Guarding His Heart (Page 9)

Guarding His Heart (Forever Love #4)(9)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Lisa.” I groaned.

“Get it now?”

“Lisa, I do not care about rednecks or trashy girls or trailers. Just go and get me my outfit, okay? I need to dress up like a slutty nurse tomorrow.” I shouted into the phone and heard the lady next to me gasp as she listened to my words. I groaned and walked back into the office. No wonder I hadn’t gotten the job. I was a crazy person surrounded by crazy people. As I rode back up to the office with the coffees, I wondered if wearing the nurse’s outfit was a good idea after all. Maybe I was playing into his hands. Maybe that was exactly what Leo wanted.

“Don’t worry, Hannah.” She giggled. “I’ll get you the sluttiest outfit I can find. Are you going to tell me why?”

“Not now. Bye.” I sang into the phone and hung up quickly. I didn’t want to talk to Lisa and have her filling my head with even crazier situations. Lisa loved drama and she loved crazy. She’d have me convinced that some stupid idea was great and I’d be in way over my head. And I didn’t need that at all. I was practically in over my head as it was already.


“You look happy.” Leo looked at me from his computer as I entered his office with the coffee. “Why do you look so happy? What did you do?”

“Nothing.” I put the coffee down on the desk. “Trust me.”

“Hmm, I don’t know. When a beautiful girl tells me to trust her, I tend to think something else is going on.”

“A beautiful girl?” I repeated feeling ridiculously happy and annoyed at the same time.

“Do you prefer the term gorgeous?” He picked up the coffee tentatively. “I’m not going to die of cyanide poisoning if I sip this am I?”

“Who’s to know?” I responded tartly, with my hand on my hip.

“I wouldn’t put it past you, Pussy Galore.”

“What?” My jaw dropped.

“Haven’t you seen James Bond?” He laughed and took a sip. “Well, it’s warm at least.”

“I should have spiked it.” I hissed as I turned around and marched out of the office. Pussy Galore indeed. Who did he think I was? I sat down at my desk with my face burning and quickly typed into google to see if he was telling the truth. There was indeed a character from James Bond called Pussy Galore. I had no idea how it had made it through the censors.

“Hannah.” Leo buzzed me on the intercom.

“Yes, Leo.” I sighed as I answered.

“Thanks for the coffee.” He said smugly. “It doesn’t taste like I’ve been poisoned.”

“Yay, I fooled you then.” I said lightly and he laughed, a deep husky sound.

“Yes, you did. By the way, you can leave early today. We’ve got a busy next couple of days and I’m sure there might be some things you need to do.”

“Oh wow, thanks.” I said feeling shocked. “I can stay on and help get everything prepared.”

“It’s okay, you’ve been great. I’ve got it from here.” He said seriously. “I need to go and talk to my dad about strategy in thirty minutes and so I won’t really need much from you for the rest of the day.”

“Fine, I guess I’m just the assistant.” I mumbled, feeling deflated. That told me all I needed to know. Why didn’t he invite me to that meeting? Didn’t he think I had ideas? Didn’t he think I was good enough to go to the meeting?

“Have a great evening.”

“Yeah, you too.” I sighed and clicked the phone off. I switched my computer off and jumped up. I was going to just leave now. What was the point of staying and doing work? I was just the lowly assistant, my job didn’t matter. I might as well just go home and watch some Maury with Lisa. I was about to walk out of the building when I realized I’d left my handbag in the office. I turned around and went back into the elevator and walked back into my office. Leo’s door was open and I could see him on the phone talking to someone. His back was to me and I could see him running his hands through his hair as he talked.

“Yeah, tomorrow.” He sighed. “Yeah, totally different from being a bouncer.” He laughed. “Anyways, forget about my stress, how is Lucky? Tell her I bought some presents for David and Ruby Lane.” He stepped back and I quickly moved out of site. Who was he talking to? “Zane, I’m not sure I’m ever going to believe that you’re a married man with kids.” He chuckled. “Who knew you’d be so whipped? Me?” He burst out laughing. “Never. There will never be a woman that can trap me into marriage. Don’t want it. And don’t need it. Whatever, bro. You wish. I better go. Dad wants me to go up to his office so he can remind me how important this account is. And how the board of directors will not look at me fondly if I screw up.” He sighed. “I don’t know why my assistant Hannah was fighting so hard to be in this position. All it carries is stress. Yes, she’s cute and I have no idea if she’s single. Yes, she’s doable.” He laughed and I heard him sitting down in his chair as my face reddened. “She’s a 9. Her personality is a bit off, otherwise she’d be a 10. No, you’re not going to meet her.” He laughed. “I’m going. Tell Lucky, I said yes to the picnic when I get back from New York. I’ll talk to you later, bro.” And with that he hung up. I grabbed my handbag and quickly moved out of the office again. So he thought I was a 9, asides from my personality? I wanted to laugh. I wasn’t sure if I should be offended or not. I had a smile on my face when I left the building this time. I’d show Leo Maxwell just what he was missing. I’d have him salivating over my every step by the time I was done with him.

Chapter Five


“First time on a plane?” I looked at Hannah as she nervously played with her seatbelt.

“Nope.” She snapped at me while she tried to lock it.

“I can help you know. I’ve a knack at getting seatbelts done up.”

“I’m not a kid. I don’t need your help.” She shook her head and I finally heard the click. “I’ve been on this earth for 24 years and I’ve survived quite well without your help.”

“I was just offering.” I shrugged and sat back and studied her appearance. Hannah looked different in her casual clothes. For some reason she seemed even more sexy in her jeans than she did in her skirts at work. They seemed to cling to her body and accentuated her long legs well. She wore a loose fitting white blouse with the jeans and I could see the silhouette of her bra underneath. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing minimal makeup. She looked fresh-faced and beautiful and I couldn’t stop myself from looking at her.