Breathe (Page 31)

Breathe (Sea Breeze #1)(31)
Author: Abbi Glines

I waited on Jax out in the gazebo after work. I’d promised Amanda I’d come to the party with her tonight. She sent a message through Marcus as to where to meet her and what time. I’d forgotten until he reminded me. I needed to talk to Jax about it, because if he wanted to do something with me, I would need to cancel my prior plans. Now, I wished I hadn’t accepted Amanda’s invitation, but she seemed so excited about introducing me to people.

“Why the frown, gorgeous?” Jax stepped into the gazebo and came to sit by me.

“I didn’t realize I was frowning. I’m just thinking.”


I sighed. “I’ve been invited to a party at a guy’s house, from school. Marcus’s younger sister, Amanda, is in my grade, and she invited me to come with her. I told her yes, but it was last night when I left early because of Star.”

He leaned back and put his arm behind me. “Well, would you be against going to the party with a date?”

I stiffened. “A date?”

He smiled. “Yes, unless you’re ashamed to be seen with me in public.”

I didn’t know what he meant. Surely, he couldn’t mean he would go as himself. “You mean, you want to go to a party?”

He nodded. “Yes, I think I do.”

I frowned and decided to point out the obvious. “You’re aware these people are going to flip out over you, right?”

He shrugged. “Probably at first, but I figure they will get over the initial shock and leave us alone.”

“I can cancel.”

He shook his head, sat up, and turned toward me. “I’m going for a selfish reason. I want them to know you’re mine.”

“Okay, but what purpose does this serve, except to make me the envy of every female in town?”

He grinned. “It will let the male population know you’re not available and to stay away.”

I laughed. “All right then, ‘Mr. Hot Shot Rock Star’, let’s go to the party so you can intimidate all the guys in a fifty mile radius.”

* * * *

We stopped at my house so I could run inside and change clothes. Apparently, the dress code was swimsuits. I slipped a black see-through cover up over my bikini, a pair of black heeled sandals on my feet, and let my hair down to its wild, natural, curly mess. For the first time in my life, I could be accused of being vain, and I knew it, but I wanted to look worthy of Jax tonight. I put on some red lipstick, mascara, and then stood back and appraised myself. My reflection surprised me. The black mascara really made my already dark lashes stand out. I went into the living room to tell Jessica “bye.” She stopped watching her reality television show and looked me up and down, and then broke out into a smile.

“You can thank me for those good genes you’ve decided to flaunt tonight.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be late.”

She waved me off. “Be careful and all that stuff.”

I sighed and headed for the door. She hadn’t even asked me whom I’d dressed up for. Most girls my age wished their mothers would leave them alone, and I wished mine would just care. I grabbed my purse and headed back out to Jax and his Hummer. I’d left him outside for fear Jessica would be parading around in her underwear. He stepped away from the Hummer, and his gaze took me in. I’m glad I put the heels on because I knew it helped make my long legs seem less lanky.

He let out a low whistle. “Wow, you’re incredible.”

I smiled and blushed. “Thank you,” I replied.

He frowned. “Now, could you go back inside and make yourself less sexy?”


He sighed. “You were worried about me attracting attention, and you’ve gone in there and unleashed all your deadly weapons.” His gaze skimmed my legs again. “Damn, Sadie, I’m going to have a hard time with self-control tonight, and I swear if I catch one guy ogling you, he is going to be able to tell the world he got his ass kicked by Jax Stone.”

I laughed out loud and rolled my eyes. “You’re a little biased.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Do you have mirrors in your apartment?”

I nodded.

“Did you use any of them, or did you manage to become every guy’s fantasy without any visual help?”

I stepped around him. “You’re overreacting, now come on, and let’s go.”

His arms slid around my waist as he pulled me up against his chest. He buried his face in my neck and groaned. “You smell heavenly.”

I smiled and leaned back against him. “Thank you.”

He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear. My knees went weak, and chill bumps broke out on my body.

“Jax,” I whispered, “if you keep this up, you’re going to have to put me in the Hummer. I am only so strong.”

He chuckled against my neck, opened the door, and set me in my seat. He gave me one last smile, which sent shivers through my body, and then closed the door. I’d never really felt sexy before, but tonight I did. I knew it was because of him. Just maybe our being together would be believable. But I doubted it, seriously.

We pulled into the driveway, and I immediately spotted Amanda watching for me and my bike.

I turned to Jax. “When Amanda sees me step out of this vehicle with you, she is going to flip out. So get prepared.”

He laughed. “You act like I am not used to being treated like a celebrity.” He squeezed my hand. “It’s fine. Stop worrying. I am used to this. I don’t normally live in hiding like I do here. I know how to handle it.”

I took a deep breath and exhaled. “Let’s go.”

Jax put his hand on my leg. “I’m getting you out, so stay put.”

He held my hand as we made our way toward Amanda, who stood frozen in place with her mouth hanging open.

“Hey, I, um, brought a guest. I hope it’s all right.”

It sounded stupid, but I didn’t know what else to say. She covered her gaping mouth with a trembling hand

“Yes, it’s fine,” she said through her hand, staring at Jax in disbelief, and I smiled because I completely understood her disbelief.

“Amanda, this is Jax, Jax, this is Amanda, a friend of mine from school.”

Jax held out his hand and unleashed his lethal grin on her, and I was afraid she might faint. She shook his hand and gawked at him, but she didn’t seem to be able to speak.

“It’s nice to meet you, Amanda.”

Amanda whimpered.

Jax finally broke the handshake and stepped back.