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Repair Me

Repair Me (Kin #1)(11)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He moaned and pulled away, smiling at me. “You’re so wet!”

It wasn’t like I was going to try and deny it. “You’re so hard.” I grabbed his c**k and moved my hand up and down slowly.

He leaned in a licked my bottom lip. “Suck it!”

I cocked an eyebrow, but watched him closing his eyes in reaction to just me holding it. Imagining what he’d do when I had my lips around his shaft made me want to do it, more than I’d ever wanted to before.

Unlike some women, I got off on pleasuring my man. It was unfortunate that I couldn’t be good enough to satisfy my ex. Knowing that I was thinking about him pissed me off and gave me the courage to lean down and take Ford into my mouth. He groaned and adjusted the way we were sitting on the bed. I felt him rubbing my head with his hand, and even pulling at my hair briefly. His dick was so smooth and my lips fit tight around it. I pulled away, needing extra lubricant to be able to move at a rapid pace. He looked right into my eyes while I smiled and spit right on to his tip. I lapped it up with my tongue, but only to spread it around the full length of his shaft. As my mouth watered just imagining what I was about to do, I moistened my hand and wrapped it back around his c**k at the base.

My mouth filled with his erection to the brink of gagging myself. I didn’t want to go slow. I didn’t have to be shy around Ford; I wanted to give him my all. This guy was too gorgeous to go the quick and easy way. I wanted him to remember every second that we were together. He wanted to f**k me and I wanted him doing it.

The faster my head bobbed up and down that shaft, unrecognizable words were escaping his mouth. It made me feel hotter, especially when I felt a finger sliding inside of my slippery entrance.

We were laying on the bed side by side. My head was at his cock, giving him the kind of blowjob that a  p**n star would be proud of. Ford’s head was near my knees while he watched himself fingering me.

My lips glided up and down, spreading more and more saliva as they moved. I made sure that while my one hand was jerking on him, my thumb was applying pressure to the main vein. I could feel it reacting to the way my thumb was pleasing him. When I knew he was on the brink, I backed off, sliding my hand over his balls and letting my index finger traipse over his taint. I rubbed it back and forth, listening to him beg me for more. I licked from the base, then all the way to the tip of his shaft. He’d adjusted himself to be flat on the bed, while my body was still to the side, giving him a good view of my actions. I used my other hand to jerk his c**k around my lips, while I held out my tongue. I licked my lips, wetting them again and running them over the tip. My fingernails drug over the smooth foreskin on his balls, while I teased him repeatedly with my tongue. I started to go down to the base, but instead, slid down and sucked his balls into my mouth. My hand grasped his c**k and vigorously stroked it.

“Holy Fuck!” He screamed out into the dimly lit room.

I moaned with a mouth full of him, feeling his shaft beginning to jerk on its own. Hot cum began running down my hand as his load was released. Even as it came rushing out, I still continued stroking him, pleasing him until he was all but spent.

He leaned over and kissed my inner thigh, then went back to lying still on the bed. Ford ran his hands through his hair and leaned up on his elbow to look down at me. “That was f**kin’ awesome! Damn woman!” He fell back down on the bed, like he was in disbelief.

My hand slid up his thigh. “I’m glad you liked it.”

I knew he needed to recuperate for a few minutes, so I excused myself to grab another shower. I had this peeve about being fresh and clean in all the right places. Since I was already naked, it was easy to walk right in the bathroom and step into the shower. I just didn’t think I’d have immediate company.

I smiled when the gorgeous, tattooed man climbed in beside me, filling the tiny shower. He reached for my waist. “I ain’t done with you, yet.”

I ran my hands up his wet chest, slowly, memorizing the way his ni**les felt against the palms of my hands. “Oh, I know you aren’t. I was just letting you regain some strength.”

Before I could react, he picked me up and pressed me against the cold porcelain shower wall. “My strength is fine. After what you just did to me, I’m bettin’ you could ride me all night long. How about I return the favor?”

I leaned in and kissed him with wild intent. Of course I was going to ride him and let him take control. This was about forgetting. It was about moving on and feeling good about myself. He was the key and I wasn’t going to stop until I was completely rid of the pain and emptiness I’d been dealing with.


It was a good thing we left when we did. Ashley wasn’t happy about me bringing Sky out with me. When I rejected her she knew my intentions. I wasn’t just helping out a stranded girl, like my aunt had told her. I wanted to take her home and she could tell.

Before we left she whispered in my ear that I was making a mistake.

As hot as it would have been to see two sexy women fighting over me, I knew my chances of sleeping with Sky would dwindle to nothing. That wasn’t a risk I was willing to take.

The ride home was hard, because I was trying to stay focused on driving when all I really wanted to do was pull over and take her before she could change her mind. I probably should have, because when we got home she did exactly that.

I thought about pushing her, making her hot and bothered so I didn’t have to leave, but I didn’t want some strange girl crying rape on me. Walking across the field to my dad’s house was the right move.

When I walked out of my apartment, I made it halfway across the field before turning around. She was in my apartment, all alone, denying herself pleasure. I could have kept walking, but when I opened that door and saw her face, I knew she wanted exactly the same thing I did. I watched her tongue brush across her upper teeth as she adjusted the way she was sitting.

Within minutes, she was doing everything to keep me in the bed with her. Far be it from me to argue with a sexy female that wants her lips around my cock. When she started pleasing me, I had to focus on something else to keep from prematurely ejaculating. Her mouth was small, making it tight as her head maneuvered up and down my shaft. I liked that she gave it her all and struggled to take in as much as she could.

The only disappointment was that she got up and walked that naked body into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I was far from being done. Unlike others, I wanted to please her, instead of just myself. She needed to know that I wanted to taste every inch of her supple body. I couldn’t stop picturing her sweet pu**y being sucked into my mouth, so I followed her.
