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Beautiful Disaster

"A lot I hope, Master," she replies, her usual cockiness shining through for a moment, something I reward with a hard slap right on her pu**y, making her cry out – but not stop smiling.

"Damn right you are," I grunt, then continue stroking her labia. "Whose cunt is this?"

We don’t really do any of the possessive role playing crap usually, so I’m surprised when she answers with a meek, "Yours, Master."

"Indeed. And while I’m happy to let my friends use your mouth and ass, I don’t want anyone to use my cunt. I should make sure that no mishaps happen there, don’t you think?"

"Yes, Master."

Her voice has gotten even throatier than before, every breath heavy and loud now, and she lets out something close to a mewl when I start removing one ring after the other from her outer labia. The piercings have all healed completely a while ago but paranoia had me waiting another couple of weeks for something like this.

Once her labia are completely unadorned I stop, then look up to her face where she’s again chewing on her bottom lip. While keeping her blindfolded until now has served me well, I think it’s time to give her some visual stimulation, too.

"Take the blindfold off."

She shifts her weight onto one shoulder so that she doesn’t need to move her body too much, then pushes the blindfold back, blinking a little from the light for a moment before she is able to see anything. Her eyes flit to me for a second but then she looks down, not really a sign of demureness, but at least a shot at it.

Reaching into the pocket of my jacket I get a small box out, then put it next to her foot so that she can’t see inside it right away. With nothing else to focus on, her gaze falls to her pu**y when I pick up stroking her labia again, then I pinch the puffy flesh until she moans.

Opening the box I get out two rings, both similar to the four she’s been wearing in design but slightly thicker and with a larger diameter. Her breath hitches again, then gets more labored when I put one ring through the top two piercings of her labia, and the other through the bottom two, effectively pulling her labia closer together and keeping them that way. I’m sure that she’s dying to touch them but she doesn’t even try. Another moan escapes her when I reach into the box again and reveal a small padlock to keep the two rings locked together.

Once I’m done putting everything in place I gently pull on the padlock, making her utter another of those sinful, low noises. With just two pairs of piercings it’s really mostly a cosmetic setup, seeing as I could still put anything from two fingers to a vibrator into her cunt. Both the psychological effect and the unfamiliar sensation from the increased weight and the consequential pull on her pu**y lips definitely adds to her horniness.

"Get on your hands and knees, then present your cunt and ass to those you will be entertaining shortly."

Bella follows my directions, even if her hands and legs are so shaky that it takes her a lot longer than it should. Once she’s kneeling there with her thighs spread and her ass pushed in the air, she seems to calm down a bit more. The padlock swings enticingly until she has stopped moving, and she shudders again when I flick it idly with my finger.

"I’m not sure everyone can really see you that well," I go on, stepping to the side. She obediently brings her hands to her behind and pulls her cheeks further apart, making the base of the butt plug that much more obvious where it rests against her skin.

"She’s all yours." I turn to the others, gesturing at Bella while I step further away from her. "Use her well."

Every one of them has a copy of Bella’s checklist as well as the list that’s still lying untouched in our nightstand, and they know that ‘do whatever you want’ translates into just a handful of things that I’ve talked about with Beth.

Yet, as the point of the scene is for Bella to get to live her idea of being passed around and used by others for my amusement, I don’t point that out again. She trusts me blindly and knows that she can use her safeword at any moment if she needs it, but right now anticipation and lack of definite knowledge about what’s going to happen are obviously what she appreciates most.

I somehow expected Beth or Peter to be the first to speak up, seeing as it’s usually the more dominant people who don’t just stand around and wait for something to happen and for others to break the tension, but it’s Charlotte who steps away from her husband’s side and walks over to Bella.

"Such a pretty girl we have here," she remarks as she runs her fingers over Bella’s ass and down one thigh, skipping over the dark marks left over from whip, cane and fingers digging in alike. "But I think there’s something missing. Show us your tits."

Bella straightens obediently, then shimmies around until she’s facing the group, lacing her fingers together behind her head. Charlotte purses her lips as she runs her finger along the chain, not pulling on it but obviously making Bella feel it.

"Ah, I know, you would be so much prettier in a corset."

She turns around and walks back to the main group, then bends down and retrieves Bella’s cyan-colored, satin waist-cincher from the toy bag I’ve I left at Beth’s the day before. Her motions are quick and efficient when she starts tightening the laces at Bella’s back, and she keeps going until Bella looks vaguely uncomfortable, but still highly aroused.

"You’re a big girl, I don’t think I need to coddle you," Charlotte tells her when she ties off the laces, then runs her hands admiringly over Bella’s restricted waist and up to her tits. Unlike what I would have expected from Beth, she leaves it at a few soft touches, stroking and caressing and in a way teasing Bella more than any kind of pinching would have.

She then resumes her former place with a smile in my direction, and her husband is next. Peter stops in front of Bella and just stares at her with that unnerving calm I think I’ll never perfect myself. Already horny as hell, Bella starts to get jumpy quickly, acting just as he must have intended.

"You’re not really much use to us if you fidget like that." Looking over at me, he raises his brows. "Care to lend me a hand? Just for old times’ sake."

"Of course," I nod, then follow him to the extensive rope rack at the other side of the playroom. It feels just like it did years ago when he was teaching me how to do proper bondage. Peter picks up coil after coil of rope and deposits them in my arms, before we return to Bella. He eyes her critically but now it’s more the gaze of an artist considering his canvas rather than an attempt to f**k with her mind, but it still has about the same effect.

When he’s satisfied with whatever he’s come up with in his mind, he tells Bella to follow him over to the already conveniently set up suspension ring, hanging down from the ceiling on a thick hemp rope connected to the winch at the wall.

The first thing he does is remove the clover clamps from her ni**les, making her wince a little when he twists her ni**les once they are free again. After telling her to gather her hair up in a quick ponytail and to keep her hands at her back, he starts with some basic breast bondage – several turns of rope around her torso and arms. He then ties her wrists and arms together and to the other ropes, before he uses two last lengths to wind around each of her boobs, forcing them to stick out due to the amount of compression on them.

Positioning Bella in a wide stance underneath the suspension ring, Peter starts on the rope harness she will be hanging from later. I normally anchor my bondage at her upper back, but he seems to have something else in mind. He winds the rope double-stranded around her upper thighs, then brings it around her ass and over her hip back to the leg he started on. He obviously intends to anchor the center of her weight there, leaving more range of movement to her torso.
