Darkness Everlasting (Page 24)

Darkness Everlasting (Guardians of Eternity #3)(24)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

But they were vampires.

If she had learned nothing else, it was that there could be a hundred of them lurking in the shadows and never make so much as a squeak. Not the most comforting of thoughts.

Leaving Levet to finish watering the wilted plants, Darcy cautiously entered the hallway and moved toward an open door that had been disguised by the dark walnut paneling.

She peered into the darkness, not surprised to discover a narrow staircase that led deep into the ground. It seemed only natural that creatures who feared the sun would have a love for places that it couldn’t reach.

There was another soft scuffle coming from below and, sucking in a deep breath, she was moving down the steps before she could consider the thousands of reasons it was a bad idea.

The scent of rich, black earth surrounded her as she reached the wide tunnel. It was a soothing scent despite the heavy darkness, and she paused to get her bearings.

Several smaller tunnels ran from the main passageway. She assumed that they led to hidden lairs, or perhaps they were for quick escapes.


Something to keep in mind, she silently acknowledged.

But not tonight.

Not with the cloaked guard watching her as he stood before the entrance to what seemed to be a small room. And not before she discovered what had happened to create the unmistakable tension filling the air.

Crossing the short distance, she came to a halt directly before the motionless vampire.

"What is it?" she demanded. "What has happened?"

With a motion too swift for a mere mortal to follow, the guard had pushed back his cowl, and Darcy took a swift step backward. The dark eyes held a strange glow and there was no mistaking the fangs that were fully extended.

Oh yeah, something was wrong.

"The master has been injured," he said, his voice harsh.

"Injured?" A sharp pain clutched at her heart, and the urge that had plagued her for the past two hours to see Styx became a fierce necessity. "Is it bad?"

She moved to brush past the vampire only to come to a jolting halt as his arm reached out to block her path.

"You cannot go in."

She pushed against the arm. Stupid, of course. She’d have better luck trying to move a brick wall.

Stepping back, she planted her hands on her hips, not nearly as frightened by the looming fangs as she should be.

"Then get used to my face because I’m not leaving until I have seen him," she warned.

The guard didn’t bother to react to her ridiculous threat. And why should he? He could kill her on the spot if he wearied of looking at her face.

To both their surprise, however, a low voice spoke from inside the room.

"Allow her to pass."

The guard stiffened but grudgingly dropped his arm. Darcy didn’t hesitate as she darted past his large form. He didn’t look a bit happy and she didn’t want any unfortunate accidents on the way past.

Once in the unexpectedly large room she was met by a tall, silver-haired vampire who was beautiful enough to steal her breath.

Yikes. Was stunning beauty a prerequisite to becoming a vampire?

"You must be Darcy." The pale face was unreadable as the dark eyes studied her with a near tangible force. "I am Viper."

"Oh, this is your house," she muttered, her attention already on the wide bed where Styx was lying with his eyes closed. She bit her lip as that pain once again twisted her heart. "What happened to him?"

Turning. Viper moved toward the bed with Darcy on his heels. "The Weres set a trap. We didn’t realize the danger until too late."

Her breath caught. "Too late? Is he going to . . ."

"Die?" He gave a shake of his head. "No, he has been grievously wounded, but he will heal."

Her gaze refused to waver from the fierce, bronzed features. Even unconscious Styx managed to look lethal. A deadly warrior who would kill without mercy. But Darcy felt no fear. At least not for herself.

"What can I do?" she whispered.

There was a small pause. "You wish to help?"

"Of course."

"Forgive my suspicion, but considering you are currently being held prisoner by Styx I am more inclined to believe you are here to finish him off rather than offer him succor," the vampire accused in smooth tones.

Oddly offended Darcy turned her head to meet his steady gaze. "If you thought I would harm him, then why did you allow me in?"

"Because I would rather have you where I can keep my eyes on you."

She flinched at the stark words. Dang it. She had endured enough suspicion and downright dislike over the years from her fellow humans. Or maybe not so fellow humans. Did she have to take it from demons as well?

"Brutal, but honest I suppose," she muttered.

Viper shrugged. "It prevents any confusion."

Her chin tilted. "I would never hurt anyone unless I was protecting myself. And I certainly wouldn’t hurt someone who is already injured."

"Then why are you here?" he demanded.

"I told you, I want to help."

Viper looked far from convinced, but before he could speak there was a rustle from the bed. Even without vampire speed Darcy managed to leap past Viper and seat herself on the bed beside Styx.


The thick lashes opened with painful slowness. "Angel?"

"I’m here."

His hand reached out to grasp her fingers in a near painful grip. "Viper. Was he harmed?"

Viper shifted to be within easy sight of Styx. "I am here, old friend."

Relief rippled over the bronzed features before they abruptly hardened. "Was it Salvatore?"

"I believe so. He was certainly a pureblood with a talent for masking his scent. I very nearly missed his presence."


"My thoughts precisely," Viper said in a tight voice. "When you are healed we definitely need to have a long conversation with that mutt."

"A short conversation."

"Even better." Viper regarded him steadily. "Do you wish to go into the earth to heal?"

Styx considered for a moment before giving a shake of his head. "No."

"It will make the process less painful, not to mention much quicker," Viper pointed out.

"We cannot be certain the curs do not plan to attack."

"They would never get past your Ravens. Or me."

Styx gave a painful shake of his head. "You must return to Shay. She will be concerned."

Viper frowned. "No."

"That was not a request."

Intrigued by the obvious warmth the two men shared, Darcy was unprepared for the cold glare that Viper flashed in her direction.