When Ash Falls (Page 47)

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(47)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“You look like you could use a drink.” Hunter handed Ash a glass of wine and sighed. “Lovely, it seems Pierce is smitten.”

“Pierce is smitten on a daily basis. Just yesterday, he gazed that same way at his horse then burst into tears. He was foxed, but nonetheless, Pierce is… harmless.”

“Hmm…” Hunter took a sip of wine. “…if you say so.”

Pierce whispered something in Sofia’s ear. She laughed, and he pulled her closer.

“Yes, harmless,” Hunter said dryly. “So harmless I can feel the anger radiating off you. Tell me, is your pistol loaded?”

“Did you need something?”

“An announcement.” Hunter grinned. “It seems Dominique cannot wait a second longer. Perhaps you should rescue the princess before Pierce decides he wants to pluck her from your grasp.”

“She isn’t in my grasp.”

“The hell she isn’t.” Hunter chuckled and lifted his glass in cheers.

Ash weaved through the crowd. The dance ended just as he reached her.

The music stopped, and Dominique walked to the front of the room. He stood on the fourth or fifth stair with Hunter by his side.

The men commanded the room, the power and money between the two damn-near choking the life out of Ash, making him feel that much more unworthy to be at Sofia’s side. He was nothing like his brother, nothing like Dominique. Simply a second son, titled, rich, but what set him apart? Nothing, just bloodstained hands.

“I have an announcement of felicitations!” Dominique beamed, a rarity for the beastly man. “It seems my cousin has finally met her match!”

Hunter grinned at Ash.

Ash’s legs went weak. So this was it. She’d made her choice and failed to tell him.

“I haven’t…” Sofia said through clenched teeth. “You must do something! You must!”

But Ash knew he couldn’t.

Not without causing a scandal. So he stood a bit closer, offering his body as comfort as much as he could without pulling her into his arms. His entire demeanor shook with rage, anger, and sadness — a lot of sadness.

“Let us raise our glasses to Princess Sofia Maskylov and her affianced…” Ash swayed on his feet. “…Lord Grimm!”

Cheers erupted.

Ash’s mouth dropped open while Sofia covered hers. Stunned, Ash could only stand still, hot and cold, while Sofia shook her head to him and mouthed, “Sorry.”

She had no idea how sorry he was about to be.

She was apologizing now.

She was sad… for now.

In a few minutes, she would be livid and heartbroken, for she’d know his lie… and it would wreck her from the inside out. How could Hunter? And Dominique? How?

“Well!” Dominique clapped. “I’d like to dedicate this next waltz to the new couple.”

The music began to play.

Sofia looked around the crowds, most likely for Lord Grimm.

Shaking, Ash turned to Sofia and gripped her hands.

“What are you doing?” Her smile showed her fear. “If Lord Grimm sees you touching me, then…” She shook her head.

Ash said nothing, simply brought her into his arms and began the dance.

People watched, smiles plastered on their faces, all deliriously happy for the couple… for them.

Sofia’s smile was forced, her eyes still anxiously darting around the room. Her forehead puckered, and then, the moment happened. The moment where she realized the great betrayal. Her back went completely straight, her face ashen, and when she lifted her eyes to meet Ash’s, it was wasn’t anger or even betrayal he saw…. but such a deep sadness he’d rather pluck out his own heart on a daily basis than ever see such a look again.

He had thought he was protecting her heart.

But by protecting her — he had unknowingly broken it.

His fault.


For a broken heart was just like death — and he’d been the one to cause it.


What have I done? —The Grimm Reaper

NO. IT COULDN’T BE. Sofia begged for a man to step out of the crowd and claim his name as Lord Grimm, but the minute she met Ash’s guilty face, she knew. She knew the truth.

He was Lord Grimm.

He was the elusive mysterious man everyone talked about in hushed tones.

And they were to be married.

She should be happy; she was going to marry Ash, after all. But happiness was the farthest thing from her mind.

He had lied to her!

She was willing to give up everything for him, and he’d lied! Was she that horrible? Was he that stubborn? Why? She tried to stay logical; there had to be a reason, but her heart wouldn’t allow logic to take a turn. There was no rationality about the pain in her chest or the choking sensation around her throat.

She loved him.

The music ended. Ash released her. People clapped.

And Sofia felt nothing.

Ash led her to the edge of the room and then down the dark hallway to a room.

He opened the door and ushered her in.

It locked behind them.

A library. A beautiful library with hundreds of books, but she could not appreciate the beauty. Too sick to say anything, she simply stood, head held high, waiting for his excuses.

“I should have told you…” His voice was weak, so unlike its typical deep timbre. “…but I—”

“I love you!” Sofia yelled. “Do you know that?”

Ash took a step backward while Sofia charged forward, pushing against his chest. “I love you.” Tears streamed down her face. “I love you more than my country… more than my people. You let me fall in love with you! But I don’t even know who you are!”


“No!” Sofia pushed against his chest again, anger making her want to pound it until he hurt as bad as she did. “Do you truly think so little of me? That I would love you and marry another?”

Ash said nothing. He hung his head and cursed.

“I was giving it up.” Sofia pulled away.

“Giving what up?” Ash reached for her, but she jerked her hand out of his grasp. “Sofia?”

“My title…” Her lower lip quivered. “I was going to give up my title, my claim to the land, the riches, the people… I was going to tell Dominique tomorrow. You see…” She felt braver as she spoke. “…we are all given a choice, Ash… and you were mine.”

He tried reaching for her again, but she moved away.

“Sofia—” He choked out the word. “—I’m… not well.”