An Unlikely Alliance (Page 18)

An Unlikely Alliance (House of Renwick #2.5)(18)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Royce shrugged his shoulders in mock surrender. "Well then, sir, I should like to make my offer. May I have your daughter’s hand in marriage? You see, well, I’m sure you can see here, it’s best we get married sooner rather than later. Don’t want any grandchildren out of wedlock, now do we?"

Evelyn turned an attractive shade of red. "Royce!"

Mr. De Jarlias turned the same color.

Royce grinned fiendishly.

His mother scowled. All in all, it was a normal day in the life of Royce McArthur.

"You’ve, you’ve…" Mr. De Jarlias couldn’t seem to get the words out.

"Consummated?" Royce offered.

"Royce McArthur!" His mother, appalled and embarrassed, raised a hand to slap him, which he knew he deserved, but he ducked anyway.

"All of you stop this at once! Royce, I have no idea what has gotten into you. Oh well, fine. I know exactly what’s gotten into you. You’re insane, but you’ve been insane since I met you, so why should I be shocked?" Evelyn’s voice was also loud but pleasing to his ears. "Daddy, I’m marrying this man because I love him. And no, we have not consummated." The scarlet flush of her face deepened at the word. "Royce, wipe that ridiculous grin off of your face before I take your pistol." His smile froze. "And how dare you come in here and accuse us of going behind your backs and being ill-behaved, when both of you…" She pointed at both parents. Royce crossed his arms and took a seat. It was a good show. "Yes! Both of you—our own parents—were going behind our backs and courting!"

"Courting?" Mrs. McArthur looked sheepishly at Mr. De Jarlias. "We’ve only been spending time together."

Evelyn laughed. "Drinking wine! Having picnics? Shopping?"

"Have you been spying on us?" Mr. De Jarlias interjected.

"I, uh…" Evelyn looked to Royce for help. He shook his head with a no thanks and invited them to continue with a wave of his hand. Naturally he would pay for his betrayal of Evelyn later, but this was too good to pass up.

However, when all of them began talking at once, he felt the sudden need to settle the mood before the masquerade was ruined. "Let’s just be honest. I am in love with your daughter, and it seems you two…" He pointed to both parents. "Find joy in each other’s company. Shall we just leave the details to ourselves and enjoy the Valentine’s Ball before we ruin the night?"

All eyes were on Royce, each with mouth gaping in turn, as it slowly dawned on them that for once, Royce was the reasonable one. They all nodded, apologized, and walked out into the hall arm in arm.

"I think you’ll be a good husband after all," Evelyn whispered.

"I’m shocked and appalled all at once! You had your doubts?"

Her eyes twinkled as she stopped and took his face in both hands. "No, Royce. I no longer have doubts about you. I love you with every fiber of my being."

Her kiss was deep, seductive—he wanted more. "You know, we can always go back into that room and…"

"Royce." Evelyn’s voice edged with warning as she gave him a stern look.

"Or," he offered diplomatically, "we can go see what kind of meats are at the buffet table."

When her face lit up, he realized he couldn’t wait to spend his life with her by his side.

Chapter Fifteen

The Worthington’s Valentine’s Ball had been the perfect night for Royce. It was the first time in his life he felt truly excited about the holiday. In his memory it would always serve as a reminder that love really did exist.

They were married quickly the next week, and in typical male fashion he could not wait to be alone with his wife.

As they entered the large mansion, Royce did not allow any time to be wasted. Instead, he gathered Evelyn into his arms and carried her up the stairs. He stopped at his bedroom and slammed the door behind him. Never once did his lips leave hers. Tenderly he tugged at her hair, allowing it to flow freely around her shoulders. Her soft moan encouraged him to dig his hands into the thick locks.

He chanced opening his eyes, and then wished he wouldn’t have. She was precious—his—perfect. All his.

Royce still couldn’t believe that Evelyn’s father had agreed to the match so quickly, partly because her reputation would have been ruined, but Royce liked to think that he and Mr. De Jarlias had an understanding. The understanding being that Royce was head over heels in love with his daughter.

Possession like none he had ever experienced in his life pounded into him as his body ached to touch hers. To show her his passion—his love.

The way the firelight danced across her face nearly did him in. Grasping at her body, taking care not to break her, he lifted her onto the bed, covering her with his form as his jacket was pushed off his shoulders by her delicate hands.

Never had a woman’s hands felt as warm and possessive as Evelyn’s.

He prayed this moment would be sealed into his memory forever; then as she kissed innocently along his jaw he knew it would. How could something so perfect ever be lost in his memory?

"I love you," he said, voice hoarse.

Evelyn smiled. "And I love you."

Royce met her forehead with his own and closed his eyes. A soft thump was heard in the distance. "Did you hear that?"

Evelyn nodded her head and pulled back. "Someone’s just outside our door, I think?"

Royce motioned for Evelyn to stand back as he opened the door to their bedroom and peered down the hall. His mother had left the entire house to them for their wedding night, which he was more than pleased about.

And then he saw someone hurry down the hall.

"Halt!" he cried, then realized that people didn’t really say that anymore. Must be the excitement of being with Evelyn. Alone. At last. It was drawing him towards madness.

The person in question turned around and glared.

"Mr. De Jarlias?"

"Daddy?" Evelyn peered around the corner of the door.

"Stuart," a hushed whisper was heard at the end of the hall and than a giggle "Stuart, hurry up. We don’t want to get caught."

Royce cleared his throat and glared at Mr. De Jarlias as his mother appeared through the adjoining hallway.

"Just what are your intentions with my mother, Mr. De Jarlias?" Royce’s voice held a hint of humor.

Evelyn’s father had the good sense to blush as he looked at Royce’s mother then back at his accuser. "About that."

"You really were courting one another, weren’t you?" Evelyn’s eyes widened in shock as her father looked to the floor.

"Guess we have a lot to discuss later," he said, finally meeting Royce’s amused gaze.