Cloud Walking (Page 14)

Cloud Walking (Find You in the Dark #1.5)(14)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

Clay was even being normal for once. I still wasn’t sold on him, but tonight I was trying to reserve judgment.

Dinner was awesome. Rachel took a ton of pictures of our group wearing those stupid plastic bibs to catch melted butter. We looked like idiots. Idiots having fun. But idiots nonetheless.

Dinner ended and we headed to the dance. Rachel sat pressed against my side as she, Maggie and Clay sat squished in the cab of my truck. I couldn’t help but notice that Rachel’s hand lay on my thigh, with her pinky finger rubbing my leg in slow, purposeful circles.

There was no way she was doing that by accident. I quickly looked down at her and she peeked up at me through her long lashes. Her mouth twitched into a smirk and I almost pulled the truck over to kiss her. Clay and Maggie be damned.

What was this? She was flirting with me! Teasing me! And she knew exactly what she was doing. God, I had never wanted something so badly in my life. But I had sworn to myself that I wouldn’t ruin our friendship.

But with her finger tracing lazily up and down my fabric-covered skin, I forgot about that. Screw morals. They were overrated anyway. I was going to kiss that girl tonight. And I would do it so that there would never be any doubt about how I felt about her.

I was practically bursting with the anticipation of it all. I whipped into the school parking lot, eager to get to the dance and to get on with my night. Two more seconds of smelling her skin and feeling her finger dancing up my leg and I wouldn’t be responsible for my actions.

Rachel, Clay and Maggie were tossed around a bit in my haste to get into the parking space. “Take it easy there, Danny Boy. We’d like to get there alive, you know,” Maggie quipped, jumping out of the truck as Clay slid his arm around her waist.

Not even their subtle PDA would ruin my good mood. I grabbed Rachel’s hand and dragged her toward the school. “Dude! I’m wearing heels, slow down!” Rachel laughed. I stopped, turned around and lifted her up, carrying her as though over the threshhold or something.

“What are you doing?” she squealed as we walked up the stairs. I could hear Clay and Maggie laughing behind us. I pressed her into my chest and leaned down so that my lips were next to her ear.

“Can’t have a high heel related catastrophe, now can we?” I joked, enjoying the way my breath on her neck made her shiver. I wanted to kiss the white, creamy skin less than an inch from my mouth, but restrained myself. Once inside the school, I put her back down on her feet. She was a little wobbly and grabbed my arm for support.

We walked into the decorated gym, our arms around each other and it felt like this was a date. Rachel leaned her head into my shoulder and I rested my chin in her hair as we waited for Clay and Maggie to join us.

We were instantly greeted by Ray and Claire. Then Jake came up with his date, though I noticed he watched Maggie as she entered the gymnasium with Clay. Poor guy had it bad. I could empathize as my eyes wandered over to Rachel, who was laughing with a few other girls in our grade.

“So, are they together now?” Jake asked me, nodding his head in Clay and Maggie’s direction where they still lingered by the door. They weren’t touching, but it was very obvious that something was going on between them.

I looked at my buddy. Jake Fitzsimmons was a decent guy. One of my best friends outside of Rachel and Maggie. It had never been a secret that he had been crushing on Maggie since middle school. He had told me that they hooked up a few times at different parties, but I had asked him to spare me the details. He had wanted advice on how to get Maggie to go out with him. But I didn’t do the whole Dear Abby thing. Plus, Maggie had never been particularly interested in a guy before.

But it was clear she was very interested in Clayton Reed and I knew that was like a kick to Jake’s gut. I clasped his shoulder in sympathy. “I don’t know what they are, but I know she likes him, dude,” I said quietly, so that no one else could hear.

Jake’s smile was strained and I could tell he was lying when he said, “That’s cool.” But I wasn’t going to stand around and talk about Maggie’s love life all night. Not when I wanted to jump start mine with a certain someone.

Maggie joined Rachel and me as we found a table with a few of our friends. I didn’t know where Clay had gone, but I wanted to get Rachel’s fine ass on the dance floor. So I finally pulled her with me, just as a slow song came on.

Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight” played as we moved together. I couldn’t help but press her up against my body and I felt the moment she relaxed and gave into me. Her arms twined up around my neck and I leaned my head against hers.

This was perfect. This was damn near magical. I had officially grown a freaking vagina.

My questionable chromosome aside, I really enjoyed being with Rachel like this. I felt like things were starting to all fall into place.

Rachel pulled back a bit and looked up at me. “I’m having a lot of fun, Danny. Thanks.” She smiled and then I smiled. And we were swaying there together…smiling.

“Me too, Rach,” I said softly, pushing the hair back from her face. She leaned into my touch for only a second. But it was enough to tell me all I needed to know. She wanted this as much as I did.

“I meant to ask how your dad was when you saw him,” she asked me suddenly. I blinked at the change in conversation.

“He’s doing good, considering he was in town to sign all the paperwork for his and Mom’s divorce. He let me know I could still come and live with him. Finish my senior year there if I wanted,” I mentioned off handily. Mostly because I wanted to see what Rachel would say. I was a manipulative son of a bitch when I wanted to be.

And she reacted just as I had wanted her to. She gasped. “You’re not going, are you?” I chuckled.

“No way. I”m too close to graduating. I don’t want the hassle when I’m almost out of here anyway,” I told her and she visibly relaxed. “Why, would you miss me?” I teased, winking at her.

Rachel rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I suppose your obnoxious presence would be missed,” she said shortly, though she was smiling. I hugged her to my chest, my arms going around her.

“Good, because I sure as hell would miss you,” I whispered as we continued to dance. Her hands came up to press against my back, her cheek right over my heart.

And then the song was over. We pulled apart, but our hands still clung to each other. Rachel’s eyes were sparkling and I thought this might be our moment.

Then I saw her stiffen and step backwards. I frowned in confusion right before I felt a touch on my arm. I looked over my shoulder and could have growled in frustration.

“Kylie,” I bit out sharply. I turned back to Rachel but she was already heading back to the table. Great. Just freaking great.