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Reject Me

Reject Me (Kin #5)(14)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I picked her up and carried her over to the bed, while our lips continued our vigorous bout of kissing. “I missed you so much,” She said in between them.

I missed her too, but I was making baby steps with opening up. “Don’t talk. We need to make up for lost time, baby.” That was as good as I could do.

I backed away and dropped my pants to the floor, watching her taking off hers at the same time. She bit down on that bottom lip as I let my boxers fall and sprung to life. It wasn’t just seeing her again after so long that had me so worked up; it was because it was her. I touched her bare skin, like porcelain, and licked my lips. How this one chick could get me so worked up was beyond my reasoning. I needed to be inside of her, and I was going to figure out a way to make her mine again, just mine.

Peyton pulled me on the bed. Her tits bounced around as she maneuvered herself on top of my naked body. I felt that ass of hers grinding over my hard cock. “You want it don’t you?”

She nodded and ran her hands through her long blonde hair. “You know I do.”

“Take your time, baby. We’ve got all night.” I said it knowing damn well that I wouldn’t last long with her. I never could. She worked her hips like no other, and those breast of hers made my mouth water. I dug my hands over her supple ass and started controlling how she moved. “Put it in.”

She did as I said, wasting no time on foreplay. I’d give her a good time and she knew it, that’s why we worked.

Peyton started her moaning as soon as we began f**king. I watched those tits bouncing around as she rode me hard. Soft cries escaped her lips while I filled her with my rock hard cock. Her skin, such a familiar scent, filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes and memorized it just in case she decided to leave again.

I’d had so much time to think about everything that I wanted, but the one thing I could never shake was my desire for this woman. Though I knew she’d moved on, it was apparent that I still had a chance. After all, she was in my bed, naked, letting me thrust inside of her.

“Oh f**k, Pey. Your pu**y feels so tight, baby. Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” she purred.

“Harder. Rock me hard.”

Her hips started swaying as our pace increased. I suckled one of her hard ni**les between my lips, gliding my tongue over the tip. Her head fell back as she gasped, so I repeated the process. I could feel her body reacting and knew she was losing control. Her voice became hoarse as she cried out. I held her tightly against my body, and pressed my lips over hers. “That’s my girl,” I whispered.

Peyton’s eyes opened and she looked right at me. “Don’t say that,” she spoke softly.

All of a sudden we both had stopped moving. Her breath touched my lips while I noticed the sheer hurt in her eyes. “Say what, that you’re my girl?” It felt like a quick kick to the gut. “Pey…”

She looked away and closed her eyes, as if it caused her pain to look at me again. “I can’t do this.”

She climbed off of me, separating our connection as if it hadn’t just been giving her fulfillment. I watched her grabbing a handful of clothes and hurrying towards my bedroom door. “Wait! Where are you goin’?”

She slipped on her panties and turned around so that I could only see the back of her. “This was a mistake. I can’t be here and you know why. I should have never let my feelin’s get in the way.”

I jumped off the bed and grabbed ahold of her before she could leave the room. “Just wait a minute. I get that we’re f**ked up, but ain’t this what you want? Tell me it didn’t feel good to be back in my bed again, baby. You know I’m right, don’t ya?”

She shrugged and tried to look away once more. “Please just let me go home.”

“No.” I’d waited too damn long to have her in my arms again. “You belong in that bed.”

Peyton snapped her head in my direction, finally showing me those bright blue eyes of hers. “That’s just it. I don’t belong here at all, Jamey. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep lettin’ myself fall back into whatever it is that we have together. It’s dangerous and all that happens is me being hurt by you. I’m not willin’ to let myself hurt like that again. I can’t love you anymore.”

That word always made me cringe. Why had someone created a four letter word with so much meaning? I would have been fine hearing her say any other word in the dictionary. “Peyton, don’t start this already. Why can’t we just be together? Why does it always have to turn into a label with you?”

She threw her hands in the air. “Because I need more.”

I shook my head, feeling as if I was in a losing situation. “What am I supposed to say to that?”

“You tell me.” Her cocked eyebrow let me know she was waiting for an answer and however I did it was going to determine her next move.

“I don’t want you to go.”


Of course she wanted details. She wanted me to say that word. “Because I want you with me.”

“That’s not good enough.” Peyton began to walk out of the room, pulling away from my hold. “I’m out of here.”

I chased after her, finally reaching her arm as she took the first step toward the stairs. “Please wait. Just hold up a minute and think about this. Is it really that important to you to hear that word, Pey? Is that all you want, because I can say it, if that’s all it is. I’m just not sure it is what you want.”

She turned away from me and put her head down. “You’re right. It’s everything. I want all of you or nothin’ at all. I can’t be one of your toys anymore.”

“You’ve never been that,” I argued.

“Prove it, Jamey. After everything can you really stand here and want to be with just me? I’m not a fool. I know how you are. I’ve wanted you to change for so long. I’ve been kiddin’ myself thinkin’ that I could change you. Everyone’s told me that it was impossible, but I didn’t listen. Comin’ here was a mistake. You and I both know it.”

Her determination was being ignored because the last thing I was going to let her do was walk away from me again.

“Pey, I missed you. Hell, I went to jail because you got me so f**ked up in the head. Please.” I pulled her up against my chest and waited for her to acknowledge how close we were. “I want you to stay with me tonight, not just because I want us to finish what we started, but because you’re my girl and I’m tired of denyin’ it.”
