Kindled (Page 65)

Julian’s hand tightened briefly on hers again. “What’s going on?” he inquired his voice slurred and thick.

“We’re getting the hell out of here,” Cassie answered softly.

His head lolled toward her, his blue eyes widened upon her. “Cassie?” he blurted in surprise.

“Shh, we have to be quiet Julian.”

He continued to stare at her in wide eyed amazement for a moment, and then he shook his head. “No, this isn’t real. I must be dreaming, or they’ve figured out some new experiment.”

Cassie’s heart clenched, pain for him filled her. She stopped abruptly, jerking Dani to a halt. Grasping hold of his chin, she turned his head forcefully toward her. “This is very real Julian,” she whispered fervently, squeezing his chin hard to reinforce her words. “I am real. And I need your help. You need to start walking otherwise we are not going to get out of this alive!”

He stared at her for a moment, his dazed gaze finally focused on her completely. “This is real?”

“Very much so, and we need to get out.”

He blinked again and his shoulders straightened. He seemed to realize that someone else was holding him as he turned slowly away from her. His body stiffened in shock, his grip tightened painfully on her hand as a feral hiss escaped him. Dani’s eyes widened in terror, her gaze flew wildly toward Cassie. For a brief moment Cassie contemplated letting Julian do whatever he wanted to Dani. But no matter how much she didn’t like or trust the girl, she couldn’t allow that to happen. They needed Dani to get out of here, and no matter how much she hated the girl, her conscience would not let Julian kill Dani in cold blood.

“No Julian,” Cassie said softly, tugging sharply on his hand. “We need her to get out of here.”

Dani’s nostrils flared as she grasped the unstated threat behind Cassie’s statement. Once they were free, there were no promises. Cassie stared hard at her. “Let’s go,” Dani said softly.

Though Julian used his own feet, he still leaned on her shoulder as they continued forward. Cassie did not miss the fact that he had pulled away from Dani, but continued to watch her wearily. They reached a set of elevators, but Dani turned away from them, heading to the right. Cassie stared at the silver doors for a moment before Julian tugged her forward.

“We need to use the stairs,” Dani explained in a hushed voice. “I don’t trust the elevator to stay working.”

They followed her down the hall until they reached a set of swinging doors. Dani fumbled with the keys again, unlocking the doors with a shaky hand before shoving through them. Flights of stairs wound their way steeply up. Cassie’s eyes widened as she stared up the twisting mess before them. She was exhausted, still slightly drugged, and every muscle in her body ached from dragging Julian, but she could do this. She would do this.

Staggering slightly, she helped Julian forward as Dani quickly relocked the doors. Her hand grasped hold of the banister as Julian rested his other hand against the wall. Working together she was able to lead him swiftly up the first two flights before the strain began to truly weigh on her. She struggled up the next flight before tripping over a step.

With a soft cry, she fell forward smashing her knees off of the landing. Pain lanced through her, but she shoved it aside as she tried hard not to let it get the best of her. Julian grasped hold of her arm, helping to pull her back up. “You can do this princess,” he hissed in her ear.

She glanced sharply at him, her eyes narrowed slightly. “Don’t call me princess,” she hissed back.

His familiar grin flitted over his handsome features, his eyes sparked with amusement. “Come on,” Dani urged, hurrying swiftly back to them. “There’s only one more flight.”

Cassie bit on her bottom lip, her hands clenched as she shoved herself back to her feet, trying hard not to succumb to the pain threatening to engulf her. Julian kept hold of her arm as they struggled up the last flight of stairs. Dani hesitated at the top to peer out the window in the large metal door that blocked their way.

Taking a deep breath, Dani set her shoulders as she fumbled to get the keys out of her pocket. Cassie watched impatiently as Dani shakily inserted them into the lock and turned the key. They waited breathlessly as she pulled the door slowly open, peeking out. “I think it’s safe,” she whispered.

Dani opened the door more and slid through it, she waited for Cassie and Julian to join her on the other side. Cassie’s eyes widened, her breath exploded from her in shock as she took in the locker lined hallways. They were in a school. “What the hell?” Julian demanded.

“Cedarville school,” Dani answered softly.

“Where the hell is Cedarville?” Cassie inquired sharply.

“Upstate New York.”

Cassie’s eyebrows furrowed as she glanced rapidly up and down the halls. “You put that monstrosity down there beneath a school?” she grated.

Dani quirked an eyebrow, anger flitted briefly over her features. “I didn’t put it anywhere!” Dani retorted. “And I think we had better get free of here before we have this conversation, don’t you?”

Cassie glared fiercely back at her, her hands fisted as she fought the urge to punch Dani in her traitorous face. Julian grasped hold of her arm, shaking his head warningly at her. “Not here.”

She glanced at him, her hands relaxing slightly as she nodded briefly. Dani was watching them in wide eyed fascination, her gaze darted wildly between the two of them as her mouth parted slightly. “What are you staring at?” Julian snarled, stepping protectively in front of Cassie.

Cassie reached out to touch his arm seeking to soothe some of the rage she sensed building rapidly within him. Julian relaxed slightly, as some of the tension eased from him. Dani’s eyes widened upon her, doubt and horror crept into her gaze. Cassie knew what Dani saw, knew that she thought Cassie was betraying Devon, but she couldn’t bring herself to care what Dani thought of her. She didn’t care about Dani at all. Not anymore. Cassie tilted her chin defiantly; she glared back at Dani with disgust and hatred.

Dani’s mouth snapped shut as she shook her head. “Come on, we need to get out of here before they find us.”

Cassie didn’t know if Dani meant the monsters that had held them captive, or if there were other creatures like the one that had tried to get into her room running around. Either way she didn’t care, she just wanted to be free. She followed silently behind as Dani crept cautiously down the hall, past the lockers, and empty classrooms. Julian was able to move on his own now, but he stayed close to Cassie, his arm brushing lightly against hers as they moved. They turned a corner, hurrying past a silent gym before making their way into a small cafeteria.