Taming Wilde (Page 18)

Taming Wilde (Waltzing with the Wallflower #3)(18)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

His familiar use of her name drove an icy shock through her.

“My brother would never allow me to be alone with a man, Mr. Everett. Surely he did not intend for my maid to leave me without a chaperone. It was his order that she accompany us in the first place.”

“It is your brother who chose this moment to call her. It is his dearest wish that you and I come to an understanding, my love.”

Gemma tried to stand again, to put space between them. Hawke would never put her in this position! Alone in Vauxhill Gardens at night with a man? Everett held her arm tightly, refusing to grant her retreat.

“Come, sweet. It is my intention to marry you. Your family approves. You yourself have told me I am preferable to Percival and Sumner. And I am certain, given half the chance, I can convince you of the reasons you would prefer me to any other man.” He lifted her chin toward him with his free hand and inclined his head toward her.

She tried to pull away, but he held her in place. His lips slowly descended. She closed her eyes, not out of passion, but out of complete disgust. So this was how it was going to happen? She would be ruined in Vauxhill Gardens, ruined to marry the man of her brother’s choosing — a man who was completely like her brother in every way. No doubt her brother had the whole thing planned out. Any moment now he would burst through the brush with two or three witnesses to catch them in the act, then force them to be married. The thought was revolting.

And then Everett’s grip on her eased, followed by a curse. Gemma opened her eyes. Shock washed over her. Colin stood over Everett with a sneer on his face, holding him by the cravat.

“Leave in peace. If you speak of this to anyone, I will gut you from head to toe.” Colin pulled Everett to his feet and punched him squarely in the jaw. “On second thought, I believe I would enjoy that experience entirely too much. So tell whomever you please; just know I shall be coming for you. I know I will look forward to it.”

Everett stumbled as he ran away.

Colin’s eyes were full of concern as he turned to Gemma. “Are you hurt?”

For a moment Gemma was in shock. She stared at him.

His shoulders rose and fell with rapid breath. He repeated, “My lady, did he hurt you?”

“No.” It was all she could choke out.

Colin’s eyes traced her from head to toe, as though he were checking for injuries. When he was satisfied she was unharmed, his gaze returned to her face. After a moment his countenance suddenly changed, and he took a step back.

“Oh. I see. I interrupted your tryst. I… I do apologize. I thought… that is to say, it looked as though you were struggling. I should have known… but then Everett isn’t widely known as a… I do not remember you being so… I am sorry. I have ruined your seduction.” He turned as though to leave.

Panic rose in Gemma’s chest. He thought she had been participating! And he was going to leave her there in shame. She had to stop him. She had to let him know the truth.

“Wait! You won’t leave me here in the garden alone!”

Colin stopped in his tracks and spun back to face her. A fire burned in his eyes.

“Why not? You seem set upon ruination. I’m sure if you wait here long enough, another willing fellow will come along to take that one’s place. You are a pleasant-looking woman. There are few who could resist your charms.”

“My charms? Was it not just last week you told me I had no hope of seducing even the basest of rakes?”

He took a step nearer. The thought occurred to Gemma that if she could provoke him, he would stay. And the longer he stayed, the better chance she had of drawing him back to herself.

“I was merely trying to save you from this path of destruction on which you have clearly set your mind.” He took another step toward her. “I do admit, I had hoped to deter you from your course, but I must recant my words from before. Congratulations. Everett. A worthy prize, and no doubt to seduce him required all your feminine wiles. You did far better than I would have imagined. As much as it pains me to confess it, I believe your accomplishment far exceeds my own.”

It was working. Gemma concealed her hopeful smile and pressed further. She stood and took two steps toward him.

“Surely not, Sir Wilde, for your exploits are well-rumored about the ton.”

He shook his head and looked aside to the shrubs. “I fear the rumors have been much exaggerated.”

She advanced a few more steps. “How is your head?”

His gaze shot back to her, momentarily holding confusion. “My head?”

“Your conversation with the tree.”

“Ah, yes.” Colin moved toward her a few more steps. “It is as well as can be expected.”

They stared at each other for a moment of thick silence.

“I have a confession,” Colin finally said, lowering his voice.

“What is it?”Gemma asked. Her eyes wandered to his lips. He was close enough then to see his features clearly.

“I am a miserable rake.” He seemed to scrutinize her reaction. She held her response in check and waited for him to continue. “I fail miserably at every opportunity.”

“I see,” she whispered and stepped forward, closing the last few feet between them. “Perhaps… perhaps you should show me what you are doing, and I can tell you what you are doing wrong.” The words were out of her mouth before she realized what she was truly saying, but she could hardly take them back now, and truly, she had no desire to do so.

Before she could talk herself out of it, she reached a hand up and fingered the lapel of his coat.


Colin hadn’t meant to react so out of character. Rarely was he the man saving damsels from distress, but in this instance, all he had seen was her face. A look of pure horror had crossed her features when Everett had made his advances, and then an expression of disgust. He would kill the man for touching her.

And then, in a moment of clarity, it had occurred to him. Perhaps she’d welcomed Everett’s advances. The nausea that had washed over him had been so strong, he’d had to pull away, had to say those awful things, or else he’d been afraid he would crumple at her feet.

And now, now that her hands were on the lapels of his jacket, urging him forward, he lost track of all time. Her lips were moving, most likely forming words, but he heard nothing. All he could do was watch as her breath hitched, and then her lips, those delicious lips that he’d dreamt of claiming so many times before, lay across his.

Her kiss was cautious. He hadn’t expected that, not from the woman who was not but minutes ago being seduced or perhaps seducing another man. Warmth spread through him, forcing him to throw caution to the wind as he wrapped his arms around her petite frame and pulled her to himself. His mouth opened to hers, and he very happily allowed himself to become lost once again in Gemma’s arms.