Guarding His Heart (Page 37)

Guarding His Heart (Forever Love #4)(37)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“He’s right.” Mr. Maxwell nodded. “This is something I’ve been thinking about. To be honest, I didn’t even know you and my son were so into each other until right now. I mean, yes there was the video, but I wasn’t sure if that was just a dalliance.”

“It wasn’t a dalliance dad. Hannah and I are dating.” Leo grabbed my hand.

“So does that mean, I might still have a shot at being a grandad?”

“Dad, really?” Leo rolled his eyes and I felt my face going even redder. “You’re embarrassing Hannah.”

“I’m fine.” I smiled weakly and I felt Leo’s arm around my waist.

“I also wanted you both to know that I’ve decided not to accept Rob Martin’s offer.” He looked Leo in the eyes. “You were right my son. That’s not the sort of man I want to be associated with.”

“Wow.” I turned to Leo. “I’m impressed.” I gave him a huge grin and then turned back to his dad. “And thank you, Mr. Maxwell, that means so much to be. I have to admit I was a bit upset when Leo showed up and took over this position. And I was a bit hostile, but you made the right choice. He’s fantastic in this role and I think he’ll make a fine CEO one day.” My heart surged as I realized just how much Leo meant to me. I’d been so wrong about him. I’d judged him without even knowing him and I’d been wrong.

“You’re a fine woman, Hannah Will.” He smiled at me. “Now excuse me, I have a lot of emails to respond to.” He turned to walk away and then stopped at the door. “Oh and Leo, don’t show up in a strippers outfit tomorrow.” He said and then walked out the door.

Leo and I looked at each other for a couple of seconds and then burst out laughing.

“I love your dad.” I put my arms around his neck and kissed him softly.

“He’s not a bad guy, I suppose.” He kissed me back passionately and sucked on my tongue as his hand massaged my ass. I ran my hands down his back and groaned as his hand found my breast and squeezed.

“Leo,” I moaned against his lips. “I think I should go and get your coffee now.”

“I’d rather drink something else.” His fingers ran up my thigh as he pushed my skirt up.

“Leo.” I moaned as he ran his fingers between my legs.

“Yes, Hannah my darling?”

“I don’t think this is a good idea.” I moved his apron to the side and grabbed his crotch. He was already slightly hard and I sighed. “We already have one sex tape out there, we don’t need to give people anything else to talk about.”

“Are you upset?” He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “I can go and tell everyone that they will be fired if they talk about the tape.”

“No. I’m more embarrassed that people have seen it.” I bit down on my lower lip.

“Oh.” He ran his fingers down the side of my face. “Only a few people saw it and then my dad had it deleted permanently from the system.”

“It’s still so embarrassing.” I groaned.

“Does it make you feel better to know that the only thing in the video was your back and groans and some full frontal shots of me?” He smiled. “You couldn’t actually see any of the f**king in the tape.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.” I felt lighter. “That does make me feel better.”

“Better enough to give me a blowjob?”

“No!” I laughed.

“What about a quickie?”

“Hmmm.” I licked my lips. “I’ll let you know.”

“When?” He pouted and I laughed at the look that he made.

“After you walk around the building. Once you do that, I’ll give you ten minutes to do whatever you want.”

“I love you women, you do know that right?” He growled and pulled me towards him. “And when you say anything you mean anything right?”

“Yes, Leo.” I laughed and kissed him softly. “I do mean everything.”


Six Months Later

To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: Have a great first day


I woke up this morning and you weren’t in the bed. I think I cried a little bit, but then I saw the coffee at the side of the bed and my heart melted. OMG, I just realized I sound like a girl. What have you done to me?

Oh yeah, have a great first day as a manager! I’ll miss you, but am glad you got a job better suited to your skills.


No Longer Your Boss

To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: Not a girl, a baby


I wish I could say that I’m sad I’m not your assistant, but I think the only thing I’m going to miss is morning breakfast and for some reason I think you’re still going to make sure I’m fed. I’m glad you enjoyed your coffee. I’ll have a pot waiting for you in the office as well. No need to cry. I’m in the office next to you. I’m sure you’ll see me just as much as you did before.


P.S. Why aren’t you at work yet?

To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: Being The Boss’s son has its perks


Have your assistant schedule me in for a 4pm appointment. I need to speak to you about something very important. Oh who am I kidding? I want to have hot sex on your desk. We need to christen it.


P.S. I miss you

To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: I miss you too

Sex Addict,

I’ve scheduled you in for 4pm. How long do you need? Ten minutes or five? ?

Also, Lucky called me, she wants to know if we can babysit David and Ruby-Lane this weekend because she wants to surprise Zane with a trip to Napa. I said I’d check with you, but I didn’t see a problem. Let me know.

Missing you.


To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: Am I about to be a dad?

Are you trying to tell me you’re pregnant???


Possible Baby Daddy

To: Leo Maxwell

From: Hannah Will

Re: Idiot


You’re an idiot. I am not pregnant! And if I was, you would be the daddy, not the possible daddy! Ass! And stop calling me.


Your soon to be ex girlfriend

To: Hannah Will

From: Leo Maxwell

Re: I love you

I was joking! Don’t ever say soon to be ex girlfriend. Or I will come into your office and show you just how wrong that is. Tell Lucky of course we’ll look after her brats. Just as long as they don’t cry all night. And answer the phone, I want to tell you how much I love you.