Taming Wilde (Page 27)

Taming Wilde (Waltzing with the Wallflower #3)(27)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken


Anthony shook his head. “I do not understand you. I do not—”

“You will forgive me, my friend, that I do not remain to explain it to you. I have an appointment at the Van Burge place, and I do not wish to be late.”

“Going back for more? He will surely kill you, man!”

“No.” Colin shrugged as he stepped toward the door. “I am expected. The lady and I are betrothed. I signed the contract a mere hour ago.”

“Betrothed? How is that possible? Van Burge just told us she is promised to a duke.” Anthony pointed his finger at Colin and scratched his head as though deep in thought. “That would mean…”

Ambrose, the eldest twin by a few minutes, pieced it together more quickly, perhaps because of his age and wisdom. “The mysterious duke.”

“What?” Anthony all but yelled.

Colin bowed low. “The Duke of Bridgewater, at your service.”

“Splendid. That’s what this is.” Anthony slapped his knee and laughed. “What I wouldn’t do to see the look on Van Burge’s face when you tell him.”

“I have thought of that.” Colin couldn’t help the smug grin. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I do not wish to be late.”

“Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant,” Ambrose mumbled as Colin turned to go.

“He may have just become one of my favorite people,” Anthony said.

“I thought I was your favorite person,” Ambrose joked.

“You, dear brother, are family. Wilde, however, is going to give our friend Van Burge a blasted apoplexy.”

“One can only hope,” Ambrose said seriously.

Chapter Eighteen

There is only one thing better than being a well-known rake. That, my friends, is revenge. —The Private Journal of Viscount Maddox

Pearl was none too gentle as she worked with Gemma’s hair, sweeping the copper tresses up into a neat bun. Gemma couldn’t find the will to protest as Pearl tugged at her hair, pulling her head this way and that.

Nothing mattered anymore. Hawke would make certain Colin couldn’t come for her, whether he be maimed or killed, and the duke would arrive at any moment to claim her. A sense of resigned dread washed through Gemma.

The knock on the door resounded through her like a final nail being driven into her coffin.

Pearl scurried to answer it. Thomas’s low voice floated through the room to Gemma, who sat transfixed, staring at the haunting image in the looking glass. The light in her eyes had gone out.

"The lady’s presence is requested in the drawing room."

Her mouth was bone dry. Gemma swallowed hard, stood from the vanity, and strode with resolute purpose to the door.

"Thank you, Thomas," she said, and brushed past the disloyal lady’s maid.

With each step closer, Gemma felt her soul dying. As it would have to do, Gemma thought. In order to survive life apart from Colin.

Thomas led her to the drawing room and opened the doors to let her step inside, then closed them quietly behind her. The man stood at the window with his back to her. He turned when the click sounded. Gemma felt her heart leap to her throat, and she gasped.

"Colin!" she protested, rushing to him. "What are you doing here, you fool? If my brother finds you here, he will shoot you."

Colin met her halfway across the room and swept her into his arms, kissing her hard as though he thought it would be for the last time. A shower of hard kisses, all across her lips and neck. Gemma couldn’t help but return his passion, but she protested between each kiss.

"Quickly… he’ll find you… Colin, please… you must go… you’re mad!"

Finally Colin stepped back; his breath was ragged and fast. "I had to see you, Gemma." There was a fresh cut above his right eye, and his left eye was badly bruised.

"Oh, Colin! What did he do to you?" Gemma wailed, tracing her fingers gingerly down his cheek. "I’m so sorry."

Colin only offered her a crooked smile and took her hands in his. "Listen to me, my darling."

"Oh, Colin! They have promised me to a duke! A horrid old man! Even now he is coming to make arrangements."

"A horrid old duke, you say?" Colin asked. A hint of mocking amusement tinged his voice.

"This is no time for jocularity, my love! We might be caught at any moment!" She cast a glance over her shoulder toward the door to emphasize her words. "Colin, please! Take me away right now! We can ride for Gretna Green tonight!"

He shook his head, holding her hands in his. "Sweet, your brother would only give chase. He would hunt me down and shoot me."

"We could hide! Let’s sail for America!" Why was he refusing her? He seemed hesitant now. Could it be he didn’t truly love her as she did him?

"America? Now, Gemma, be reasonable." He slid his hands up her arms and rested them on her shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Listen, my love. I know it is difficult for you, but I believe you should be ruled by your brother."

His dark eyes bore into hers. Gemma couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

"What!" she demanded, stepping out of his grasp in shock. "Have you gone mad? Do you hear yourself? Be ruled by my brother?"

Colin reached for her again, but she evaded his hands. "What did he do to you? Are you yet suffering from a hard knock to the head?" The man was unhinged, Gemma was certain.

"You are not in your right mind, sir. Else you do not fully understand — I am to be married… to another. You must take me away from here! At once!"

"Forgive me, dear Gemma," Colin said, snatching her hand and pressing a firm kiss to her wrist. "I shall not. Be ruled by your brother. It is best."

Gemma jerked her hand back as though his lips had scorched her. Indignation boiled to the surface. What was he doing to her? To them? Sealing her fate as an unhappy duchess?

She would not be ruled. She was done being ruled.

"No!" she screamed. "No!" She balled her hands into tight fists and slammed them into his chest in desperation. Again and again she pounded at him, but he did not budge. He only stood there smiling like an addlepated lunatic.

Fury overwhelmed all her senses, and she felt as though she were viewing herself from a distance. She didn’t hear the door open. She didn’t see the three gentlemen enter. She didn’t feel the hands grappling with her flailing fists. She knew only the fog of indignant passion that consumed her.


Colin looked into her beautiful eyes and sighed. “I am so very glad you love me enough to sacrifice yourself, but it is not necessary.”