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Redeem Me

Redeem Me (Kin #6)(23)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I headed in the direction of my sister, who seemed to be fine at that moment. “Hey, you. I guess I made it.”

Peyton tried to smile, but I could tell she was uncomfortable. “Yeah, this little one’s givin’ me a fight.” Her smile was fake but I could tell she was excited.

“I guess when you start pushin’ they’ll kick us all out of here.”

“Hell no! You’re all stayin’. You don’t have to watch my crotch, but I want you here, Parker. I want everyone to share this with me.”

“You’re crazy. I’m not watchin’ that thing come out of you.” I was more afraid than grossed out. Babies scared the crap out of me. “Besides, I brought Cameron with me.”

Peyton turned her attention to my girlfriend. “Do you want to leave, Cam?”

“I can stay. Childbirth has always intrigued me.”

Of course my girlfriend would say something like that. “Seriously? You want to be in the room?”

Shayne and Jamey were in the corner talking, I gave them a desperate look, hoping they’d have my back, but I wasn’t even on their radar. I think my brother was trying to prepare Jamey for what was to come. When my sister started to complain, I knew I had to step away. The idea of it all was turning my stomach.

Chaos broke out as soon as the doctor came in the room and looked between my sister’s legs. I stayed up toward her head, hoping and praying that I wouldn’t see anything too graphic. I’d seen guys break their legs in half, whose bones came out of their skin, and it didn’t bother me as much as seeing my sister give birth. There was just something so horrifying about the whole ordeal.

Cameron hung out with my mother, coaxing Peyton as she began to push. Jamey walked over and held her hand, while me, Shayne and my father stood on the opposite side of the room. Jamey’s mother was behind the doctor, watching it all happen. I kept looking from Peyton to Cameron, watching how both reacted to what was happening. My sister screamed, even though I’d been told she had an epidural.

With all of the people in the room, I seemed to be the only one totally freaking out. Then came the blood. I saw it on the doctor’s gloves. Apparently when my sister would push, the head would come out, and then go back in again. I couldn’t even watch Peyton as she struggled to birth her child. Finally a slippery baby was being held up. “Congratulations, it’s a girl.” The nurses took the baby and started cleaning her up. I thought the worst was over. Just as I started to walk toward the door to use the bathroom I saw something coming out of my sister. It was like she had another baby in there. I covered my mouth and went running for the toilet. While the people in the room celebrated the birth of this new addition, I struggled with keeping the last thing I ate down. Even though I felt horrible about it, I couldn’t imagine going back out there and seeing anything else.

Shayne came into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. “I got lightheaded when the twins were born. It’s nothin’ you can prepare yourself for.”

“You could have warned me. What the f**k was that shit at the end? Is it normal? Is somethin’ wrong with her?”

He laughed at me. “It’s the afterbirth, brother. It’s normal. Peyton is goin’ to be fine. She did great. Her daughter is adorable.”

I splashed some water on my face. “Yeah, I need to congratulate her.”

“Come on. I’ll go with you.”

I followed my brother into the room of people and found my sister holding her newborn daughter. She was cleaned off, and wrapped in one of those receiving blankets. I only knew what they were called because she’d gotten a ton of them at her shower.

Once my brother took his turn holding her, everyone turned to me. Before I could refuse the offer, the little child was being put into my arms. All eyes were on me, including my parents.

I knew what they were thinking, and I couldn’t help but feel guilt as I looked down at my little niece. Her fingers were so tiny, and she was already alert, with her eyes open. It took my breath away, and it was in that moment when I finally realized just how precious this was. It was also in that moment where I knew I needed reprieve from all of the emotions that were consuming my thoughts. I had to hold it together, because my choice had already been made. I couldn’t go back in time and change my mind. What was done was done.

“Isn’t she perfect?” Peyton asked.

“Yeah, sis. You did real good. She’s as cute as a button.”

“Are you okay, Parker? Really, is this too much?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m here because I want to be. Don’t worry about me. This day is all about you and this little girl.”

“Her name is Lyla, Lyla Billings,” she corrected. I watched her turn to Jamey, giving him an innocent smile. They now had a daughter together; something that would bond them for life. It was just another reminder of how I’d f**ked up in life.

Just as I turned to hand her back to my sister, I heard Cameron. “Do you mind if I have a turn?”

Nothing could have prepared me for the way it made me feel to watch her hold that baby.

Chapter 16


The baby in my arms was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and it made me sad that I had to give her over to her daddy, who’d only got to hold her for a second before everyone started passing her around.

I wasn’t certain, but I got this vibe from Parker that something was wrong. It was as if he couldn’t wait to get out of that hospital room. Once we’d said our goodbyes, and agreed to stay at Peyton’s house for the night, we headed out. Parker never said a word until we reached the car. “That was intense.”

“It was amazing. I’ve never witnessed something so beautiful before.”

“Cam, it was disgustin’. All that blood; the pain she was in, it was all just too much. I can’t stand to see my sister like that.”

He was cute when he was freaked out. “The baby is perfect, and your sister is over the moon with excitement. I hope you know that.”

“Yeah, of course. Sorry, I’m not trying to upset anyone. I guess I’m not good with hospitals. There were so many people in the room, and I didn’t feel comfortable seein’ Peyton like that.”

“So you do think the baby’s cute?” I wanted to hear him admit it.

“Yeah, she’s adorable. My sister did good. Jamey seems like he’s excited. I admire him for steppin’ up and takin’ care of Peyton. For a while there I didn’t think he had it in him.”
