When Ash Falls (Page 54)

When Ash Falls (London Fairy Tales #4)(54)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

She rolled her eyes and then stood.

“Well, blast, it was worth a try.” He chuckled.

With a wink, she shrugged out of her simple gown and dropped it to the floor, followed by her shift.

Throat drier than a desert, Ash stopped laughing. “You’re beautiful,” he croaked. “So beautiful.”

“And you, my long lost prince…” She kneeled in the bed, hovering over him. “…are you… chilled?”

“Frozen.” He hissed. “Can’t feel my legs.”

“We’ll have to remedy that.”

“Yes, well, it isn’t just my legs bothering me…”

“Ah, feeling lucky, are we?”

He pulled her down with him. “Very much so.”

He kissed her hard on the mouth, their tongues tangling as he pulled her as hard as he could across his own body.

A knock sounded at the door.

Sofia squealed.

Ash cursed.

The door opened.

And in walked The Beast.

Along with Pierce and Hunter.

Bloody hell, he may have survived the fever, but there was no way he’d survive this.

“Name your second!” Hunter shouted with a wink, while Pierce raised his hand as if to offer.

“Damn… so close,” he muttered to himself just as Dominique stomped toward the bed.


I am whole. —The Grimm Reaper

SOFIA ROLLED HER EYES as Dominique’s glare chilled the room. He paced by Ash’s bed side, stuffing his hands in his pockets, while Sofia brought the blankets closer to her chest. Could they at least quit the room so she could become presentable?

“You will marry her!” Dominique finally roared, loud enough to break every mirror within the house.

Ash and Sofia shared a look; she bit her lip to keep from laughing while Ash nodded emphatically. “Of course.”

“And you will—”

Dominique stopped mid-sentence, his eyes narrowing. “Yes, well, all right. The wedding will be immediate, the bishop has already been contacted to dispense with the details.”

“Perfect.” Ash’s grin widened.

“Bloody hell.” Hunter looked heavenward. “Show a bit of compassion, old chap.” He slapped Dominique’s back. “The man hasn’t been with a woman for ten years! He, of all people, is allowed one indiscretion.”

“Or five.” This from Pierce.

Dominique growled while Ash peered around the men and sent a glare in Pierce’s direction. But the man was, at the moment, staring at the ceiling as if inspecting it for cracks.

“Ten years,” Dominique said in a low tone. “You are able to wait one more day, are you not?”

“Not,” Sofia answered sweetly.

Ash cursed under his breath.

“He did almost die.” Hunter winked at Sofia.

“Yes, the fires of hell licked at his heels!” Pierce announced loudly. “And behold! He returns after true love’s kiss and is ready to claim his bride!”

“We need to find a wife for Pierce. It’s uncomfortable how close he is to that damn horse,” Hunter mumbled under his breath.

Pierce scowled.

“Death will be in your future if you touch her.” Dominique pointed his finger at Ash’s face. “And Sofia?”

“Yes?” She tilted her head while Dominique averted his eyes to keep from looking at her bare skin, or what was exposed of it.

“You will clothe yourself and return to your rooms where you’ll have dinner brought to you. Tomorrow you wed. Tonight, I’m locking you in your tower.”

“Ah, splendid.” Hunter clapped his hands. “Give him a challenge, why don’t you. After all, lovemaking is so much more exciting when one sees it as a prize.”

Ash’s nostrils flared as he glanced in Sofia’s direction. Her entire body heated from that one gaze.

“Impossible.” Dominique shook his head. “I’ll simply keep her guard at the door. They’ve done a good enough job every evening, haven’t they?”

“Yes!” Ash and Sofia said in unison.

Dominique’s eyes narrowed. “Tomorrow. Now, Sofia, I trust you are able to dress yourself once we leave. I’ll send the maid. And Ash, for heaven’s sakes, close your eyes.”

“He’s scared of the dark.” Pierce again.

“It’s true.” Hunter coughed. “When he was a child, he was locked in the—”

“Enough!” Dominique roared. “Out! All of you!”

Grinning, Hunter tipped his hat at Ash and pushed Pierce ahead of him. Dominique glared one last time before he shut the door to the room.

“Well, that went remarkably well, all things considered.” Sofia sighed, leaning her head against Ash’s chest. “How long until a maid enters?”

“Not long enough,” Ash grumbled. “Tonight?”

“You’ll brave my Royal Guard, will you?”

“I’d brave a damn dragon to get to you. I’d brave death. I’d walk through the fires of hell. Just don’t lock your door, or I may perish.”

Sofia pressed a kiss across his lips just as the door opened.

Ana stepped through, her cheeks pink with embarrassment. “Your Highness.” She dipped into a curtsy. “The prince demands I dress you and lock you in… your room.”

“Very well.” Sighing, Sofia stood, completely naked.

Ash stared at her like a man starved, his eyes never leaving her skin as Ana helped her dress.

“He is to be my husband.” Sofia felt the need to explain.

“Yes,” Ana huffed. “But he is not your husband yet.”

“This time tomorrow,” Ash whispered. “And I’ll burn every article of clothing in your wardrobe, Your Highness.”

“Ah, so I walk around naked?”

“So you never leave our suite.”

Ana coughed. “Well, then, we’ll just be going.” She all but shoved Sofia from the room.

The last thing Sofia heard was Ash’s soft cursing as the door shut behind them.

“That man is the very devil,” Ana whispered under her breath. “To look at you in that way before the vows are announced.”

“Vows or no vows…” Sofia sighed. “…I hope he looks at me in that way every second of every day.”

“Your Highness, permission to speak plainly?”

“When have you not?”

Ana smiled. “That look, the one he gives you, will never falter. It is one of true love and adoration… the rascal.”