Read Books Novel

Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(22)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I didn’t see the problem with me being there. I’d come on this trip with her for two years. The first time was the worst, since we weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room. We still managed to sneak anyway, but it wasn’t the point. She was over eighteen and still being treated like an adolescent. In many ways I hated it, but knew I couldn’t complain. I had my girlfriend back, and we’d owed no one any explanations, because nobody else mattered when it came to us being together.

“I’m not afraid of your dad, babe.”

“Can we just go before it causes a scene. He obviously knows something happened last night. I’d rather get out of here, and avoid seeing him altogether.”

I wasn’t going to fight with her since I couldn’t stand the guy. My beef with him stemmed from the way he’d brought his daughter up. They sent her away, never showing her the kind of love that every child needs. Cameron was the smartest person I’d ever met, but she had no social skills. She didn’t even have street smarts. It was unfortunate, because she’d need them when she got that law degree.

We packed up her things and headed out without being spotted. Cameron was going to have to face him at some point, and I honestly didn’t want to be in the room when he addressed his concerns. There had been too many times where I wished I could punch him in the face for being a douche.

It felt nice having her beside me as I drove back to campus, and even better when we headed back to my room together. Cameron stayed in the dorm, but I’d since converted to live at the frat house. I had my own room. It wasn’t anything to write home about, but it was private, and she could finally stay the night.

Since it was so new to us to be able to sleep in the same bed without really sneaking around, I planned on taking full advantage of it. I’d been reluctant at first to bring her around. I think I wanted to know it was okay, before pissing people off. After seeing several of my frat brothers having guests overnight, I was certain that it was acceptable.

It also made Cameron feel better about my current living conditions. She wasn’t too keen on me being around so many women, and the ladies seemed to love hanging out every night. Of course, I wasn’t interested. I already had the hottest chick for myself.

Her phone started ringing off the hook as soon as we climbed into bed. Each call was from the same number, and I watched her cringe every time she checked. “Just turn it off, Cam. He’s not going to stop callin’ until you answer.”

“If I don’t answer he’ll come looking for me.”

“So what if he does? You’re an adult, and it’s time he learns to deal with it.” I was tired of watching her living under his rules. “Look, if we’re goin’ to be together than I don’t want him breathin’ down our backs. He needs to be engrossed in something else besides you.”

Finally I watched her turn off the phone. She giggled and snuggled up next to me. “Fine. You win. Next he’ll probably start calling you.”

“My phone’s been off since we left the lodge. It’s not like anyone would be callin’ me anyway. The only person I need to hear from is you.”

That would have been the truth on any day, except on this particular one. Not even an hour later someone knocked on my door. He had the fraternity landline in his hand. “Dude, your mom is on the phone. She said she’s been trying to reach you. Your sister is in labor.”

Oh shit!

I jumped out of bed and rushed for the phone. “Hello?”

“Parker, it’s me, mom. Your sister went to the hospital a couple hours ago. Her contractions are four minutes apart. I know she wanted you to be there for the birth. We’re all on our way now.”

“Crap. I’m comin’. I’ll be there in a couple hours. I don’t suppose you can tell her to cork it up until I get there?”

“Just be careful on the road, Parker. I’m sure she won’t care what time you arrive.”

Cameron sat up in my bed, finally realizing what was going on. I watched her jump up and start gathering her clothes. We weren’t naked, but we certainly weren’t decent enough to go out in public.

“We’ll see you soon, mom.”

I hung up the phone and handed it back to my frat buddy. “Thanks, man. Sorry about that.”

“It’s all good, dude.” He walked back down the steps, as I turned to put a shirt on. One hit me in the face. “Here. Put this one on,” Cameron ordered.

We raced down the road, ignoring my mother’s orders to take my time. I wanted to be there for my sister. It was a promise that I intended on keeping.

To be perfectly honest, I barely remember the drive. Cameron fell asleep almost immediately. She’d always been able to sleep in a car, where I’d never mastered the technique. Anyway, my mind was so focused on Peyton, almost like she was thinking about me, and I could feel it. I know that sounds ridiculous, but we’d always shared a special kind of connection. It’s the main reason why I knew I had to be there for her.

When I pulled up at the hospital I spotted my parent’s truck, Shayne’s vehicle, and even Jamey’s SUV. More family was probably there, not that I was worried about seeing anyone else.

Cameron looked at me as I put the car into park. “I’ve never seen a newborn before. It’s so exciting.”

I had to admire her innocence, and the fact that we were back together. When I got a chance I’d explain what went down to Shayne, just so he wouldn’t get worried. “I’m not a baby expert either, babe. I think the most important thing is that we’re there for Peyton.”

She reached over and grabbed my hand. “Thanks for bringing me along. It means a lot to me.”

I let out an air-filled laugh. “Cam, get used to it. I’m not lettin’ you go again.”

“Is that a promise?”

I nodded. “I reckon it is.”

It took us a while to figure out where the maternity ward was, and even longer to find a nurse to tell us what room my sister was in. Apparently it was a full moon, and every pregnant woman in the county was in labor. Okay maybe it wasn’t every pregnant woman in town, but it certainly was a whole lot of them. Doctors were running through the hallways from room to room.

I was surprised when we were welcomed into the delivery room. My family was packed in like sardines, including Jamey and his mother. He nodded as we came into the room, right before I noticed my brother. He walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. “She’s been askin’ about you.”
