Darkness Everlasting (Page 37)

Darkness Everlasting (Guardians of Eternity #3)(37)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

Perhaps foolishly, Darcy wasn’t frightened.

Not even when he reached out to grasp her arm. "Darcy, we must speak," he commanded in a low tone.

"No." She met his dark gaze squarely. "I will not argue about this, Styx. I have to know the truth."

"And you do not trust me to discover the truth for you?"

"I trust that you will always do what is best for your people," she cautiously hedged. Vampire or not, Styx possessed all the pride of any other man. Hell, he possessed the pride of several men all rolled into one. It didn’t seem the best time to be trampling all over it. "And you have to admit that what is best for your people might not always be best for me. This is something I need to do on my own."

He stiffened as if she had slapped his face. "On your own?"

"Styx, this is important to me," she said in a tone that quivered with the desperate need that clenched at her heart. "I have spent all my life wondering and searching. If there is someone out there who has answers, then I have to find them. Surely you can understand that?"

His raised hand dropped as he turned to walk toward the darkened window. She frowned at the rigid set of his shoulders and unmistakable tension that swirled through the air.

"You seem to have forgotten a pertinent feet, angel," he said, his voice oddly thick.

Darcy shuddered at the dark premonition that hovered about her.

"And what is that?"

"For the moment you are my prisoner."


Her heart threatened to halt as she clenched her hands at her sides.

"You will keep me from speaking with Salvatore?"

"I will keep you safe."

"And what about the woman?" she rasped. "What if she disappears before I can speak with her? What if Salvatore harms her?"

He slowly turned, his beautiful face unreadable. "I understand you are upset."

Darcy struggled to breathe. No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening. Not when she was so close.

Not even a vampire could be so coldhearted.

"Of course I’m upset. I have spent my whole life waiting for this moment. I can’t let it slip past me." Her chin abruptly tilted. "I won’t let it slip past."

"And I won’t allow you to rush into danger while you’re obviously overwrought," he gritted. "Salvatore is a dangerous pureblood, not a pathetic human you can manipulate with a bat of your lashes and a winsome smile. He could kill you without a second thought."

She stomped forward, far too angry to care that his eyes were smoldering with a dangerous fire.

"Don’t you dare patronize me," she gritted.

For a moment the prickles in the air became almost painful. Darcy instinctively rubbed her hands over her arms as his power flared around her, and then without warning, a chilling coldness settled on his bronzed features.

"My decision is made, Darcy. I will do whatever possible to discover who this woman might be and you will remain here. Is that clear?"

She took a deliberate step backward, her expression as chilled and unrelenting as his.

"Crystal clear." she retorted. "May I please have some privacy?"

Something that might have been regret darkened his eyes as he lifted his hand to lightly touch her cheek.

"Angel, I don’t want to upset you, but you must understand that I can’t risk Salvatore getting his hands on you."

She shook off his hand, refusing to be swayed by his soft, beguiling voice. As much as she respected Styx for his dedication to his people, in this moment he was her captor, not her lover.

He stood between her and the truth she so desperately desired.

"You’ve made it very clear that you won’t risk your… bargaining chip, Styx." She glanced pointedly toward the door. "Now, will you leave, or have I lost the right to have a few minutes alone?"

A stark silence descended, and Darcy feared that Styx might actually refuse to leave. She could feel him fiercely gazing on her averted profile, as if he was attempting to read her dark thoughts.

An unnerving sensation, she had to admit.

She had learned over the years to hide her secrets. Tonight it was more important than ever.

After what seemed an eternity, Styx at last heaved a faint sigh.

"Perhaps it would be better to speak of this after you’ve rested," he grudgingly replied. Moving toward the door, he paused to regard her with a faint frown. "I’m not your enemy, Darcy. If only you would trust me I would prove it to you."

With that he disappeared from the room, leaving behind a whiff of his exotic, male scent.

Once alone Darcy briefly closed her eyes.

If only you would trust me. . .

Dammit, she did trust him. Which, no doubt, only confirmed most people’s opinion that she was a complete whack job. What woman with any sense would ever trust a lethal predator of the night?

But with that trust came the unshakable knowledge that he was far too honorable to forget his duties.

He would do whatever he had to do.

And so would she.

Ignoring the strange ache in the region of her heart, Darcy moved to the connected bathroom and closed the door. When Levet had been kind enough to collect her clothes, he had included her cell phone and a small wad of cash she kept hidden in her sock drawer.

When she had discovered the bounty she had wisely hidden both the phone and cash among the towels beneath the sink. She had known there might come a time when she would need to escape from her luxurious prison. And that Styx would not make it easy.

She clutched the phone to her chest as she considered who could help her.

Not the police. They would have her slapped in a straightjacket if she tried to convince them that she had been kidnapped by a vampire, assuming Styx and the Ravens wouldn’t do something horrible to them when they tried to enter the estate.

The same was true for her handful of friends.

She couldn’t possibly endanger them by dragging them into her troubles.

And, of course, she had no family to impose upon.

So that left… freaking no one.

She clenched her teeth against the defeatist thoughts and paced across the tiled floor.

There was someone who could help her. There had to be.

She came to an abrupt halt as inspiration struck without warning.


The beautiful demon had made it clear that she was ready and prepared to help Darcy with anything she might need. And more importantly, she didn’t fear Styx or his Ravens.

She was perfect.

Now, if she could just figure out how to get her telephone number…


The phone dropped from her hands as Darcy realized that Styx had silently entered the bathroom and stood directly before her.