An Unlikely Alliance (Page 6)

An Unlikely Alliance (House of Renwick #2.5)(6)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

"The one plastered all over your sorry face. Oh, Lord, forgive him. He knows not what he does."

"Oh, yes, I do."

"You do what?" Her voice was half pleading.

"Know exactly what I’m going to do."

"And that is?" His mother stopped him in his tracks and pulled his shoulders towards her.

"The usual: rubies, diamonds, clothing. Things that shine."

"Are we talking about ways to attract wild animals?"

Royce chuckled. "Oh, yes. I would most definitely put her in that category. I do love a good chase."

His mother’s face contorted with concern. "Dear, I very much like them. Her father is a hard-working man, just like your father, and well…" She didn’t finish talking, but she didn’t have to. Royce knew what she meant. No man could ever hope to compare to his father, which is exactly why Royce never wanted to try. He could never live up to him. Nobody could. It upset him that his mother was comparing the two men. It also made him wonder if what she saw in Mr. De Jarlias was the same irritatingly attractive thing he saw in Evelyn. He put his hand around his mother’s shoulders. "Don’t worry, Mother. She’ll break. The strong ones just take longer."

"I’m not so sure this one is the same as the others." She pushed past him and strode out of the building, leaving him with a sickening feeling that she might be right.

Chapter Four

Evelyn laughed when she saw the shocked look on Royce’s face that Tuesday morning. Apparently the cad had been by her house four times in the past two days, each time dropping off little gifts and trinkets fit for a mistress, more so than a lady. Not that she knew much about mistresses.

Whatever did he expect her to do with flowers and jewelry? Flowers died, and even though Royce didn’t know it, she despised jewelry and everything it represented. It was pretty, yes, but having grown up in God’s creation, she knew exactly what she appreciated in life. Her health, being happy, long walks, ladybugs—things which made her smile and which Royce knew nothing about.

A loud crash shook her from her thoughts. Running down the stairs, she barely had time to open her mouth before Royce was in front of her, looking all out of sorts with tattered flowers and a vase in his hand. "I heard a noise," she sputtered, peeking around him to the mess on the floor. Visibly disturbed, the crouching butler looked as though he would weep while he picked up tiny shards of crystal.

"I seem to have upset him," Royce muttered, stuffing the flowers together to create a sad excuse for a bouquet.

"Little wonder. He sees himself as the guardian of our precious family heirlooms. He’ll never forgive you. " Evelyn hoped the lie about family heirlooms would evoke some sort of guilt in Royce’s eyes. Instead he pasted on a glorious smile and knelt down on bended knee.

Oh, Lord.

"Come to the theatre with me."


"So you mean yes?" Royce lifted an eyebrow.

"Are we really going to go through this whole scenario again?" Evelyn, ignoring his plea, walked over to the door and opened it. "Out."

"Oh, and I almost forgot to mention… I have this new chef from France. Supposedly he’s one of the best in the world. I’ve asked him to make us a meal before the show."

Drat her Achilles heel! At least she would get a free meal out of the deal. It wasn’t as if Royce was terrible company; she just knew what he was about. And he was selfishly only about getting his own way, whether or not he had to kill people in the process. He was nothing like the husband or partner she needed.

"I accept."

"Splendid. I thought you would. You know, I can be quite—"

"Stop talking. I accept on one condition."

"Name it, darling, and it’s yours." He lifted his large hand and cupped her chin. Unfortunately the touch sent shivers all the way down her spine, reminding her just how dangerous this predator was.

"No more gifts, no more irritating me, and God as my witness, if you try to seduce me, I’ll stab you with my fork. Are we clear?"

His face, alight with amusement, cracked into a beautiful smile "Quite clear. Shall we seal it with a kiss?"

Exasperated laughter bubbled out of her. "Leave before I change my mind, you cad!"

He took a long, lazy bow before tipping his hat and exiting through the front door. Insufferable man. Now all she had to do was survive dinner and try to make her daddy proud at the theatre. It was well known that only the richest families in New York made their way to the theatre on Friday nights.


Royce tried to be patient as he watched the clock strike six, but found it nearly impossible to stop pacing in his study. She was late. Was this normal for her? Was she okay? And why the devil was he pacing in his study, worrying over this woman he barely knew like some besotted fool?

He needed to get his head on straight with this one. Nothing was working like it was supposed to. He had even lied about hiring a new French chef, hoping she would at least feel the need to come to dinner if he promised amazing food. It took him hours to find a chef good enough to hire, and even more money than he would ever admit to convince the chef to go along with his little scheme.

The woman was ruthless! She laughed when he sent her jewels and sent them back with a note that instructed him to donate them to charity! Charity! When he brought her flowers, she said she was allergic; and this morning when he brought in another bouquet, the butler tried to send him away.

None of his usual tricks were good enough. His last hope, his final hurrah, was seduction by food. Desperation had forced him to his knees, humbling him beyond belief.

"Monsieur!" the chef yelled from the kitchen.

Oh, God, tell me that isn’t smoke I smell.

"I cannot work in conditions like these, Monsieur! I quit!" Smoke billowed from the kitchen, causing Royce to cough before he was able to respond. What conditions did the chef speak of? What was he talking about? Not wanting to humble himself one measly inch by actually stepping foot into his own kitchen, he impatiently waited in vain; instead he heard a loud curse and nearly shouted when the smoke seemed to thicken. Relenting, he muttered an oath and stepped over the threshold into a realm very unfamiliar.

"Monsieur, wait! The dinner! What am I to do? I paid you!" There I go again with the desperation.

"You can have your money back!" The chef spat on the floor and stomped out, leaving Royce to face the kitchen staff, each of them with looks of horror on their faces.

"Can somebody please tell me why there is smoke everywhere, and why the new chef felt the need to quit?"