly curse her stupid heels when she almost trips during the short walk from the car to the door, and I walk backwards in front of her as I lead her down the stairs.

A ghost of a smile flits over her face when her suspicions about our destination are confirmed, but she keeps silent.

Downstairs I pause for a moment, wondering if I should utter any last minute directions, but I know that they are not really necessary. The time for intimacy and languid kisses has passed; now we’re up to something more fun.

Switching my grip from her arm to the chain between the nipple clamps, I tug roughly on them until she takes the hint and follows me. I’m proud that she immediately assumes her usual standing position – spread legs and arms crossed behind her back – when I stop at the last door downstairs, then lead her inside.

As I suspected from the number of cars outside, we’re the last to arrive, which suits me just fine. Heads turn but no one stops speaking when we enter. I leave Bella standing three steps into the room then walk over, alone, to greet everyone. I’m sure that Bella recognizes at least some of them by their voices, most of all Beth and her loud, slightly edgy laugh, but at this point I don’t really care. Peter and I shake hands, Charlotte hugs me fondly, and Beth either attempts to crack my ribs or doesn’t quite succeed at fondling my ass, I’m not quite sure which. Gerard leaves his greeting at a silent nod which tells me that, while Beth has allowed him to stay clothed tonight, he’s on some kind of restriction I don’t intend to breach.

Our community is a small and very informal group normally, but tonight everyone is wearing dresses and suits, although Charlotte’s is made of vibrant purple latex. A few more minutes pass with chatter and bantering, while I keep eyeing the center of my attention, at the moment still waiting patiently next to the door where I left her.

When we run out of things that needed to be said and excuses for making Bella wait, I extricate myself from the merry band of misfits and walk back to her. I can see her straighten a little as she hears me approach, but she doesn’t make a sound when I stop behind her and pull her against me, one of my hands grabbing her breast, the other on her lower stomach, inches away from her pu**y.

"I hope you didn’t think we’d go straight home after dinner, because as you must have realized by now, I’m not done with you for tonight."

She doesn’t react verbally to my words but I hear her utter a low moan under her breath, a clear sign of just how excited she is. Digging my fingers into her tit ,I let my other hand stray down to rub over her labia, already wet and swollen with excitement. A quick lick over the side of her neck has her shuddering, and she gasps when I bite down there none too gently.

When I speak, I pitch my voice loud enough to carry, even if my words aren’t news to anyone.

"You asked me to be my obedient slave for the day, to be used and abused however I see fit, to please me in whatever way you can, right?"

She doesn’t need a hard pinch of her nipple to answer, but the gasp she utters when I do just that anyway goes straight to my cock.

"Yes, Master."

Kissing the skin where I’ve just bitten down, I go on, a wry grin on my face that Bella obviously can’t see.

"I think it will please me a lot to watch you service my friends."

Another kiss while she moans again, her body now covered in goose bumps, and when I let go and step around to her front, I see her lick her lips. Trying hard to suppress a snort, I reach for the chain between the nipple clamps again and pull on it, making her follow me quickly across the room.

Her excitement coupled with her inability to see makes her stumble again, and this time I’ve had enough. I stop her with a hand on her shoulder, and tell her to kick off the damn heels before something happens to end this wonderful day at my less-than-wonderful workplace. There’s a time and place for heels, but blindfolded in a playroom is not it, seeing as neither of us has a foot fetish or a desire for an Emergency Room trip.

A lot surer on her bare feet, Bella follows me as I keep leading her across the room, then make her stop next to a table the others are standing next to.

"Climb onto the table, then turn around so that everyone can see you.

Spread your legs and keep the heels of your feet on the table, and lean back on your elbows."

She follows my instructions quickly and to the letter, with minimal fumbling around the furniture with her fingers as she still can’t see a thing. By the time she’s done rearranging herself, her cheeks are flushed with excitement, the knowledge that she’s presenting herself for everyone to see clearly adding to the fun.

I let her lie there in silence for a bit, waiting for her anticipation to build, before I briefly run my fingers over her exposed cunt. The plug is still comfortably wedged in her ass, and she bites down on her lower lip to stifle a moan when I push lightly on it, making it move inside of her. She loses the battle when I skim my fingers upwards again over her swollen labia, then stay stroking them, making sure to touch the rings of her piercings along with her flesh.

"About these," I briefly stop to pull on one of the rings. "I’m not sure the others know. Did you ask me before you got them?"

"No, Master."

"Did you even tell me beforehand?"

She’s still smiling when she replies.

"No, Master."

"Do you have any idea how many hours I’ve spent frustrated and with a hard-on because you got your cunt lips pierced and I had to wait months for them to be healed enough to play with?"
